RUBRIC A: Evaluation of Additional Certification Field Requests

19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.10(c): Addition of Certificate Fields

(1)Preparation programs which are fully accredited may request additional certificate fields by submitting appropriate documentation to meet the curriculum and staff support criteria established by the TEA staff. The requested additional certificate fields must be within the classes of certificates for which the entities have been previously approved by the SBEC.

(2)Preparation programs which are fully accredited may request the addition of certificate fields in a class of certificates that has not been previously approved by the SBEC. Under guidelines established by the TEA staff, the entity must present a full proposal for consideration and approval by the SBEC.

Part 1– Curriculum Matrix
/ SBEC Requirements
19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.30 (a).
The educator standards adopted by the Board shall be the curricular basis for educator preparation and must address the relevant TEKS for each certificate.
19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.40 (a)(b).
Entities shall establish benchmarks and structured assessments of the candidate’s progress throughout the program. / The preparation program will identify levels and areas of certification to be delivered. The preparation entity will:
  • Describe procedures for ensuring that the curriculum is aligned with the certification standards and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
  • Describe benchmarks to show how the candidates’ progress toward the mastery of standards will be assessed.

Curriculum Indicators / Unacceptable (0) / Quality (1)
1. Curriculum is aligned with the certificaiton standards and the TEKS.
2. Course descriptions detail how the assessment methodologies measure candidates’ mastery of the standards and/or TEKS as applicable. / No evidence of TEKS alignment or standards alignment.
Either the certification standards or TEKS or the assessments are missing.
Comments: / Matrix shows curriculum alignment with the appropriate content and pedagogy certification standards/test frameworks.
Course descriptions thoroughly connect the objectives of the courses to assessments that measure candidates’ mastery of certification standards and TEKS.
3. Program benchmarks are used to indicate student growth and mastery. / Benchmarks are not systemic or not adequate to indicate student mastery.
Comments: / Systemic processes in place enable the program to benchmark/assess whether its candidates have met the required competencies.

Additional Comments on Part 1:

Part 2- Expertise of Faculty and/or Staff
/ SBEC Requirements
19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.40 (d) For the purposes of program improvement, entities shall continuously evaluate the design anddelivery of the educator preparation curriculum based on performance data, research-based promising practices, and the results of internal and external assessments. / Résumés and vitas of primary faculty and staff need to illustrate expertise in requested content area.
Faculty Expertise Indicators / Unacceptable (0) / Quality (1)
Faculty and staff have appropriate levels of expertise in requested content area / Minimum number of vitas not submitted or vitas fail to show experience/expertise in requested content area.
Comments: / All Faculty and staff vitas show expertise and experience in requested content area.

Additional Comments on Part 2:

Part 3 – Description of Support Provided to Beginning Teachers
/ SBEC Requirements
19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.30 (b). Educator preparation entities shall provide evidence of on-going and relevant field-based experiences throughout the program, as determined by the collaborative, in a variety of educational settings with diverse student populations, including observation, modeling, and demonstration of promising practices to improve student learning.
19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.40 (e) Entities shall regularly and substantively participate in induction efforts for beginning educators. / The preparation entity participates in regular, substantive induction efforts for beginning educators in a variety of ways.
Support / Unacceptable (0) / Quality (1)
1. Field experiences are relevant and on-going in a variety of settings with diverse populations and include observation, modeling, and demonstration of good practices.
2. Regular, substantive induction efforts are offered to beginning educators in a variety of ways. Examples of such efforts include tutoring, test preparation, online communication methods, mentoring, professional development opportunities beyond the classroom, and other activities. / 1. Field experiences lack relevance and/or diversity, or are otherwise limited.
2. Induction support is not substantial and/or regularly available in a variety of ways.
Comments: / 1. Field experiences are relevant, diverse and on-going.
2. Substantive induction support is available on a regular basis and in a variety of ways.

Additional Comments on Part 3

19 TAC Chapter 228, §228.10 (d) Contingency of Approval. Approval of all educator preparation programs by the SBEC or by the TEA staff, including each specific certificate field, is contingent upon approval by other lawfully established governing bodies, such as the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, boards of regents, or school district boards of trustees. Continuing program approval is contingent upon compliance with superseding state or federal law or both.


Program Name:1. “Accredited” Program Rating□Yes□ No

□Public University/THECB documentation attached□N/A2. Letter of Intent□Yes□ No

Reviewer Scoring / Reviewer 1 / Reviewer 2 / Additional Reviewer
(If Applicable)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

3. Faculty/Staff Vitas □Yes □ No

4. Description of Support □Yes □ No

Scoring: 0 – Unacceptable; 1 – Acceptable

Reviewer / Recommendation
Reviewer 1
SignatureDate / AcceptDenyComments:
Reviewer 2
SignatureDate / AcceptDenyComments:
Additional Reviewer (If Applicable)
SignatureDate / AcceptDenyComments:
Director / Decision
SignatureDate / ApprovalDenialComments:

Rev. 11-06-08 msb1