Present: Cllr B Jones (Chairman), G Scott, I Nash, P J Cairns, G Green, J Milne Home
Clerk: Eira Hancock
Apologies were received from G Holter, J Milne Home and L Shelley
13.059 Declarations of Interest. Cllr Nash declared that he is an immediate neighbour of The Oaks, Trekenner but it was agreed that this would have no prejudicial effect on his comments.13.060 Confirmation of the Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
13.061 Matters arising from Previous Meeting.
· Trevozah Barton Wind Turbine Community Compensation. As Cllr Shelley not present clerk to ask him to report by email.
· Hexworthy Barton. As above.
· Rezare Dog Waste Bin. Cllr Scott reported that to his knowledge the bin has not overflowed lately. It was reported that the contractor has complained again about dog waste on the green when he is strimming. It was agreed that the matter should be mentioned again in the parish newsletter. The contractor also asked if the remains of the post and rail fencing could be removed. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that it should. Cllr Scott volunteered to carry out the work.
· Community Fund. No applications have been received to date. The Chairman proposed that the ALSF fund be closed with immediate effect and remaining monies be transferred to the Community Fund. This was seconded and agreed by all present.
13.062 Finance
· Current and Taxi Accounts Financial Statements (circulated prior to meeting) were approved.
· Accounts for payment were approved as follows:
N Barnes, Work to Footpath 6/7 & cut down tree - £530
Trekenner School PTA Polytunnel Grant - £600
Glasdon UK litter bin - £94.63
Clerk’s Expenses - £54.95
· Breakdown of Election Charges. Received from Cornwall Council. Total invoice will be £154.95.
13.063 Planning
· Application PA13/03989 Barn 2, West Larrick Farm, Trebullett – Cllr Cairns was asked to look at the application and had emailed his report to members prior to the meeting. He visited the site and spoke to the agent but was not able to contact the owner. The agent indicated that planning policy favours applications with a business activity associated with residential barn conversions, hence the inclusion of a workshop/studio/office. It should be noted that these rooms are not clearly indicated on the plan. Consideration should also be given to the fact that no designated off road parking has been provided and access is required from the lane to possibly three other properties. This concern has also been voiced by some local residents. It was the opinion of Cllr Cairns that the work appears to be to a high standard and represents minor changes to the original. He recommended that the application be supported subject to consideration of the above points. This was unanimously agreed.
· Application PA13/05261 The Oaks, Trekenner – Cllr Nash reported on the application and recommended it be supported as the proposed Orangery would not affect any neighbours. All present agreed.
Cllr Milne Home joined the meeting.
13.064 Highways. An email was read out from Mr Sainsbury of Trekenner, regarding the speed of traffic along the lane below the Jubilee Field. Cllrs sympathised but are unable to take any further action as this road, along with our other lanes are subject to the national speed limit of 60mph. The clerk will write a piece in the newsletter reminding drivers to take care and reply to Mr Sainsbury.
13.065 Correspondence
· A letter of thanks was read out from Lezant PC for the graveyard grant.
13.066 Parish Business
· Acoustic Panels. Cllr Shelley to report at next meeting.
· Update on Lowley Brook Footpath – Chris Monk emailed to say that he has not been able to give this matter his attention. He says he will set out the correct line on Thursday 11th July and advise the landowner.
· Jubilee Stone – Cllr Green has agreed to take on this task.
· Clay Pigeon Shooting – One complaint was made to the clerk regarding a clay pigeon shoot held at Nittings Down on Monday 8th July. Other residents in Treburley are also known to have complained about the noise. Cllr Jones has done some research on the legal requirements of holding a shoot and believes they were not complied with in this instance. Cllr Green believes that this was a one off event. She will speak to the Chair of Launceston Gun Club and let him know of the complaints.
Any Other Business Brought by Members
· It has been brought to the attention of Cllr Nash that the grit bin outside Lezant Church is in a poor state of repair. He asked that the other Councillors inspect it and give their opinion as to whether a replacement is required. Cllr Scott says that the grit bin at Rezare is too small, and a bin is also required at Lowley Bridge. The clerk will add grit bins to the agenda for September.
13.058 Date of next meeting. Tuesday 10th September 2013 at 7.30pm.
The Meeting closed at 8.20pm
Signed : Chairman Date: / LS