Suggested Outline

Agricultural Business Management

(To fulfill consumer education requirements)

Grade Level: 11 & 12 Length of Course: Year Credit: 1 Unit

Course Description: This course will provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to manage personal finances and develop into a successful entrepreneur and/or businessperson. Instructional units include: business ownership types, starting an agribusiness, managing and operating an agribusiness, financing an agribusiness, managing personal finances, record keeping and financial management of an agribusiness, local, state, and federal taxes, sales and marketing, economic principles, and developing employability skills. Student skills will be enhanced in math, reading comprehension, and writing through agribusiness applications. Improving computer and workplace skills will be a focus. Participation in FFA student organization activities and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects is an integral course component for leadership development, career exploration and reinforcement of academic concepts.

LessonASB- AgriScience Revised HO- Horticulture ABR- Agricultural Business Mgt
AM- Agricultural Mechanics & Technology APS- Animal, Plant, & Soil Science ER- Environmental Resources
FS-Food Science, National Curriculum TCC-The Confident Consumer Text by Goodheart/Wilcox / Alignment to Chapter Content in ISBE Consumer Education Guidebook / Suggested Hours/
Problem Area
Instruction in the FFA organization is to take place at appropriate times throughout the year.
Unit: B - Developing Leadership and Communication Skills
Problem Area: 1 - Opportunities in FFA and Youth Organizations
Lesson: ASB B1-2 – Opportunities in FFA
Lesson: ASB B1-3 – Achievement in FFA
Lesson: ASB B1-4 – Leading the FFA Chapter
Problem Area: 3 - Developing Communication Skills
Lesson: ASB B3-4 – Effective Speaking Techniques
Lesson: ASB B3-8 – Written Communication / Chapter 14 - Recreation / 10

Instruction in SAE programs is to take place at appropriate times throughout the year.

Unit: B – Developing Leadership and Communication Skills

Problem Area: 1 – Understanding SAE’s
Lesson: ASB B5-3 Possible SAE Programs
Lesson: ASB B5-4 Planning Your SAE Program
Lesson: ASB B5-5 Implementing SAE Programs
Lesson: ASB B5-6 Keeping and Using SAE Records
Lesson: ASB B5-7 Long Range Plans for Expanding SAE Programs / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace
Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy / 10
Unit: A – Agriculture and Society
Problem Area: 3 – Identifying Careers in Agriculture/Horticulture
Lesson: AS A3-2 –Selecting an Agricultural/Horticultural Occupation
Lesson: AS A3-3 - Working Conditions and Earning Potential / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace / 3
Unit A - Introduction to Agribusiness
Problem Area: 1 – Understanding the Scope of Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR A1-1 The Scope and Importance of Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR A1-2 Agribusiness Career Opportunities / Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy
Chapter 8-Consumer Services / 4
Unit B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 1 - Understanding Business Ownership Structures
Lesson: ABR B1-1 Sole Proprietorships
Lesson: ABR B1-2 Partnerships
Lesson: ABR B1-3 Corporations
Lesson: ABR B1-4 The Governance and Operations of a Corporation
Lesson: ABR B1-5Cooperatives
Lesson: ABR B1-6The Governance and Operations of a Cooperative
Lesson: ABR B1-7Cooperatives as Unique Corporations
Lesson: ABR B1-8 Franchises / Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy / 12
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 2 – Starting an Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B2-1 Entrepreneurship
Lesson: ABR B2-2 Determining the Types of Agribusinesses
Lesson: ABR B2-3 Establishing an Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B2-4 Successfully Starting an Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B2-5 Preparing a Business Plan / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace
Chapter 8-Consumer Services / 10
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 3 – Managing and Operating the Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B3-1 Business Management
Lesson: ABR B3-2 Identifying Sources of Business Risk
Lesson: ABR B3-3 Insuring the Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B3-4 Hiring and Managing Employees
Lesson: ABR B3-5 Providing Benefits and Professional Incentives for
Lesson: ABR B3-6 Employment Legislation
Lesson: ABR B3-7 Managing Human Resource Risk
Lesson: ABR B3-8 Distributing and Transporting Products / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace
Chapter 7 - Insurance / 12
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 4 – Financing the Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR B4-1 The Time Value of Money
Lesson: ABR B4-2 The Concept of Borrowing Money
Lesson: ABR B4-3 Evaluating Sources of Credit
Lesson: ABR B4-4 Calculating the Cost of Credit / Chapter 4 – Saving, Investing, and Financial Services
Chapter 5 – Consumer Credit / 6
Unit B - Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area:5 – Managing Personal Finances
Lesson: ABR B5-1 Personal Finances and Goals
Lesson: ABR B5-2 Financial Investments
Lesson: ABR B5-3 Life Insurance
Lesson: ABR B5-4 Health Insurance
Lesson: ABR B5-5 Vehicle Insurance
Lesson: ABR B5-6 Property Insurance / Chapter 3-Budgeting
Chapter 4 – Saving, Investing, and Financial Services
Chapter 7-Insurance
Chapter 13-Health Care / 10
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 6 – Record Keeping and Financial Management of an
Lesson: ABR B6-1 Record Keeping
Lesson: ABR B6-2 Assets and Liabilities
Lesson: ABR B6-3 Calculating Net Worth
Lesson: ABR B6-4 Developing an Income Statement
Lesson: ABR B6-5 Developing a Statement of Cash Flows
Lesson: ABR B6-6 Developing and Analyzing Budgets
Lesson: ABR B6-7 Managing Financial Risk
Lesson: ABR B6-8 Maintaining an Inventory of Assets
Lesson: ABR B6-9 Maintaining Inventory Records
Lesson: ABR B6-10 Calculating Depreciation / Chapter 3-Budgeting
Chapter 4 – Saving, Investing, and Financial Services
Chapter 7-Insurance / 15
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 7 - Understanding Agribusiness Taxes
Lesson: ABR B7-1 Analyzing the United States Tax System
Lesson: ABR B7-2 Federal and State Income Taxes
Lesson: ABR B7-3 Property Taxes
Lesson: ABR B7-4 Sales Tax / Chapter 6 – Taxes / 6
Unit: B – Starting and Operating an Agribusiness
Problem Area: 8 – Agricultural Sales and Marketing
Lesson: ABR B8-1 Types of Markets
Lesson: ABR B8-2 Marketing Agricultural Products and Services
Lesson: ABR B8-3 Developing a Marketing Plan
Lesson: ABR B8-4 Pricing Agricultural Products and Services
Lesson: ABR B8-5 Advertising and Promoting Products and Services
Lesson: ABR B8-6 Packaging and Labeling Products
Lesson: ABR B8-7 Displaying Products
Lesson: ABR B8-8 The Consumer and Analyzing Buying Trends
Lesson: ABR B8-9 Relating and Dealing with Customers
Lesson: ABR B8-10 Selling Agricultural Products and Services
Lesson: ABR B8-11 Using the Six-Step Selling Process
Lesson: ABR B8-12 Apply E-Commerce in the Agribusiness / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace
Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy / 18
Unit C – Agricultural Economics
Problem Area: 1 – Basic Economic Principles in Agribusiness
Lesson: ABR C1-1 Agribusiness in a Free Enterprise System
Lesson: ABR C1-2 The Basics of Economics
Lesson: ABR C1-3 Macroeconomics
Lesson: ABR C1-4 Choice
Lesson: ABR C1-5 Supply and Demand
Lesson: ABR C1-6 Elasticity
Lesson: ABR C1-7 Law of Diminishing Returns
Lesson: ABR C1-8 Property Value and Appraisal / Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy / 12
Unit D – International Agriculture
Problem Area: 1 - Understanding International Agriculture
Lesson: ABR D1-1 The International Economy
Lesson: ABR D1-2 Exporting and Importing Agricultural Products
Lesson: ABR D1-3 Trade Agreements and Barriers / Chapter 2-Consumer in our Economy / 5
Unit: A – Agriculture and Society
Problem Area: 4 - Developing Employability Skills
Lesson: ASB A4-1 Developing Goals
Lesson: ASB A4-2 Obtaining Education for a Job
Lesson: ASB A4-3 Occupational Competencies
Lesson: ASB A4-4 Finding a Job
Lesson: ASB A4-5 Applying for a Job
Lesson: ASB A4-6 Resume and Letter of Application
Lesson: ASB A4-7 Succeeding in a Job Interview
Lesson: ASB A4-8 Transition Skills in Agricultural/Horticultural
Lesson: ASB A4-9 Human Relation Skills in the Workplace / Chapter 1-Consumer in the Marketplace / 12
Unit: Food Science
Problem Area: 1 – Understanding Good Food Requirements for a Healthy
Lesson: FS 1-A – Identifying Proper Food Labeling
Lesson: FS 1-B – Understanding Food Economics
Lesson: FS 5-A – Understanding Food Quality, Abundance, and Choice
Lesson: FS 5-B – Identifying Food Storage, Transportation, and Packaging
Lesson: FS 10-A – Understanding Organic Farming
Lesson: FS 10-B – Processing and Field Packing
Lesson: FS 13-A – Understanding the Basic Components of Food
Lesson: FS 14-A – Effecting Your Health with Food
Lesson: FS 14-B – Enhancing the Nutritional Value of Our Foods
Lesson: TCC Chapters 6 and 7 / Chapter 10-Food
Chapter 13 – Health Care / 10
Unit: Housing
Problem Area: Understanding Housing Types and Costs
Lesson: TCC Chapter 11 / Chapter 9 - Housing / 5
Unit: Transportation
Problem Area: Understanding Transportation Types, Needs, and Costs
Lesson: TCC Chapter 10 / Chapter 11-Transportation / 5
Unit: Clothing
Problem Area: Understanding and Caring for Clothing
Lesson: TCC Chapter 8 / Chapter 12-Clothing / 5
Unit: Health Care
Problem Area: Understanding Health Care Needs and Costs
Lesson: TCC Chapter 9 / Chapter 13-Health Care / 5
Unit: Home Furnishing and Equipment
Problem Area: Understanding Home Furnishing Styles, Care, and Costs
Lesson: TCC Chapter 12 / Chapter 15-Home Furnishing and Equipment / 5
/ 180

This is a suggested outline of instruction. Teachers should use it as a guide in developing a course outline for their local situation. It is advised that a minimum of 60-70% of the lessons found in this outline appear in the outline developed for the local situation.

For Consumer Education Course Requirements, Agricultural Business Management should cover the following chapters from theISBE Consumer Education in Illinois Schools – 2000 – Guidebook. Chapter lesson requirements from the Consumer Education guidebook that would be fulfilled by lessons from this course outline are listed in the second column.

Chapter 1 – The Consumer in the Marketplace

Chapter 2 – The Consumer in our Economy

Chapter 3 – Budgeting

Chapter 4 – Saving, Investing, and Financial Services

Chapter 5 – Consumer Credit

Chapter 6 – Taxes

Chapter 7 – Insurance

Chapter 8 – Consumer Services

Chapter 9 – Housing

Chapter 10 – Food

Chapter 11 – Transportation

Chapter 12 – Clothing

Chapter 13 – Health Care

Chapter 14 – Recreation

Chapter 15 – Home Furnishing and Equipment

Local school board approval is a requirement for this course, Agricultural Business Management, to fulfill local graduation requirements in consumer education. Approval should be documented in the Board of Education minutes.

Agricultural Business Management 1 October, 2009