Mask-Making Procedures
There are a variety of ways to make papier-mâché paste. Some of them are included here after the general mask-making procedures.
· In a cereal bowl, mix flour and water to a runny yogurt consistency and add a few squirts of Elmer’s glue. You may also choose from one of the other recipes from the other side.
· Tear small strips of newspaper (1-1 ½ inches long by ½ wide). Use smaller pieces around the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
· Use a large piece of foil to fit your face (include your chin and forehead) and press the foil to your face so it conforms to your features. Leave the excess foil the way it is and you can cut it later, when it is not so delicate to handle.
· Put your foil-shape on a cookie sheet (keeps the mess in one place) and begin to carefully add pieces of newspaper that have been dipped in the flour mixture until you have given the mask a consistent coating over the surface. Make sure to smooth out the strips as you’re going. It’s really hard to smooth out the bumps once it’s hardened. The mask is easy to mold at this point, so you can shape from behind if it becomes misshapen during the process. If you are adding extensions, ears, etc., you need to make the parts using scrunched up newspaper covered with strips of four-drenched strips. You can glue the parts at school. Make holes for eyes. They don’t have to be perfect, but it is easier to start them, or any other holes now, before the paper hardens.
· Leave it to dry overnight and put a hole on one side somewhere and thread a 12” piece of string, ribbon, year, or wire through the hole. (This will make it possible to hang the mask in the classroom after you have put the second coat of newspaper strips on the mask). It may not be necessary to put a second coat on the whole mask, but you will be putting a stick on the side of the mask that will allow you to hold the mask up to your face. (We cannot put the masks on with rubber bands because of district safety rules).
· You will be painting the masks according to the character that you have chosen and adding feathers, buttons, sequins, old earrings, puffy paints, sparkles, or anything else you bring from home. Make sure that you bring these things by Monday in a baggy with your name on a paper. Remember that authenticity is important to this project, so what you add to your mask should reflect that character.
Other recipes for papier-mâché paste
· Use a simple mixture of flour and water. Mix one part flour with about 2 parts of water until you get a consistency like thick glue. Add more water or flour as necessary. Mix well to get out all the bumps. Add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold!
· Similar to the above recipe - Put 4 cups of water into a large pot. Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil. While you are waiting for the water to boil, mix together 1 cup of flour with 2 cups of water, stir well to get out as many bumps as possible. Once the water is boiling, carefully add your flour and water mixture. Simmer this mixture for 2-3 minutes, until smooth. Add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold. Allow to cool before you try to use it! (
Recipe 1/ Ingredients: Flour,water,paper· Stir three parts water into one part flour until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
· To make the paste last longer, add a few drops of oil of Wintergreen. (optional) You can buy this oil at a drugstore.
· Stir well and the paste is ready to use.
· Now you need paper- newspaper works well!
· Dip each piece of paper in the liquid mixture and apply it one piece at a time to form your shapes.
Recipe 2/ Ingredients: Wallpaper paste,water,paper
· Buy some wallpaper paste at a hardware store.
· Mix one part wallpaper paste with three parts water.
· Stir well and the paste is ready to use.
· Now you need paper- newspaper works well!
· Dip each piece of paper in the liquid mixture and apply it one piece at a time to form your shapes.
Recipe 3/ Ingredients: Glue,water,paper
· Mix two parts white glue with one part warm water.
· Stir well and the Paste is ready to use.
· Now you need paper-newspaper works well!
· Dip each piece of paper in the liquid mixture and apply it one piece at a time to form your shapes.