CBA Faculty Qualifications Criteria
Prepared by 1996-97 CBA COFS Committee
The purpose of the qualifications criteria is to assure that faculty are appropriately qualified at the time they are hired and that they maintain the currency of their knowledge by active involvement in their teaching field. Criteria are defined for initial hires in both tenure track and non-tenure track positions. These criteria, we feel, represent a formalization of the hiring standards normally used within the college and are consistent with AACSB and University standards.
The criteria that have been defined for ongoing faculty to demonstrate that they remain current in their teaching field are intended to reflect typical performance expectations of faculty and the mission of the college and are (we believe) consistent with AACSB standards for continuing qualification.
The qualification standards set forth herein are not intended to be evaluation criteria for promotion, merit, tenure, or post-tenure review. These qualification standards are designed as a tool for assessment for the College of Business Administration to assure that our faculty are qualified to teach the courses they are assigned to teach and that the faculty remain current in the field of teaching so that we meet our stated mission. In addition, the assessment of individual faculty will help the faculty develop their development plans based on perceived needs to remain qualified.
AACSB guidelines for academically and professionally qualified faculty are attached hereto as EXHIBIT A. The College of Business Administration subscribes to those guidelines but given the CBA mission, the following additional standards must be met:
Academically/Professionally Qualified:
1. Faculty hired into tenure-track positions must normally have a doctoral degree or be ABD in the field in which they are hired to teach. Faculty with a doctorate in a different field may be considered qualified only if they can provide strong evidence of professional development activity or experience in the field in which they will teach.
2. Faculty hired as lecturers, senior lecturers or full or part-time instructors must
- Meet the qualifications described in 1 above and the AACSB guidelines, or
- hold a masters degree in a field related to their teaching assignment and have significant professional experience related to their area of teaching assignment; as an exception, an instructor could be hired who had a professional certification or had demonstrated professional experience significant in duration and level of responsibility, and current at the time of hiring on the condition that such individuals would continue to demonstrate substantial involvement in professional development activities.
Continuing Qualification
In order to remain qualified—either academically or professionally—faculty members must show evidence of faculty development, intellectual contributions or current professional experience relevant to their teaching field during the most recent five year period of time. The minimum requirements of faculty to assure their continued qualification are set forth below. Meeting these minimum requirements will not assure a faculty member promotion, tenure, or merit. Those determinations are made under applicable college and university promotion, tenure and merit criteria and procedure.
Minimum Requirements to Demonstrate Currency in Teaching:
A faculty member must meet either of the following standards over the most recent five year period:
1. Scholarly Activities- (Based on the attached Matrix of Intellectual Contributions)
Publish at least:
One item from Tier 1, or
Two items from Tier 2, or
One item from Tier 2 and two or more items from Tier 3.
2. Professional Activities*
a) Demonstrate a sustained and focused pattern of development activities or professional experience related to the faculty member’s teaching responsibilities (See attached sample list of faculty development activities) and
b) Publish or Present results of these development activities at least 3 times (in a form listed in Tier 3 or higher of the intellectual contributions matrix).
*Individuals hired as instructors, lecturers, or senior lecturers do not need to meet item B.
I:\SHARED\Guidelines, Policy, Procedure Documents\Faculty Qualifications Criteria.doc Approved by Faculty 4/97