Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Department: Adult Health Nursing / Course Title: Critical Care Nursing Clinical
Credit Hours: 3 Hours / Course Number: 0901427
Pre-requisites :0901421 / Course Year Level: 4 th Year
Faculty Member: / Day, Time:
E-mail : / Office Hours:
Course Website: / Office Phone:
Academic Year: 2015 / 2016 / Semester:
Course Description
This course is designed to provide nursing students with the skills required to care competently and safely for critically ill patient. It focuses on having the students expand their knowledge base and master critical care nursing psychomotor skills associated with assessment and provision of comprehensive nursing care for patients with acute life threatening conditions and attitudes through reflection in and on actions in clinical settings. It also focuses on the application of immediate rapid and accurate nursing assessment and provision of quality nursing care according to priorities. It enable the students to provide comprehensive quality nursing care for critically ill patients with different body system alterations, with different types of invasive devices and with different types of machines encountered in critical care settings and to understand the critical care environment in which practice occurs in order to provide care for the critically ill patients in the different critical care settings. Nursing process is used as an approach of providing holistic patient care .Critical thinking, clinical judgment, decision making and team work are emphasized in this course.
General Learning Objectives
1.  Demonstrate the ability to assess critically ill patients with the different invasive devices & machines.
2.  Provide comprehensive nursing care for the critically ill patients with the different acute and life threatening conditions.
3.  Demonstrate the most commonly used critical care nursing procedures
4.  Demonstrate the routine care for the most commonly inserted invasive devices
5.  Demonstrate the routine care for the most commonly used machines
Specific Learning Objectives
1.  Demonstrate assessment of the critically ill patient effectively
2.  Write at least one assessment sheet and one critical care nursing record for critically ill patient every week
3.  Write two comprehensive nursing care plan (ICU & CCU) clarifying actual and /or potential patient health problems.
4.  Assist with collection of or collect laboratory specimens and assist patients undergoing diagnostic procedures
5.  Perform basic and specific nursing skills following the steps of the checklists
6.  Demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the different age groups (if available)
7.  Insert invasive devices such as oropharyngeal airway ,nasogastric tube ,urinary catheter…
8.  Assist physician with insertion of invasive devices such as endotacheal tube & tracheostomy tube, chest tube, arterial catheter ,ceneral venous catheter.( if available)
9.  Demonstrate the routine care for the different types of invasive devices such as artificial airway, chest tube & underwater seal ,arterial catheter, and central venous catheter
10.  Assist with removal or remove invasive devices such as artificial airways, chest tube & Under water seal ,arterial catheter, central venous catheter, , nasogastric tube, urinary catheter….
11.  Perform the different techniques of chest physiotherapy
12.  Administer Inhalation therapy via nembulizer and oxygen therapy via the different methods
13.  Perform tracheal suctioning following aseptic technique.
14.  Obtain arterial blood sample from critically ill patient and interpret their values
15.  Perform 12 lead electrocardiogram and interpret it.
16.  Initiate cardiac monitoring
17.  Monitor and provide routine care for patient on cardiac monitor
18.  Assist the physician with defibrillation ( if available)
Cognitive/Critical thinking
1.  List clinical manifestation of the selected health problems in critical care units.
2.  Know diagnostic procedures for each health problem in critical care units.
3.  Identify comprehensive nursing assessments of diverse health problems in adults using selected instruments.
4.  Identify plans of care for adults based on current knowledge of pathophysiological mechanisms related to common health problems in critical care units.
5. Understanding of the different medical treatment modalities for each of health problems in critical care units.
6. Describe measures to meet comfort needs, physical, emotional, and mental well-being of each critical care units patient.
7. Identify scientific rationales underlying each nursing intervention.
8.  Discuss legal problems that occur during caring in the critical care units.

9.  Utilize critical thinking process and problem solving skills in the care of the adult clients with common health problems in critical care units.

10.  Interpret results of laboratory findings & diagnostic procedures
11.  Interpret arterial blood gases results
12.  Analyze ECG tracing
13.  Recognize the different types of cardiac dysrhythmias
14.  Practice drug dosage and infusion calculation
15.  Select the appropriate nursing diagnosis for each critically patient according to priority
16.  Use problem solving and critical thinking skills in carrying out patient care.
17.  Identify action, side effects and the important nursing considerations regarding administration of the most commonly used medications & infusions in critical care units
1.  Recognize the common needs /problems of critically ill patients and their families
2.  Communicate effectively with patients, families and health care team
3.  Communicate effectively with critically ill patients with impaired verbal communication
4.  Provide relevant health teaching and emotional care to patients and their families
5.  Record and or report essential data pertinent to patients and nursing intervention
Instructional Resources
-  Journals
-  CDs
-  Online data base
-  Reference books
-  Printed materials
-  Audio visual materials
-  Lab equipment
Teaching & Learning Methods
Lab sessions , discussion, demonstration and re-demonstration, role play. role modeling, clinical practices, reflection on action in clinical setting, reflection on clinical patient round, pre and post clinical conference, assignment ,seminar and quiz, reflection on clinical documents, exercises on Glasgow Coma Scale, sedation scale, ABG interpretation, ECG strips analysis and dysrrhythmia interpretation, infusion rate & drug dosage calculation.
Evaluation Scheme
Expected Date / Percentage
Nursing Care Plan / 15%
Bedside Exam / 20%
Seminar / 15%
Clinical Evaluation / 20%
Final Clinical Exam / 30%

* Make-up exams will be offered for valid reasons only with consent of the committee. Make-up exams may be different from regular exams in content and format.

Course Contents

Week / Date / Content / Comments
/ ·  Introduction to the course in lab.
·  Evaluation criteria & forrms
·  Distribution of assignments
2 / Lab Sessions
·  ECG Workshop / Video film
/ Lab Sessions
·  Mechanical ventilation workshop
4 / Orientation to clinical area
5 / Procedures: ECG interpretation
Medications: Thrombolytic drugs
Lab. Tests: Complete blood count (CBC)
First seminar
6 / Procedures: Tracheal suctioning
Medications: Osmotic diuretics
Lab. Tests: Kidney Functions test (KFT)
Second seminar
7 / Procedures: CPR
Medications: Nitroglycerin
Lab. Tests: Liver function test (LFT)
Third seminar
8 / Procedures: Cardioversion & defibrillation
Medications: Xylocaine
Lab. Tests: Erythrocyte sedimentation test (ESR).
4th seminar
9 / Procedures: Arterial puncture & Arterial line & CVP measurement.
Medications: Dopamine
Lab. Tests: Prothrombine time (PT), Partial thromboplastine time (PTT)
6th seminar
10 / Procedures: Pulse oximeter & Capnogram.
Medications: Dobutamine
Lab. Tests: Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
7th seminar
11 / Procedures: Chest tube caring.
Medications: Cordarone
Lab. Tests: Pulmonary Function test (PFT).
12 / Procedures: Chest physiotherapy
Medications: Heparin
Lab. Tests: Cardiac Enzymes.
8th seminar
13 / Procedures: Clinical application of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular assessment.
Medications: Thrombolytic drugs, Osmotic diuretics, Nitroglycerin, Xylocaine, Dopamine, Dobutamine, Cordarone, Heparin
Lab. Tests: CBC, KFT, LFT, ESR, PT, PTT, ABGs, TFT, PFT, Cardiac Enzymes.
9th seminar
14 / Procedures: Assessment of cardiac monitor
Medications: Thrombolytic drugs, Osmotic diuretics, Nitroglycerin, Xylocaine, Dopamine, Dobutamine, Cordarone, Heparin
Lab. Tests: CBC, KFT, LFT, ESR, PT, PTT, ABGs, TFT, PFT, Cardiac Enzymes.
10th seminar
15 / Procedures: Preparation of medication and their calculations.
Medications: Thrombolytic drugs, Osmotic diuretics, Nitroglycerin, Xylocaine, Dopamine, Dobutamine, Cordarone, Heparin
Lab. Tests: CBC, KFT, LFT, ESR, PT, PTT, ABGs, TFT, PFT, Cardiac Enzymes.
16 / Written Final Exam

Topics for seminars:

1.  Artificial airways and tracheal suctioning

2.  ABG interpretation

3.  Arterial puncture, Arterial line, and CVP

4.  Chest tube

5.  Cardiac catheterization

6.  Chest physiotherapy

7.  CPR

8.  Cardioversion & defibrillation, Emergency cart & emergency drugs

9.  Total parenteral nutrition

10.  Pace maker

References, Textbook
Title / AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care 5 th Edition
Author(s) / Wiegand D. and Carlson K.
Publisher / Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2011
Year / 2011
Edition / 5th edition
Book Website / ______
Recommended Textbooks: / 1. Altman G . Delmar’s fundamental and advanced nursing skills,4 nd edition ,Delmer learning, a division of Thomson learning, Inc, Canada 2009.
2. Comer S. Delmar’s Critical care nursing care plans,4nd edition, Thomson –Delmar Learning, Australia ,2011
3. Schilling j. Critical Care Challenges : disorders, treatment and procedures ,Lippincott Williams and Wilkins- A Wolters Kluwer company, Philadelphia, 2010.

Procedures (skills to be mastered during the course):

1.  ECG interpretation

2.  Tracheal suctioning

3.  CPR

  1. Arterial puncture & Arterial line
  2. Pulse oximeter & Capnogram

6.  Chest tube caring

  1. Application of clinical documents.
  2. Chest physiotherapy

9.  Application of emergency report

  1. Clinical application of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular assessment,
  2. Assessment of cardiac monitor,
  3. CVP measurement

13.  Cardioversion & defibrillation

14.  Preparation of medication and their calculations.

Drugs: ( action, side effects,& nursing care).

1.  Thrombolytic drugs.

2.  Osmotic diuretics

3.  Nitroglycerin

4.  Xylocaine

5.  Dopamine

6.  Dobutamine

7.  Cordarone

8.  Heparin

Diagnostic tests: (Abbreviations, definitions, indications, normal value, & significance)

1.  Complete blood count (CBC).

2.  Kidney Functions test (KFT).

3.  Liver function test (LFT).

4.  Erythrocyte sedimentation test (ESR).

5.  Prothrombine time (PT).

6.  Partial thromboplastine time (PTT).

7.  Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs).

8.  Thyroid Functions test (TFT).

9.  Pulmonary Function test (PFT).

10.  Cardiac Enzymes.

Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct:

Policies related to this course: All students are required to follow the clinical policies and procedures of Aaesha Bint Alhusein Faculty of Nursing.

Required Materials:

Each student in the clinical area must have file containing the following items:

·  Penlight

·  Black/blue and Red Pens

·  Pencil and rubber

·  Scissors

·  Watch with second hand

·  Stethoscope

·  Meter

·  NANDA Pocket

·  Terminology / abbreviation sheet.

·  Course syllabus

Each clinical group of students must have the following resources:

·  One critical care text book

·  One drug handbook

·  The clinical module of this course


Issue Date: May 2015

Revision Date: