Sunrise Summer Series (1st leg) –Sunday 17th December, 2017
Venue: Skerman Park Cnr Olson & Teviot Roads, North Maclean
· SCRATCHINGS/ENQUIRIES: Jeanette 0412 872 061 If scratchings occur please be prepared to ride earlier.
· BRIDLE NUMBERS – have been allocated to riders without EA bridle Numbers. Please make your own. You need 2 – one each side of the horse, either on the bridle or saddle cloth.
Flash Pony Photography will be there to take photos.
· Canteen – Bacon & Egg Burgers & DRINKS (HOT/Cold)
· DOGS - As per club bylaws – please do not bring your dog.
· Dress – These days are run under EA rules regarding dress code and equipment. Riders can check the EA rule book. The only variation for a club day, is that club shirts may be worn. If you are not sure, please contact Kay () for clarification.
· Horse Health Declarations – Under the new movement orders 1.7.16, HHD’s are compulsory. Please hand in at gear check. For your movement records – PRARG’s PIC is QGBD2529. If you have used vouchers for your entry – please attach to the HHD
Set up Saturday 3pm – Anna Flohr (tractor) / Lisa McPherson and Katherine Hopkins (toilets/fridges)
Set up Sunday 6am – Alex Berns & Jess Merlo – PA/witches hats/washbay hose/tap on other water tank / wheelie bin for BBQ
Ring 1 – Julie Hawke
Ring 2 –Luba Shinkarenko
Ring 3 – TBA / K. Sheppard 4.1
BBQ – 6am Lorriane Edwards – 6.30am Kerry 1st Aid & Lorraine
Gear check/HHD:
6.45 –8.30 – Kim Harvey / 8.30 to end – Russell Davidson
Sheets – C. Haugstetter, D. Shearer/L. Binch
Boards – J. Bourke
Scoring - Chris Tompkins, Fiona Grayfoner
Ring 1 / Prep A / J: J. BlandTime / Rider / No / Horse
7.00 / Teagen Barrett / 2710 / Halcyon Standing Ovation
7.07 / Anna Minogue / 2700 / Corrington Lodge Cruze
7.14 / Ashleigh Flesser / 6787 / Astonishing
7.21 / Danielle Shearer / 6674 / Cascading Regardez to Fiji
7.28 / Jelica Brischetto / 2706 / Clayton Mirrabuckinna
7.35 / Yvette Vlies / 2709 / Missing Gold
7.42 / Edward Hof / 2707 / Halcyon French Kiss
7.49 / Tracey Allen / 2708 / Redgum Arizona
7.56 / Fiona Ellis / 2715 / FV Flirtation
8.03 / Melanie Casson / 2643 / Kalinga Metal
Test 3.1 / J: J. Bland
8.16 / Anika Green / 2713 / Promise for Gold
8.24 / Anna Flohr / 5194 / CL Excals Colours
8.32 / Kylie Munn / 6407 / AEA Mirabelle
8.40 / Angela Moorhead / 6537 / Chablis De Luxe MP
8.48 / Julianne Tetlow / 6150 / Stonefox Ranch Satori
8.56 / Rebecca Heaney / 4234 / Aveden Cashmere
9.04 / Justine Murray / 5115 / Delamere D'Artgnan
Test 5.1 / J: J. Bland
9.16 / Emma Flegman / 559 / Latest Alibi
9.24 / Jeanette Bourke / 5344 / JCB Admire
9.32 / Belinda Russo / 2093 / Cleopatra Hope
Ring 2 / Test 1.1 / J: S. Nelms`
7.00 / Kristy Pearson / 619 / Weomnna Calina
7.08 / Anita Foster / 2691 / JCB Hey Presto
7.16 / Russell Davidson / 6764 / Fairbanks Fifth Avenue
7.24 / Alex Berns / 6064 / Noble Bend Pizazz
7.32 / Jess Merlo / 6045 / L'Aarabella
7.40 / Kathy Hopkins / 484 / Miss Millie
7.48 / Mel Van Den Berg / 6684 / Bluefields Amarillo
7.56 / Marlies Ravn / 7101 / Kenlock Invincible
8.04 / Naomi Lane / 2712 / Enelle French Connection
8.12 / Jacqui Huppert / 5481 / Holstein Park Grande
8.20 / Kiara Sheppard / 2646 / Halcyon London Affair
8.28 / BREAK
8.36 / Jackie Reed / 2669 / Eli
8.44 / Stephanie Hayes / 2717 / Remember November
8.52 / Lisa MacPherson / 2718 / Hunter Rose
9.00 / Nathan Harvey / 3238 / Kiteroa Dominic
9.08 / Corrine Haugstetter / 4923 / Larundel Gladiator
Ring 3 / Test 2.1 / J: L. McGann
Time / Rider / No / Horse
7.00 / Jodie Wyllie / 6756 / Feldale Regatta
7.08 / Samantha McKenzie / 6952 / Red Ash Mountain
7.16 / Leanne Smith / 176 / Kalimna Dove
7.24 / Alex Hayes / 2652 / Remi Lancastar
7.32 / Amy Van Der Heide / 6533 / Ruby Bright R
7.40 / Sarah Capon / 2657 / Von Rosen Bobby Boo
7.48 / Caroline Bonney / 6557 / Lilivale Royal Galantyne
7.56 / Break
8.04 / Rebecca Jacobs / 2700 / Fairbanks Lady Marion
8.12 / Alison Effrett / 6399 / Atlantic Star
8.20 / Melyssa Macready / 5394 / Harry
8.28 / Elizabeth Perkins / 2140 / Royal Black
8.36 / Charlotte Cox / 6776 / Kinnordy Geronimo
Test 4.1 / J: J. Huppert
8.52 / Lisa Koppman / 4285 / Weownna Black Magic
9.00 / Lindal Binch / 5521 / First Dance
9.08 / Tal Boland / 5342 / St. Piter Maurits
9.24 / Michele Phillips / 15 / Welt Domain
9.32 / Gary Lung / 5169 / Windhill Wisdom