MINUTES of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall,

Little Downham, on Thursday, 15 June 2006 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs KI Norton, in the chair, and Mrs CM Frankland, Mrs P Golding, Mrs ML MacCaulliffe, EW Hall, CE Heaps, RS Martin, and AJ White.

In attendance: PCSO Julie Collins, Dist. Cllrs Mrs B Daters and W Pickess (7.05pm) and two parishioners.


1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs A Bailey, Mrs CE Hall, R Pearl and County Cllr P Bailey.


7.05pm Meeting adjourned – the Clerk was given three photographs of FP 54 to forward on to CCC.

7.15pm Meeting reconvened



At the Chairman’s discretion, the following item was brought forward for PCSO Collins to give her report and leave to continue her police duties.


1. Crime Report – Two crimes were reported in May.

2. To report on recent events – PCSO Collins reported on her patrols and surgeries in the parish. She expressed concern regarding speeding cars on Main Street, particularly at the times beginning and end of school. The Council and Dist. Cllr Daters were in support of a 20 mph limit in that area and for the garage to refrain from parking its cars on Main Street at those times. PCSO Collins has visited the school and spoken to the deputy head about a project whereby two accompanied children wear tabards and approach drivers to request they avoid parking in awkward or dangerous places. The project has worked in pilot schemes. It may be considered when the head returns to school.

7.30pm PCSO Collins was thanked for her report and she left the meeting.


1. The minutes of the meetings held 18 May 2006 (Full Council) and 30 May 2006 (Extraordinary) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman.


1. (Min.32/06.1) Pymoor Cricket & Social Club – Pending Transfer Agreement – The Social Club accepted the Council’s decision to withdraw from the agreement process.

2. (Min.210/05.1) Taylor Group Logistics, Mount Pleasant Farm – Trevor Eagle emailed a copy of a letter and Planning Contravention Notice that he has sent to Taylor Group Logistics and Mr B Taylor requesting information to establish whether there is an unauthorised use of the land.

3. (Min.181/05.1) ECDC Summer Activity Roadshow 2006 – Dates confirmed - 16/08 & 29/08/06.


1. 06/00633/FUL Mr C Davis, Crown House, 92 Main Street, Lt Downham – Renewal of planning permission E/01/00272/FUL: Conversion of stable to living accommodation (annexe) - The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

2. 06/00524/FUL Mr & Mrs D Dawson, 65 Main Street, Lt Downham – Double garage to rear of plot - The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

3. 06/00549/FUL Mr S Evans, 2 Chapel Lane, Lt Downham – Constructions of single storey rear extension - The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

Applications ECDC approved: 06/00334/FUL, 06/00371/FUL, 06/00504/FUL


1. ECDC – Notification of appeal to the Secretary of State in respect of the site below following refusal of planning permission by ECDC:

05/01116/OUM Proposed Mereham Development south of A1123, west of A10, east of Twentypence Road & North of Great Ouse between Stretham & Wilburton.

2. ECDC – W Allwood – For information: Plan of confirmed landscape plans re development at Oak Farm, Cannon Street, Lt Downham


1. No report on this occasion.


1. No reports on this occasion.


1. Monthly Internal Audit - The monthly audit was carried out by Cllrs Mrs CM Frankland and Mrs ML MacCaulliffe.

2. To receive Internal Auditor’s report – Mrs C Wallace reported her conclusions of the internal audit on accounts for the year ending 31 March 2006. She expressed thanks to the Clerk for her cooperation. As a result of the audit, Mrs Wallace brought three matters to the Council’s attention:

·  Precept Setting – The three year plan to increase the Reserves appears to be working. When setting the precept for year 3 of this plan, the Council will need to consider carefully whether reserves are sufficient or if the precept needs to be increased again.

·  Risk Management Reviews – In order to avoid any confusion when completing the forms, it is recommended that the Council considers revising the existing forms to ensure their risk management reviews continue to be of a high standard and risks are both identified and addressed.

·  Clerk’s Accounting Package – Since the year end, the service provider of the accounting package has died which could be a problem if the Clerk has technical problems with the system. It is important that accounting packages are maintained for accuracy and updates to legislation. This could result in unplanned expenditure.

It was resolved to accept and take note of the Internal Auditor’s report for action in due course, to instruct the Clerk to thank Mrs Wallace for her work and to approve the honorarium payment of £100. [1]

3. To complete Annual Return for year ended March 2006 – The Council completed the Statement of Assurance following the Internal Auditor’s completion of Section 3.

It was resolved that the completed Annual Return March 2006 be duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk and posted to the External Auditor by 1 July 2006.

4. To report matters relating to Council’s accounting package – The proprietor of Impact Parish Council Accounts had died. At present the Clerk is happy to continue using the program until she has a problem or legislation changes. It may be possible to solve problems through contact other Parish Council users. The Clerk will inform the Council if she has any problems.

5. To consider Broadband connection at Lt Downham Pavilion – The Council does not have the funds to cover the cost of £29.99 per month for Broadband to the pavilion for the Youth Drop-In. It was agreed to wait and see how the facility develops.

6. To approve grant to Ely & District Citizens Advice Bureau – Funds have been allocated in the budget. Proposed Cllr EW Hall, seconded Cllr RS Martin.

It was resolved to grant £275 to Ely & District Citizens Advice Bureau. [2]

7. To minute the following payments made prior to this meeting:

Proposed Cllr Mrs CM Frankland, seconded Cllr RS Martin.

It was resolved to minute the following payments:

63 / Anglian Water / (LDPC Fin. Regs. cl. 6.4) / - Pavilion energy / 21.64 / [3]
64 / Post Office Ltd / (Min.23/06.1.03) / - Pavilion TV Licence / 131.50 / [3]

8. To approve bills and other items for payment

8.1 It was resolved that the following items be paid:

65  9 / Little Downham Village Hall / Book Café meetings & sessions / £ 72.00 / [3]
66  / Truelink Ltd / Grass cutting / £ 1002.44 / [3 & 4 ]
67  / LexisNexis Butterworths / Local Councils Administration book / £ 48.00 / [5]
68  / AJ White / Greens maintenance / £ 650.00 / [4 & 6]
69  / Post Office Ltd / Anglian Water – Hurst Lane / £ 49.87 / [4]
70  / Chubb Fire Ltd / Annual extinguisher contract (May 07) / £ 91.36 / [3]
71  / Chubb Fire Ltd / Fire signs & brackets / £ 58.28 / [3]
72  / CamFire Protection / Fire blanket / £ 17.63 / [3]
73  / Graham Barber (ES) Ltd / Pav. lights (Int & ext) & sockets / £ 279.79 / [3]
74  / Lt Downham Cemetery Comm. / Expenses / £ 1200.00 / [7]
75  / JM Wardle / Clerk’s expenses / £ 65.60 / [8]
76  / JM Wardle reimbursement / D Stow (cash) bus shelter cleaning / £25.00 / [9 & 10]
77  / JM Wardle / Clerk’s salary / £ 938.20 / [11]
78  / Cambs County Council / Local Government Pension Scheme / £ 72.93 / [12]
79  / Post Office Ltd / Inland Revenue – Tax & NI / £ 1201.06 / [11]
80  / Cambs County Council / Local Government Pension Scheme / £ 177.46 / [12]
81  / Tindalls (cc) / Stationery / £ 14.75 / [5]
81 / Well Heeled (cc) / Roller shed padlock keys / £ 16.75 / [3]
81 / 1&1 Internet (cc) / Domain name annual fee / £ 10.45 / [2]
81 / Tesco Stores (cc) / Stationery / £ 5.35 / [5]
82 / Ely & Dist. CAB / Grant / £ 275.00 / [2]
83 / CM Wallace / Internal Auditor’s honorarium / £ 100.00 / [1]
D/D / Powergen / Pavilion & AWSS energy / £ 25.00 / [3]

7.2 Bank Balances as at 15/06/06 Reconciliation (Balances do not include unreconciled entries)

LLTSB Current Account / 5754.98 / – General Fund
Deposit Account / 49243.40 / – General Fund
Countryside Account / 2270.93 / – Earmarked for Lt Downham Preservation Area
LD Rec Fund / 11757.00 / – Earmarked for Lt Downham Recreation Area
Pymoor 106 Account / 1089.06 / – Earmarked for Pymoor Recreation Area
Parish Plan Account / 33.06 / – Earmarked for production of Parish Plan
LNR Account / 0.00 / – Earmarked for Local Nature Reserve

8.25pm Dist Cllrs Mrs Daters and Mr Pickess left.


1. To receive report from Youth Action Group - No report on this occasion.

2. Youth Group Insurance – The Council could insure the Youth Drop-In items (value £2500) under its pavilion policy through Suffolk ACRE, however, the group needs to consider public liability insurance for its volunteers. Proposed Cllr EW Hall, seconded Cllr Mrs P Golding.

It was resolved that the Clerk should liaise with the Youth Action Group to insure the Drop-In equipment under the Council’s pavilion contents policy if the group decides not take out its own insurance. [3]


1. Street Furniture – New seats (Min.25/06) – The proprietors of Costcutters are pleased to sponsor the seat outside the Village Hall. Proposed Cllr Mrs ML MacCaulliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs CM Frankland.

It was resolved to purchase two brass plaques as approved by ALS Lock and Costcutters (Kenny & Harpal) and fix them to the seats outside the school and village hall respectively. [9]

1.1 F Lythell (Dempsey) Memorial Seat - Mrs Vi Southgate, Lt Thetford, offered to donate a seat to Lt Downham Recreation Area to commemorate her friend, Frank Lythell, who played Cricket and Football for Lt Downham and tended the pavilion for many years. It was agreed to accept the memorial seat and position it near the pavilion as a fitting tribute to Dempsey (1915 – 2002). Jonathan Murfitt (MAC Construction) will arrange installation. The Council was asked to purchase the seat and a brass plaque. Proposed Cllrs Mrs ML MacCaulliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs P Golding.

It was resolved to accept Mrs Southgate’s offer and order a Norbury seat from Glasdon @ £378.79 + VAT and purchase a brass plaque as approved by Mrs Southgate and Mr Murfitt. [9]


1. Community Orchard - Culmination of setting up (Min.26/06) – The celebration of the Orchard is to be held on Saturday, 17 June at 11.30am. Muriel Norton has offered to serve the Apple Juice.

2. Rural Payment Agency – RPA acknowledge receipt of the SP5 application form 2006. The Clerk informed that she didn’t think the Council would receive any funds this year for 2005 application because a particular box wasn’t ticked.


1. Reply re matters reported from previous meetings (Min.27/06.2):

1.1 Beild Drove – No more planings have been received yet. A further request will be made.

1.2 Junction of Lawn Lane/Lawns Crescent – Work done to wrong specification will be rectified.

1.3 Townsend – This drain will be looked at again and cleaned.

1.4 Main Street Outside Old Rectory – An order will be raised for the drains to be cleaned. Highways cannot stop drivers from parking where there are no traffic restrictions.

2. To report current matters of concern to CCC Highways:

2.1 Black Bank Road - Request to send letter of thanks for recent resurfacing work. Good job.

2.2 Cannon Street/ Hurst Lane junction – During the past week, a hole appeared near the grass triangle and was promptly repaired. Thanks were expressed for the swift action of Highways staff.

2.3 Chapel Lane, Lt Downham - Work has been done to the footpath area andbeen left in a mess. Request explanation of what has been done and why.

2.4 Cowbridge Hall Road, Lt Downham – A large pothole needs filling in the lay-by and can anything be done to reduce the speed of traffic on this de-restricted road?

2.5 Adventurers Drove, Oxlode – Severe dip in the road near trees. Request that it be levelled.

2.6 Speed sign near The Plough PH, Main Street, Lt Downham – Not worked from installation.

3. Overgrown hedge– The Clerk was instructed to write to the owners of 71 Lawn Lane re their hedge on the corner of Lawn Lane.


1. ADeC – Family & Young Peoples’ Event – Request use of Lt Downham recreation area 16/09/06 – Letter from Elaine Gilbert in support of the event was read to the Council. The Council agreed to the request providing ADeC obtains adequate insurance and relevant licence.

2. Ely’s Pymoor Rangers 3G – Unauthorised use of Lt Downham Recreation Area 30/04/06 – Mr S Evans (Manager) wrote to explain the series of events that led to using the facilities and object to the fine of £20. The Council accepted the explanation but felt a payment should be made as an outside organisation using the pavilion facilities.