Town of Gray Court


Adolphus Brewster Doris Hamilton, Clerk/Treasurer Millie Dawkins

Stellartean Jones

Malea Merck

Gray Court Town Council Meeting

July 21, 2015

Minutes – 7:00 p.m.


I. Call to Order:

Meeting was called to order by Mayor Carter

Council members present:

Councilmember Adolphus Brewster

Councilmember Stellartean Jones

Councilmember Malea Merck

Mayor Pro Tem Millie Dawkins

Garry Smith – Town Administrator

2. Invocation & Pledge:

Invocation was given by Garry Smith.

3. Approval of Minutes: June 15, 2015 Town Council Meetings

A motion was made to approve the June 15, 2015 minutes by Councilmember, Adolphus Brewster. The motion was second by Mayor Pro Tem, Millie Dawkins and Councilmember, Malea Merck. The Councilmembers unanimously agreed.

4. Old Business:

A. Waste Industries Contract Renewal – See attached notes

Garry Smith explained the terms of the agreement between Town of Gray Court and Waste Industries. This agreement would be for a period of five years instead of an annual renewal. Agreement would be at the current rate for the first two years of the agreement and possibly change at the year of the two year period depending on the CPI ratings. The agreement will be available for approval after Attorney Jim Bryan review the agreement.

There is a 30 day window in the agreement that if we have unresolved issues with Waste Industries, this agreement can be terminated by the Mayor and Councilmembers.

Councilmembers, Adolphus Brewster, made motion to approve the agreement with Waste Industries. This motion was second by Councilmember, Malea Merck. The Councilmembers unanimously agreed.

B. Disabilities and Special Needs Board agreement for use of Pleasantview Center – See signed attached agreement. Motion was made by Councilmember, Adolphus Brewster to for approval of the agreement between Town of Gray Court and DSNB. This motion was second by Mayor Pro Tem, Millie Dawkins. The Councilmembers unanimously agreed.

C. Award of bids for Historic Signage installation and approval of funds. Council approved the proposal from St. Clair Signs for installation of the signs by a contractor. This motion was made by Councilmember, Adolphus Brewster and second by Councilmember, Malea Merck. The Councilmembers unanimously agreed

6. New Business:

Items discussed:

a.  Appearance and safety of the town hall’s lobby. Councilmember, Adolphus will steer this project and it was unanimously agreed upon by to Councilmembers and Mayor.

b.  Centennial Park needs to be cleaned up and hedges trimmed.

c.  Cleanup day for the Town of Gray Court will be September 26, 2015. Registration will be from 8:30 a.m. -9:00 a.m. at Pleasantview Center.

Waste Industries will assist with providing luncheon for the people who will be helping with the cleanup. The luncheon will consist of hotdogs, potato chips and drinks.

d.  Garry Smith will get with police officers/deputy in reference to town merchants sitting items on sidewalk located in front of town owners businesses. These items present a safety hazard for the public when walking downtown – Main Street in Gray Court.

6. Public Comments: - None

7. Executive Session: - None

8. Adjournment: -

Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Carter

Submitted By: Doris Hamilton

329 Main Street – P.O. Box 438

Gray Court, South Carolina 29645

Telephone - (864) 876-2581 Fax – (864) 876-3999

Incorporated in 1899 • “We are striving to improve”

Gray Court Town Council WorkSession

July 20, 2015

Minutes – 6:00 p.m.


1.  Call To Order – Mayor Carter

2.  Invocation – Garry Smith

3.  Business:

A.  Bank Savings Account Fee

The savings account was charged a $15.00 fee due to the lack of activities in 60 days. Mayor and Councilmembers agreed to transfer monies from general account to savings on a monthly basis to pay one or two bills to avoid paying a $15.00 non-activity fee.

B.  Historic Way Finding signage update

Bids from contractors - Council approved the proposal from St. Clair Signs for installation of the signs. Garry Smith will be contacting Garland Lane for installation date of signs.

C.  Sidewalk and tree project for Main Street update

-Sidewalk and tree projects - projects almost completed –notification 0f work needed to be completed before final payment will be made to Joni Peterson per Garry Smith. They are as follows:

1. When installing the root barrier the irrigation water line was cut. It was not reconnected when the barrier installation was complete. This was noticed when the sprinkler system was turned back on. The line needs to be reconnected.

2. The additional cherry tree replacement on the railroad side of Main Street was completed, however, the good or alive tree was replaced, and the bad or dead tree was left. The bad or dead tree needs to be replaced.

Since substantial completion of work has been done, I am authorizing payment for 75% of contract. We will submit the balance upon completion of work.

D.  Highway 14 Christmas lights update.

Pipe Electric Inc.(Duke Energy) will set up appointment to submit a quote for installation of Christmas Lights on Hwy#14. Also, Universal Contractor out of Georgia will be available to visit Gray Court for a quote to install Christmas lights on Hwy#14 upon request from the Councilmembers and Mayor. Would have to get a contractor that will meet the liabilities for installation of lights on Hwy#14.

E.  RIF Water Line project update – See attached email from Garry Smith

F.  Website Update – July 15, 2015 – conference call with Jennifer Dellacroce from VC3, Garry Smith & Doris Hamilton. Discussed forms from the Town of Gray Court that would be on the town’s website for usage by the public. Per Jennifer, putting the forms on the website – no charge. Garry demonstrated what one of the town forms/application would look like on the monitor and how easy/convenient it would be for someone to pull up the forms, fill out and submit to the town’s website address. Also discussed VC3 sending a contract for cost to enhance the website. As of today, July 20, 2015, we have not received contract from VC3.

G.  Agenda Information

4.  Reports

A.  YMCA: Brian Harland reported that a new contract will be drawn up between the YMCA and Town of Gray Court by Attorney Jim Bryan. Items that will be included in the new contract are: agreement with the DSNB of Laurens and afternoon exercise programs at the Pleasantview Center.

B.  Financial Report: NA

C.  Sheriff – See attachment

D.  Mayor Carter

ü  4th July 2015 firework event was very successful.

ü  suggested that we send the Gray Court Fire Department a donation for services

ü  Property next door to Exxon Station parking lot needs to be cleaned up. thoughts to purchase this property for future business that may come to the town of Gray Court

E.  Fire Department NA

F.  Water – see attachment

G.  Committee Report

-  Mayor Pro Tem, Millie Dawkins, reported trash containers left in middle of road after garbage pickup

*on hwy#14 near yield sign – hedges need to be cut down & trimmed

-  Councilmember, Malea Merck, enjoyed the MASC Annual Conference

-  Councilmember, Stellartean Jones, Centennial Park needs to be cleaned up

*2015 Business Dinner preparations are on schedule

-  Councilmember, Adolphus Brewster, commented on advanced notice to be given to Councilmembers for renewal of town’s contract with vendors

*Safety of lobby area located at the townhall, such as bullet proof windows & installations of new doors at entrance way.

*Councilmember, Adolphus Brewster, will steer this committee. The Councilmembers unanimously agreed

H.  Water System Business Plan Update

-  see attached letter from Summit Engineering

I.  Administrator Report: Garry Smith; Goals & Objectives, & Business Plan Update


Council Members: Adolphus Brewster ♦ Malea Merck ♦ Millie Dawkins♦ Stellartean Jones

P.O. Box 438 ♦ Gray Court, South Carolina ♦ 864-876-2581 ♦ Fax 864-876-3999

Incorporated October 20, 1899