Acrobats, Grandpas, and Ivan / Burns, M. (1996). 50 Problem-solving lessons. New York: Math Solutions. [372.7044 B91]
Ages Problem
[CD - student discussion & unit] / 1) Watch Exploring Ages, grade PreK-3: the role of context: CD [Ed Laptop #2 and PC at the back].
2) Read the first two lessons in Fosnot (2008) Ages and Timelines
Subtraction on the Open Number Line [KIT 513.21 F6 2007]
(Chocolate) Box Designs
[CD - student discussion & unit] / 1) Watch Working with the Array, CD: [Ed Laptop #2 and PC at the back]
2) Read the first two lessons of Jensen, M., & Fosnot, C. (2007). The box factory: Extending multiplication with arrays. Portsmouth [KIT 513.213 F6 2007]
Condo Challenge / Lawrence & Hennessy (2002).Lessons for algebraic thinking: Grades 6-8. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [512.00712 L38 2002]
Counting on Frank / Bresser, R. (1995/2004). Math and literature: Grades 4-6 (2nd ed). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [372.7044 B66 2004]
Frank’s Dog Food / Confer, C. (2005). Sizing up measurement: Activities for Grades 3-5 classrooms. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. pp.112-115. [372.35044 C68 2007]
Gas Tank / Read the Gas Tank lessons of Jacob, B., & Fosnot, C. (2007). Best buys, ratios, and rates: Addition and subtraction of fractions. Portsmouth: Heinemann. [ KIT 513.26 F6 2007]
Handshake Problem / Burns, M. (2000). About Teaching Mathematics: A K-8 Resource 2nd ed. New York: Math Solutions pages 124 and 292. [372.7044 B93 2000]
The following article provides an overview of introducing algebraic thinking: Algebraic Thinking
Examples of children’s thinking: Sample Solutions
Video of children solving a simpler version of the problem: (scroll to workshop 6, the clip is about 7 min long and starts about 3:30 min into the video): Classroom Video
Horse Problem / Burns, M. (1989). A collection of math lessons 3-6. New York: Math Solutions. [372.7044 B95]
How much is Blue? / Burns, M. (2001). Lessons for introducing fractions. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. [372.72 T5B87]
How much more to make one-half? / Burns, M. (2001). Lessons for introducing fractions. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. [372.72 T5B87] Also there are student examples in Edfold 75.
In-Between Fractions / Burns, M. (2003). Lessons for extending fractions. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. pp.102-116 [372.72 T5B87]
Jim & the Beanstalk / Bresser, R. (1995/2004). Math and literature: Grades 4-6(2nd ed). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [372.7044 B66 2004]
Kitten Food – Best Buy
[CD - student discussions & unit] / 1) Watch the Ratio table: CD – [Ed Laptop #2]
2) Read the first two lessons of Jacob, B. & Fosnot, C. T. (2007). Best Buys, Ratios, and Rates: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. [KIT 513.26 F6 2007]
On the Day You Were Born / Bresser, R. (1995/2004). Math and literature: Grades 4-6(2nd ed). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [372.7044 B66 2004]
Orange Problem / Burns, M. (2003). Lessons for extending fractions. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. pp.102-116 [372.72 T5B87]
Parks Playground
[CD - student discussion] / 1)Watch Exploring Playgrounds CD [Ed Laptop #2] lesson.
2) Read the first two lessons Tarlow-Hellmen, L., & Fosnot, C. (2007). Exploring parks and playgrounds: Multiplication and Division of Fractions. Portsmouth: Heinemann. [KIT 513.26 F6 2007]
Remainder of One / Bresser, R. (1995/2004). Math and literature: Grades 4-6(2nd ed). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [372.7044 B66 2004]
Subs – Field Trip
[CD - student discussion] / 1) Watch the Fosnot, C. T. & Dolk, M. (2002).Sharing submarine sandwiches Grade 5: Developing Mathematical Models: CD [Ed Laptop #2]
2)Read the first two lessons of Fosnot, C. T. (2007). Field Trips and Fund-Raisers: Introducing Fractions. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. [KIT 513.26 F6 ]
3) Also there are student examples on reserve EDFold 74.
Three Store Problem / Three Store Problem
Trail Mix for a Crowd / Bresser & Holtzman (1999). Developing number sense: Grades 3-6. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [372.72044 B74]
Who Finishes When? / Lawrence & Hennessy (2002).Lessons for algebraic thinking: Grades 6-8. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions [512.00712 L38 2002]
Ed 4050 Action Research Lessons2008-09
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