To: CS602 Students

From: Prof. George Blank

Welcome to section CS602 – Java Programming. This is class will be supplemented using Moodle. You can access Moodle at or by logging in to Highlander Pipeline at and selecting the My Courses tab. There will be a link to Moodle at the bottom of the window. The lectures are supplemental to the text and will be available through Moodle and on my web site at

Please log in to Moodle, select Participants from the list on the left, and select your name. Select the edit tab and enter your personal information.

Tasks you need to complete as soon as possible:

  1. Order the textbook. Object Oriented Software Development Using Java, Second Edition by Xiaoping Jia, Addison Wesley, 2003 ISBN 0-201-73733-7. The textbook is absolutely required, as the course will be primarily based on it.
  2. The bookstore has a CD-ROM of lectures, but they are based on a previous text and will be of limited use. I do not recommend buying them.
  3. I will not be using proctored exams, so you will not need an Exam Proctor form.
  4. Obtain an AFS account if you do not already possess one.
  5. Make sure you have an e-mail account.
  6. Download the latest version of the Standard Edition Java Development Kit from: . Install both Java on your system.
  7. Get the latest version of Eclipse from and install on your system.
  8. This is not required, but you will have an easier time using Eclipse with University Computer systems if you install Open AFS on your system. See
  9. Review anEclipse tutorial (included) or use the Web or a book to get an introduction to Eclipse.

I will want to have you do many small programs, so that you get more practice coding and so that I can put less emphasis on the tests. Use the Java 2 Standard Edition, and that will be adequate for the course.

Please contact me at anytime with questions or problems. I’m looking forward to a great semester.

Prof. George Blank