Minutes for Meeting #4 of the General Education Subcommittee of the UCC

Date/Time:October 22, 2007; 2:30 – 4:30 pm

Location:303C Devos

Present: Alan Bell, Susan Carson, Roy Cole, Phyllis Curtiss, Mike DeWilde, Roger Gilles, “Griff” Griffin, Charlie Lowe, Hugh McGuire, Dana Munk, Paul Sicilian, Kathryn Waggoner, Frank Ward (Chair), Jonathan White

4.1Approval of Agenda


4.2Approval of Minutes


4.3Report from Chair

-Memo from ECS regarding GES charge(s) was forwarded to Chair, ECS who will

forward to committee and suggested a meeting between Chair, GES/Chair,

UCC/Chair, ECS – awaiting further clarification

-Theme issue regarding transfer students – tabled until policy subcommittee can report

-GES Sub-Category Change Forms > committee moved to have Chair approve all

change forms and forward to UCC unless there were issues (see below)

4.4Report from General Education Director

-GE Director discussed unit head letter regarding assessment and use of the GES approved rubric

-GE Director discussed Dean’s report regarding course offerings, course overflow, themes that were borderline regarding low enrollment and/or decreased sections

-GE Director discussed need for GES policy on low enrolling themes and/or not enough sections

4.5Discussion/Action of proposals under consideration

UCC Log# 6455 – PLS 103 > Issues in World Politics (CCP) – APPROVED

UCC Log# 6035 – SPA 300 > Reading and Telling Stories (CCP) – APPROVED

(Chair will attach comments to curriculum approval regarding high number of

pre-reqs for this course)

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Foundations/Life Sciences – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Foundations/Mathematical Sciences – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Foundations/The Arts – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Physical Sciences – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Foundations/Historical Perspectives – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > World Perspectives – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Philosophy/Literature – APPROVED

GES Sub-Category Change Form > Social/Behavioral Sciences – APPROVED

4.6New Business

- None


-Motion passed. Next meeting November 5, 2007 >DEV303C