Jefferson County Sheriff Jim Adkins and Captain Heckathorn presented a comprehensive overview of current staffing for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department as it relates to coverage provided to CRR. There were questions and discussion as to the fairness of the coverage afforded the Ranch from the limited resources available. He discussed options to increase patrols on the ranch, one being to pay for enhanced patrols as does Culver, Metolius and Camp Sherman. Other options would be to have volunteer reserve officers trained to patrol and submission of a ballot measure for a special law enforcement district similar to the Special Road District which would be funded through property tax dollars. This option could provide full time coverage to the ranch. Sheriff Adkins listened to numerous suggestions and will implement some such as traffic stings and enlarging the patrol area of those deputies who are here delivering court documents. Administrator LaPora informed the BOD that the conversion from Asyst to QuickBooks is scheduled for January 1st. Progress has been made for opening the FlexInsured account which will provide FDIC coverage on all Association funds. Administrator LaPora reviewed the Road Department’s policy regarding snow plowing gravel roads. Director Poppert, Director Williams, Pres. Johnson, Administrator LaPora and Vice President Dunham attended the Jefferson County Planning Commission meeting regarding the application to rezone three properties in Phase 16 from commercial to residential. The Jefferson County Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the rezone to the County Commissioners. President Johnson will invite the County Commissioners to hold the meeting that addresses it at the Ranch. All Points Engineering has submitted a proposed engineering study estimate of $3200.00, however there was concern that possible additional studies required by BLM might derail the proposed alternate exit project. Vice Pres. Dunham motioned to approve the $3200 funding for the engineering study contingent upon BLM response and approval. Motion was seconded and approved. Budget/Audit Committee (BAC) Chair Herb Parker relayed a BAC recommendation to transfer $221,975 from the operating account to the CRP fund consisting of $136,063 equal to the depreciation accrued last fiscal year plus $85,922 which is the increase in cash currently available in the operating budget for this year compared to last year’s amount. After deliberation the BOD agreed that an amount covering the total depreciation of $136,063 should be transferred immediately, but that $85,922 or more should be moved at a later time when there is a better sense as to how much will be needed in the operational budget to cover the balance of the current fiscal year. Sec. Bartolomei motioned to transfer $136,063 immediately from the operating fund to the CRP fund, and determine at the March 3rd joint BOD/BAC meeting what the additional transfer amount will be. Motion was seconded and approved. Director Poppert had several suggestions for consideration for the upcoming budget cycle. President Johnson suggested compiling a guide on dealing with emergency situations for our residents. It was noted that there is an opening on the Jefferson County Economic Development Advisory Board to replace Phil Cochran who resigned. General Maintenance Supervisor Mike Knoke recommended transferring ownership of the Ranch’s double check valves to the Crooked River Ranch Water Company. Director Mitchener motioned to approve transferring ownership of the double check valves to the water company. Motion was seconded and approved. The health insurance issue has been studied by the BOD sub-committee on employee benefits. Vice Pres. Dunham motioned to approve the recommendation of the group to go with Health Republic, with the Association paying up to $536. of the premium which is consistent with the current cost to the HOA. Motion was seconded and approved. V. Pres. Dunham motioned to skip the January 6, 2014 work session due to several Board members being unavailable and no significant needs. Motion was seconded and approved.