Leader Info Sheet

Leader Name: ______Troop’s #______

Address:______City ______Zip______

Phone:______Neighborhood: ______

Troop Level: D B J C S (if group select all that apply) # of Girls in Troop:______Grade(s):______

Bank troop account is with: ______Account #: ______

Signature’s on account: ______

Email:______Send me emails pertaining to the Community: Yes No

Please indicate which classes or certification you have obtained:

Training Completed & Awards Recieved
Required Training: / Date: / Other Training or Enrichment: / Date:
¨  / Orientation / ______/ ¨  / First Aid / ______
¨  / Basic Leadership / ______/ ¨  / CPR / ______
¨  / Daisy Age Level / ______/ ¨  / ______/ ______
¨  / Brownie Age Level / ______/ ¨  / ______/ ______
¨  / Junior Age Level / ______/ ¨  / ______/ ______
¨  / Cadette Age Level / ______/ ¨  / ______/ ______
¨  / Senior Age Level / ______/ ¨  / ______/ ______
Camping: / Awards:
¨  / Course #1: Stepping into the Out-of-Doors and Lodge Camping / ______/ ¨  / Outstanding Leader / ______
¨  / Outstanding Volunteer / ______
¨  / Leadership Development / ______
¨  / Course #2: Fire-Building and Basic Outdoor Cooking / ______/ # Green Leaves _____
# Silver Leaves _____
# Gold Leaves _____
¨  / Appreciation Pin / ______
¨  / Honor Pin / ______
¨  / Course #3: Advance Camping & Tent Camping / ______/ ¨  / Thanks Badge / ______
¨  / Thanks Badge II / ______
¨  / Course #4: Primative Camping & Backpakcing / ______/ ¨  / Golden Triangle Award / ______
¨  / Star Award / ______
¨  / Juliette Award / ______
¨  / Trainer Pin / ______

Please consider volunteering to help on a Community committee for possible future events or see if a parent from your troop can help. Feel free to suggest event ideas.

¨  / Community Cookie Manager / ¨  / Community MagNut Manager
¨  / Thinking Day / ¨  / He/Me Dance
¨  / Camporee / ¨  / Spring Registration
¨  / Other ______/ ¨  / Other ______
¨  / Other ______/ ¨  / Other ______

(-----Please turn over and complete the back-----)

Volunteer Positions Currently Held:

¨  / Leader (01) / ¨  / Day Camp Staff
¨  / Assistant Leader (02) / ¨  / Event Coordinator
¨  / Troop Committee (03) / ¨  / Trainer
¨  / Group Leader / ¨  / Delegate
¨  / Service Unit Team Member
(Please list)
______/ ¨  / Other ______

Number of years registered as a Girl Scout as:

A girl:______An Adult: ______

Number of times that your troop has camped:______

How can the Community Volunteer’s better serve your troop and you?______







How can Council staff better serve your troop and you?______







Thank you for completing this form. This will help the community better serve your troop.

Please return this form to: ______





By: ______