Public Meeting Notice
Access Code Stakeholder Forum
Proposed Code Amendments
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(The end time is an estimate. The actual meeting may conclude earlier.)
Division of the State Architect
1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8100
DSA is preparing the supplement to the accessibility provisions of the 2016 California Building Code and is seeking input and comments from accessibility stakeholders, interested parties and the general public through a series of Access Code Forums to be held in September, October, and November 2016. At this forum DSA will present proposed code amendments (originally presented on October 20) for additional comment and feedback from all stakeholders. There have been no revisions to the proposals nor have there been additional amendments added to the proposal package.
The meeting facilities are accessible. This material is available in alternate formats upon request. Requests for alternate formats and special accommodations (assisted listening device, teleconference equipment, etc.) should be directed to Susan Moe at (916) 323-1687 or by e-mail to no later than 3 working days before the meeting date.
Participation via video conference is available at the following locations:
Video ConferenceDSA HQ – Oakland
Suite 1201
1515 Clay Street
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-3103 / Video Conference
DSA – Los Angeles
700 N. Alameda Street
Suite 5-500
Conf. Room 5-599
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 897-3995 / Video Conference
DSA – San Diego
10920 Via Frontera
Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92127
(858) 674-5400
Real Time Captioning:
Real Time Captioning will be provided at the Forum location and videoconference sites. It may also be accessed through the Internet by logging on to the following link:
The service will be active 10 minutes prior to the event start time.
Participation via teleconference is available by using the following number:
Dial-in number: (800) 230-1085
The service will be active 10 minutes prior to the event start time. Please log into the call 5 minutes before the event start time.
Teleconference participants who wish to view the items proposed for amendments as they are displayed during the discussions at the forum location and videoconference sites may do so via WebEx meeting by requesting an invitation by email to no later than 3:00 PM on Tuesday, November 1, 2016.
Comments are welcome prior to the meeting as well as afterwards. Comments relating to each stakeholder forum are encouraged to be submitted as soon as possible after the forum discussing the topic to which they are related and should be sent to .
Should technical assistance be needed to participate in the Stakeholder Forum, please contact Susan Moe at (916) 323-1687.
1. Introduction
2. Public comments and discussion about proposed code amendments.
3. Adjournment