St. Patrick’s Parish Finance Council
Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2016
Members Present: Bill Sexton, Chair; Dennis Makoutz; Lisa Meyer, Bookkeeper; Deacon David Dose; Bill Schlagenhaft; Dave Sharpen; and Gary Timm.
The meeting was convened at 7:00 p.m. by Bill Sexton. Deacon Dose led the opening prayer.
The agenda was approved after several items were added.
All members present had received the minutes from Connie Wittek from the July 21, 2016 meeting with no additions or discussion.
Financials: Lisa Meyer presented the Current Year-to date Balance Sheet (through September, 2016) along with the Statements of Activities for the quarter from July through September, 2016. There was some discussion on a few questions (CD, electricity, RIF, lawn mowing, restricted accounts, 2015 DOW assessment, Appreciation Event, …to name a few). Lisa to follow up on the electricity bill expense amount as it appears that a 4 month was included. Signatures were completed for the review of the past 3 month’s bank statements from Peoples State Bank. Lisa was “thanked” for the outstanding book keeping job she is doing for our parish.
Budget: 2016/2017 budget was put together and now being used. A few minor adjustments are needed yet to factor in some new data. Budget is now loaded into the ParishSoft Application.
Lawn Mowing: All the expenses associated with the spring, summer, and fall lawn mowing activities were consolidated by the cemetery board along with St Patrick church. Total expenses are split 50/50 between the 2 groups for the lawn mowing.
Water sampling: Bill Sexton will continue to work with Mark Thornton and the state to resolve any water problems that has been occurring.
Parking Lot: The parking lot expansion was completed by applying gravel to widen and also extending the parking lot to the township road to the west. Dwaine Sexton spread and packed the gravel. Thank you Dwaine for doing that for St Patrick’s as it saved expense to the church.
Rooted in Faith: Dennis Makoutz worked with the Diocese of Winona to ensure that we received the correct rebates from the campaign.
Catholic Ministries Appeals for 2015 and 2016: We paid the 2015 CMA shortfall to the DOW. However, the 2016 current campaign is going well with only about $1000 more needed to reach our $6500 assessment.
AED: Dave Sharpen donated the storage cabinet which will hold the AED device and first aid kit. Bill Schlagenhaft volunteered to install the cabinet in the back entryway of church. Meg Sprick will be making up the Sign indicating the AED /First Aid location. Thank you Dave, Meg and Bill.
Tax Exempt number: 1It appears that Menards is not accepting/recognizing the St Patrick’s tax exempt number. Dennis to follow up and resolve.
Church Rain Gutter and Steeple: Deacon Dose will connect with Andy Jostock to fix the church rain gutter and also apply another caulk seal between the steeple and the roof to prevent any leakage.
Membership / Adjustments to Finance Council: Bill Schlagenhafthas resigned from the council as he is down south for a large portion of the year. THANK YOU Bill for many years of service. You will truly be missed. Also, Bill Sexton will be stepping down as the Council Chairman and his replacement is Dennis Makoutz. Bill will still remain on the council. THANK YOU Bill for the many years of leadership you had provided as the chairman.
The next meeting of the St. Patrick’s Finance Council will be Wednesday, January25, 2017 at 7 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. with a prayer led by Deacon Dose.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Makoutz