Chapter 14Reproductive System (Male and Female)
Chapter Objectives
Upon completion of the chapter the participant will be able to:
- Name and locate the organs of the male reproductive system.
- Describe the functions of the various organs of the male reproductive system.
- Name the structures of the female reproductive system.
- Label the structures of the female reproductive system on a diagram.
- Describe the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.
- Analyze, define and spell the terms of the male and female reproductive systems.
- Successfully complete the exercises at the end of the chapter.
Male Reproductive System
In the male there is some overlapping of the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems.
Scrotum: Also known as the scrotal sac, this is an external sac that encloses and supports the testes. It is located behind the penis.
Testes: (didym/o, orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o) Also know as the testicles these are two egg shaped glands that produce sperm or spermatozoa. Prior to birth the testes develop in the abdomen and just prior to birth descend into the scrotal sac. They are suspended in the scrotum by spermatic cords.
Spermatozoa (sperm/o, spermat/o) These are the male reproductive gametes that are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes.
Epididymis: A tube found in the upper part of the testes that runs down the length of the testicle and after turning up again becomes the vas deferens. As sperm are formed they move through the seminiferous tubules and are collected in the epididymis where they are temporarily stored. While there they become mobile, or are made capable of spontaneous motion.
Vas deferens: This is a tube that leaves the testes and carries the sperm up into the area around the urinary bladder and then down toward the urethra.
Seminal Vesicles: These are glands that are located at the base of the urinary bladder and that open into the vas deferens as it joins the urethra. These vesicles secrete a substance that provides nutrition to the sperm. One of the final portions of the seminal vesicles is the ejaculatory duct and it passes through the prostate gland and enters the urethra.
Prostate Gland (prostat/o): A gland that lies under the bladder and surrounds the upper end of the urethra. This gland secretes a thick fluid that increases the motility of the sperm.
Urethra: The tube that passes through the penis to the outside of the body. It serves both the urinary and reproductive systems.
Penis (pen/i, priap/o) Termed the male sex organ, it transports the sperm to the outside of the body. It is composed of tissue that is capable of becoming erect to allow sexual functioning to occur.
Semen (semin/i)
This is the fluid that is excreted during sexual activity. It contains sperm plus the secretions of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Its production begins with puberty and is stimulated by hormones that are produced by the endocrine glands (luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone). When released during sexual activity semen will normally contain approximately 250 million sperm.
Word Parts for the Male Reproductive System
balan/oglans penis
didym/o, pen/i, priap/otestes
olig/oscanty, few
orchid/o, orchi/o, testicul/otestis, testicle
prostat/oprostate gland
semin/isemen, sperm
sperm/o, spermat/osperm, spermatozoa
vas/ovas deferens
-spadiasopening, split
Term Analysis and Definition
Word Part / Term / Term Analysis / Definitionandr/o / androgenic / andr = male
-genic = producing / Producing male characteristics
balan/o / balanitis
balanorrhea / balan = glans penis
-itis = inflammation
-orrhea = flow, discharge / Inflammation of the glans penis
Discharge from the glans penis
epididym/o / epididymitis / epididym = epididymis
-itis = inflammation / Inflammation of the epididymis
orchid/o, orchi/o, testicul/o / anorchism
testicular / an = no, lack of
orch = testes
-ism = condition
crypt = hidden
-ism = process
-pexy = surgical fixation
-itis = inflammation
testicul = testes
-ar = pertaining to / Condition where there is an absence of testes
Process where the testes are hidden. “Undescended testicles”
Surgical fixation of the testes into the scrotal sac
Inflammation of the testes
Pertaining to the testicle
prostat/o / prostatitis
prostatectomy / prostat = prostate gland
-itis = inflammation
-ectomy = surgical excision / Inflammation of the prostate gland
Surgical excision of the prostate gland
sperm/o, spermat/o / aspermato-genesis
spermatocidal / a = no, lack of
spermat = sperm
-genesis = formation, production
oligo = scanty, deficient
-ia = pertaining to
-cidal = to kill / No production of sperm
Pertaining to a deficiency in sperm
To kill or destroy sperm
vas/o / vasectomy / vas = vas deferens
-ectomy = surgical removal / Excision of the vas deferens or a portion of it
-cele / hematocele
variocele / hemat = blood
-cele = hernia, protrusion
hydro = water
spermat = sperm
vari = dilated, varicose veins / Accumulation of blood around the testicles
Accumulation of water around the testicles.
Accumulation of fluid in the testicles
Dilation of the testicular veins of the scrotum
-spadias / epispadias
hypospadias / epi = on, upon, above
-spadias = opening, slit
hypo = under / Opening of the meatus on the top of the penis
Opening of the meatus on the under side of the penis
-trophy / prostatic
hypertrophy / prostat = prostate gland
-ic = condition
hyper = excessive
trophy = nourishment / Enlargement of the prostate gland
circum- / circumcision / circum = around
cis = to cut
-ion = process / Process of removing the tissue around the head of the penis
re- / transurethral resection / trans = around
urethr = urethra
-al = pertaining to
re = back
sect = to cut
-ion = process / Process of cutting back all or part of the prostate gland.
BPH:benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia
STD’s:sexual transmitted disease
TUR:transurethral resection
VDveneral disease
Female Reproductive System
The primary function of the female reproductive system is the creation and support of a new life. The system consists of both internal and external organs that will be discussed after the diagram.
Internal Components of the Female Reproductive System
Ovaries (oophor/o, ovari/o) Two almond shaped glands that are located in the pelvic cavity, one on either side of the uterus. They contain thousands of sacs called graafian follicles each of which contains a single ovum or egg. These ova (oo/o, ov/o, ov/i) are the female gametes. The function of the ovary is to discharge the egg and to produce hormones. When born the female has their lifetime supply of immature eggs already present in the ovaries. When puberty arrives an egg matures and is released on approximately a monthly basis. This process is called ovulation.
The ovaries regulate the menstrual cycle by releasing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is important in the development of secondary sex characteristics such as breast development and monthly it causes the walls of the uterus to thicken so it will be prepared should an egg get fertilized. Progesterone stimulates the growth of the blood vessels in the uterus, which will be needed if the egg is fertilized once released. If there is no fertilizing of the egg this increased lining will be shed through a process called menstruation. In women the ability to reproduce ceases at some point, usually about 50 years of age, and this is referred to as menopause.
Fallopian Tubes (salping/o): These tubes link the ovaries and the uterus. One end of the tube is shaped like a funnel that is referred to as infundibulum. This end also has finger like projections called fimbriae that catch the ovum when it leaves the ovary and directs it into the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube acts as the duct to convey the ovum from the ovary to the uterus and also directs the sperm after sexual intercourse from the vagina and uterus.
Uterus (hyster/o, metr/o, metri/o, uter/o): This is the pear shaped organ that has muscular walls that allow it to expand as the fetus or baby develops. It is held in place in the pelvic cavity by ligaments. It consists of a fundus (fund/o) that is the round bulging part above the fallopian tubes and a corpus (corp/u) that is the body. The lower portion of the uterus that extends into the vagina is the cervix (cervic/o).
The walls of the uterus are made up of three layers of tissue. These layers are the:
Perimetrium (peri-) which is the outer membranous layer.
Myometrium (my/o) is the middle muscular layer.
Endometrium (end/o) is the inner layer that is made up of specialized cells.
Vagina (colp/o, vagin/o) This is a muscular tube that is lined with mucous membranes and extends from the cervix to the outside of the body. It is often referred to as the “birth canal”.
External Components of the Female Reproductive System
External genitalia or vulva (vulv/o, episi/o): This refers to the parts of the reproductive system that are outside the body and that can be seen. The components of this area are the: clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, mons pubis and Bartholin’s glands.
Mammary glands (mamm/o, mast/o)Known as breasts, are the milk producing glands that develop during puberty. They are classified as part of the reproductive system and the integumentary system. Each breast consists of a series of lactiferous glands (lact/i, lact/o) that produce milk after childbirth and lactiferous ducts that direct the milk to the nipple (thel/o) for feeding.
Revised 2005-09-13
If there is fertilization of an egg that has been released from the ovarypregnancy results. The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube and then travels into the uterus where it implants in the uterine wall and the fetus or baby begins to develop. A placenta develops and attaches the baby to the uterine wall. It is through the placenta that the fetus gets its nourishment and oxygen.
Once the baby has fully developed (nine months) the birth process or parturition occurs. This is accomplished when the muscles of the uterus contract and push the baby out through the cervix, into the vagina and out into the world. The term gravida is used to describe the obstetrical history of the woman and a prefix attached to it to indicate the number of pregnancies there have been.
Word Parts for the Female Reproductive System
abort/omiscarriage, abortion
amni/oamion, sac where the fetus grows
cervic/ocervix, neck of the uterus
colp/o, vagin/ovagina
corp/u, corpor/obody
cyes/i, cyes/opregnancy
ejaculat/othrow, hurl out
episi/o, vulv/ovulva, external genitalia
fet/i, fet/ofetus, unborn child
fibr/ofibers, fibrous tissue
fund/obase, bottom
galact/o, lact/o, lact/imilk
hyster/o, metr/o, metri/o, uter/outerus
ligat/obinding, tying
mamm/o, mast/obreast
men/o, menstru/o, menstruat/omenses, menstruation
olig/oscant few
oo/o, ov/o, ov/iegg
oophor/o, ovari/oovary
part/olabor, childbirth
retr/obehind, backward
top/oplace, position,location
-logystudy of
-metryprocess of measuring
-opsyto view
-parato bear, give birth
-partumlabor, delivery
-salpinxfallopian tube
-tocia, tocinlabor
-ultraexcess, beyond
ante-forward, before
retro-back, behind
Term Analysis and Definition
Word Part / Term / Term Analysis / Definitionamni/o / amniocentesis / amni = sac in which the fetus develops
-centesis = puncture to obtain fluid / Surgical puncture made to obtain fluid from the amniotic sac
cervic/o / cervicitis / cervic = cervix
-itis = inflammation / Inflammation of the cervix.
colp/o, vagin/o / colporrhaphy
vaginomyc-osis / colp = vagina
-rrhaphy = suture
-scopy = process of visually examining
vagin = vagina
-itis = inflammation
myc = fungus
-osis = condition / Suturing of the vagina
Process of visually examining the vagina
Inflammation of the vagina
Fungal infection of the vagina
culd/o / culdocentesis
culdoscope / culd = cul-de-sac
-centesis = surgical puncture to remove fluid
-scope = instrument to visually examine / Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the cul-de-sac of Douglas
Instrument to visually examine the cul-de-sac of Douglas
epis/o, vulv/o / episiotomy
vulvorectal / episi = vulva, external genitalia
-tomy = Surgical incision
-rrhaphy = suture
vulv = vulva, external genitalia
-ectomy = surgical removal
rect = rectum
-al = pertaining to / Surgical incision into the vulva
Suturing of the vulva
Surgical removal of the vulva
Pertaining to the vulva and rectum
fibr/o / fibroid / fibr = fibrous tissue
-oid = like / Tissue that is similar to fiber
galact/o / galactorrhea / galact = milk
-rrhea = discharge, flow / Discharge of milk from the breast after breast feeding has stopped
gynec/o / gynecologist
gynecology / gynec = woman
-logist = specialist
-logy = study of / Specialist who works with diseases of women
Study of women’s diseases.
hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o / hysterectomy
rectouterine / hyster = uterus
-ectomy = surgical removal
-tomy = Surgical incision
endo = within
metr = uterus
-osis = abnormal condition
-ium = structure
-ptosis = drooping
-rrhagia = burst forth
para = near, inside
peri = around
intra = within
uter = uterus
-ine = pertaining to
recto = rectum / Surgical removal of the uterus
Surgical incision into the uterus
Tissue of the inside of the uterus found in areas other than the uterus
Inner wall of the uterus
Displacement of the uterus into the vaginal canal (uterine prolapse)
Uterine bleeding other than during the menstrual cycle
Structures found beside the uterus
Outer most wall of the uterus
Pertaining to within the uterus
Pertaining to the rectum and uterus
labi/o / labial / labi = lips
-al = pertaining to / Pertaining to the lips
lact/o / lactogeneis / lact = milk
-genesis = production / Production of milk by the breast
lapar/o / laparoscopy / lapar = abdomen
-scopy = visual examination using a scope / Visual examination of the abdomen using a scope
ligati/o / tubal ligation / tub = fallopian tube
-al = pertaining to
ligati = binding, tying
-ion = process / Method of sterilization where the fallopian tubes are blocked by tying
mamm/o, mast/o / mammary
mastopexy / mamm = breast
-ary = pertaining to
-graphy = process of recording
-plasty = surgical repair
-ectomy = surgical removal
-pexy = surgical fixation / Pertaining to the breast
X-ray to diagnose problems in the breast
Surgical repair or reconstruction of the breast
Surgical removal of the breast
Surgical fixation of the breast
menstruat/o / amenorrhea
oligomenorr-hea / a = no, lack of
men = menses, menstruation
-rrhea = discharge
dys = difficult, painful
-pause = stoppage
-rrhea = discharge, flow
oligo = scant / No menstruation
Painful menstruation
Stoppage of menstruation
Menstrual flow
Diminished menstrual flow
nat/i / postnatal / post = after
nal = birth
-al = pertaining to / Pertaining to after birth
o/o, ov/o / oocyte
ovoid / o = egg
-cyte = cell
-oid = like
ov = egg / Egg cell
Resembling an egg
oophor/o, ovari/o / Oophororrh-agia
ovarian / oophor = ovary
-rrhagia = burst forth
oavri = ovary
-ian = pertaining to / Hemorrhaging from the ovary
Pertaining to the ovary
perine/o / colpoperineo-plasty / colp = vagina
perine = perineum
-plasty = surgical repair / Surgical repair of the vagina and perineum
salping/o, -salpinx / hysterosalp-ingectomy
pyosalpinx / hyster = uterus
salping = fallopian tube
-ectomy = surgical removal
-gram = record
-pexy = surgical fixation
oophor = ovary
-ectomy = surgical removal
hemat = blood
-salpinx = fallopian tube
py = pus / Surgical removal of the uterus and fallopian tubes
Record of the uterus and fallopian tubes
Surgical fixation of the fallopian tubes
Surgical removal of the ovary and fallopian tube
Accumulation of blood in the fallopian tube
Accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube
thel/o / polythelia
thelitis / poly = many
thel = nipple
-ia = condition
-itis = inflammation / Condition of having more than one nipple per breast
Inflammation of the nipple
top/o / ectopic pregnancy / ec = out
top = place
-ic = pertaining to / Pertaining to a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus
-arche / menarche / men = menses, menstruation
-arche = beginning / Beginning of regular menstrual cycles
-cele / cystocele
rectocele / cyst = bladder
-cele = hernia, protrusion
rect = rectum / Hernia of the bladder against the vaginal wall
Hernia of the rectum against the vaginal wall
-cyesis / pseudocyesis / pseudo = false
-cyesis = pregnancy / False pregnancy
-emesis / hyperemesis
gravidarum / hyper = excessive
-emesis = vomit
gravaridum = pregnancy / Excessive vomiting during pregnancy
-gravida / multigravida
primigravida / multi = many
gravida = pregnancy
null = none
primi = first / Many pregnancies
A woman who has not been pregnant
A woman’s first pregnancy
-logy / cytology / cyt = cell
-logy = study of / Study of cells
-metry / pelvimetry / pelv = pelvis
-metry = process of measuring / Process of measuring the pelvis
-opsy / biopsy / bio = life
-opsy = to view / To take living tissue and examine it to determine if there is a problem
-para / multipara
primipara / multi = multiple
-para = give birth
nulli = none
primi = first / Woman who has given birth two or more times
Woman who has never given birth
A woman who has given birth to her first baby
-partum / antepartum
postpartum / ante = before
-partum = delivery
post = after / Before delivery of a baby
After delivery of a baby
-tocia, -tocin / oxytocin / oxy = sharp
tocin = labor / Hormone secreted that causes sharp labor
ante- / anteflexion
anteversion / ante = before
flex = bending
-ion = process
versi = turning, tipping / Bending forward of a part of the organ
Tipping forward of an organ
Retro- / retroflexion
retroversion / retro = back, behind
-ion = process
flex= bending
versi = turning, tipping / Bending back of a part of an organ
Tipping backward of an organ