Literary Device Song Project
Literary Devices are techniques used in writing that produce a specific effect. Most literary devices help the audience to focus on particular words or phrases in order for the writer to get his or her point across. They can be found in all types of texts, not just stories or poems.
Most people love to listen to music, and to help you understand how common literary devices are, and how they work, this project will focus on literary devices in songs.
DIRECTIONS: You will select a (classroom appropriate) song of your choice to present to the class. This song must have a minimum of 10 literary devices. (Although you may duplicate the TYPE of literary device, you MAY NOT duplicate phrases or lines in your song for your examples and as part of your analysis.) You will create a PowerPoint where you present your song with its literary devices to the class. This PowerPoint will provide an example of the literary device and explain the purpose of using that particular literary device in the song. You will then play the song in class as we watch over the lyrics on the projector. You will demonstrate your PowerPoint and explain your literary devices and analysis.
Steps to the Project
1. Pick a classroom appropriate song with at least 10 literary devices
2. Copy and past your song lyrics onto a Word Document. (Make sure to write down thename of the websiteand the url of where you found your lyricsat the bottom of the page to avoid plagiarism)
3. Make sure your song title and song artist is at the top of the page
4. Make sure the font of the song lyrics is at least 16 point(so all students can see the lyrics)
5. Create a PowerPoint (use my examples to help guide your PowerPoint!)
6. Spell check your words
7. Upload your documents through Google Docs and share your PowerPoint slideshow with me.
8. Save a copy of the lyrics and PowerPoint so that it can be presented in class
9. Bring a classroom appropriate audio version of the song to class so we can listen to it while you present
10. Speak loudly and clearly as you explain each literary device
The Grade
This project is worth 100 points
· PowerPoint = 60 points
· Accuracy of Literary Devices = 20 points
· Loud and clear Volume = 10 points
· Music (a version to play to the class) = 5 points
· Font (at least 16 point) = 5 points
Please Note
· If you are not prepared to present on the day you are signed up you will earn a 0/100. No exceptions.
· If you are absent, you must be ready to present on the day you return to class, if time allows.
· Each inappropriate word or phrase seen or heard will reduce your overall grade by 5 points.
Project idea from: McKee, R. (n.d.). Literary device song project. Retrieved from