Activities 1


Contents and Grading Guide:

Chapter 1:

Definition 6 points

DS3 4 points

Using the vocabulary 6 points

Chapter 2:

The eyes have it! 6 points

DD Problem 2 5 points

SL Problem 2 5 points

Simpson’s Paradox 8 points

Chapter 1 – Definition – 6 points

In your group come up with a definition for statistics:

No fair checking online or in the book! This should be YOUR work unassisted.

Write it out here:


Chapter 1 DS3 4 points

Which of the following conclusions can be obtained by descriptive methods and which require generalizations?

Driving the same model of car, 5 different drivers averaged 15.5, 14.7, 16.0, 15.5 and 14.8 mpg respectively.

a.) None of the drivers averaged more than 16 mpg.

b.) The second driver must have driven on rural roads.

c.) 15.5 is the average mpg most often achieved.

d.) The third driver drove faster than the other 4.

Chapter 1 – Using the vocabulary – 6 points

The Provost at UH Central Campus wants to find out how competent the freshmen are at analyzing data. She prepares a survey to give to 350 incoming freshmen. She has the Math department grade and report on the survey. What are:

The population

The sample

The variable(s)

Raw data

Sample statistics

Population parameters

Chapter 2 – The eyes have it! – 6 points

First let’s gather the data. Are we working with a sample or a population?

How many students in our class with

Blue eyes

Brown eyes

Green eyes

Hazel eyes

Summarize with a frequency table here:

Chapter 2 DD Problem 2 – 5 points

At a recent televised tournament, 7 golfers had the following scores, ranked alphabetically by last name: par, birdie, par, par, birdie, bogey, and eagle.

In golf the holes are rated for a recommended number of strokes needed to sink the golf ball into the hole. A score of par means the golfer used the recommended number, a birdie is one fewer than recommended, a bogey is one more than the recommended number, an eagle is 2 fewer strokes.

Analyze this with a dot diagram.

Chapter 2 – SL Problem 2 – 5 points

The following weights are ounces packed in 30 one pound bags. Display the data and analyze the data.

15.6 15.9 16.2 16.0 15.6 15.9 16.0 15.6 15.6 16.0 15.6 15.9 16.2 15.6 16.2

16.0 15.8 15.9 16.2 15.8 15.8 16.2 16.2 16.0 16.2 15.9 16.2 15.8 16.2 16.0

Chapter 2 – Simpson’s Paradox – 8 points

Now here’s another table, showing “on time” landings for two pilots:

Day landings
On time/total / Night landings
On time/total / Overall %
On time/total
John / 90/100 = 90% / 10/20 = 50% / 100/120 = 83%
Jill / 19/20 = 95% / 75/100 = 75% / 94/120 = 78%

Which pilot is the better pilot?