Editor-in-chief: Kinga Klaudy

Volume 2, Issue 2, 2001




pp. 167-180



contact as conflict

Christina Schäffner & Beverly Adab

School of Languages and European Studies

Aston University Birmingham B4 7ET

E-mail: ,

Abstract: Intercultural communication in the global environment frequently involves recourse to translation. This generates new phenomena which, in turn, raise new questions for translation theory and practice. This issue is concerned with the concept of the hybrid text as one of these phenomena. In this introductory chapter, a hybrid text is defined as: "a text that results from a translation process. It shows features that somehow seem 'out of place'/'strange'/'unusual' for the receiving culture, i.e. the target culture". It is important, however, to differentiate between the true hybrid, which is the result of positive authorial and/ or translatorial decisions, and the inadequate text which exhibits features of translationese, resulting from a lack of competence. Textual, contextual and social features of hybrid texts are postulated (see discussion paper). These are the object of critical reflection in subsequent chapters, in relation to different genres. The potential of the hybrid text for translation research is explored.

Key words: hybrid text, intercultural communication, conflict, globalisation, multilingual environment

pp. 181-194



Albrecht Neubert

University of Leipzig, Kiefernweg 2, D-08118 Hartenstein, Germany

Phone: +49 37605 7196,


Abstract:: Hybridness is an important but by no means the defining feature of a translation. Affecting passages or whole texts it is functionally related to a spectrum of causes varying from individual to historical and social motivations (e.g. “resistant translation“ vs. pragmatic enculturation). It is also bound up with the formative role translations have always played in the life of different communicative communities, serving as a diagnostic by-product of the influences wielded by translations on target discourse (six factors of influence). The historical variability and the multiple uses of translation have continually revalued the strategies which translators have applied to produce target texts on a scale ranging from hybridness, often regarded as a deficiency, to originality and creativity lending the target version a new life of its own in a new cultural context. The concept of hybridness could serve its purpose if it were taken as just one option in a new research paradigm that looks at the uses and shapes of translation in history. It studies translation events as they arise in a particular time and place and function as agents in the course of history.

Key words: hybridness, functionality, resistant translation vs. pragmatic enculturation, historical variability

pp. 195-206

Against praise of hybridity

Anthony Pym

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Plaça Imperial Tàrraco, 1 43005 Tarragona, Spain


Abstract: Professional non-literary translation in contemporary Europe may be understood as a coherent alternative to interlocutors using languages in which they have deficient or non-natural competence. Such translation can thus be seen as inscribing an ideology of non-hybridity. This is because macrostructural translated texts mark out lines between at last two languages and cultures; they thus posit the separation and possible purity of both; this in turn supports the ideal of pure or natural language use. If such imagined purity is some kind of opposite of hybrids, then translations might help rather than hinder it. This general argument can be unsheathed from a picture in a twelfth-century translation of the Qur’an, a close reading of Horace, a wink at Schleiermacher, and twinkling Euro-English from an EU meeting on business statistics regulations.

Key words: translation, cross-cultural communication, hybridity, Horace, Schleiermacher.

pp. 207-216

The space ‘in between’: What is a hybrid text?

Mary Snell-Hornby

University of Vienna,Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen

Gymnasiumstrasse 50, A 1090 Vienna


Abstract: The contribution discusses the concept of the hybrid text familiar in postcolonial literature as a text written by the ex-colonised in the language of the ex-coloniser, hence creating a ‘new language’ and occupying a space ‘in between’. It is therefore not identical with the concept of the hybrid text discussed in Schäffner and Adab 1997 as the result of an interlingual translation process, although there are many similarities, from the ‘strange, unusual’ features to the phenomenon of ‘contact as conflict’. For the translator, the postcolonial hybrid text - due to its ‘new language’ involving elements ranging from lexical and grammatical innovation to culture-bound items - presents many problems. These emerge clearly from the examples discussed here, which are taken from India (Rushdie and Roy) and from the Philippines (the traditional form of the short story known as the sugilanon). It is seen that the hybrid, innovative nature of the language is often actually reduced by the interlingual translation process, and - in contrast to the foreignising process of artificially ‘bending back’ the language - a case is made for a holistic, ‘scenes-and-frames’ approach and for strategies that maximise the creative potential of the text for the target culture.

Key words: postcolonial, cultural identity, culture-bound item, target culture, scenes-and-frames semantics

pp. 217-226


Sherry Simon

Concordia University, School of Graduate Studies

1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montréal, Québec

H3G 1M8 Canada


Abstract: This paper argues that the hybrid text is a product of a voluntarily incomplete translation process. Hybrid texts are produced by writers who want to highlight their position between cultures, creating a new site of individual and collective expression. Hybrid texts are defined as those texts which use "translation effects" to question the borders of identity. These works, which arise out of hybrid sites of belonging, involve acts of interlingual creation. Three kinds of textual hybridisation which arise out of a number of contexts of cultural and linguistic contact are investigated on the basis of literary texts.

Key words: deterritorialising strategies, creolisation, métissage, hybrid sites of belonging, cultural identity, hybrid writing

pp. 227-236



Alexis Nouss

Université de Montréal, Faculté des arts et des sciences

C.P. 6128, succursale A Montréal, Québec H3C, 3J7


Abstract: The notion of hybridity in light of the French concept of métissage opens a third way between the reefs of totality (fusion, homogeneity) and differentialism (fragmentation, heterogeneity). In an hybrid composition, the components are still visible and it is the tension between them, not the resolution, which gives its full value and its character to the alloying. In that approach, hybridity loses its negativity and becomes an ontological category which should be not dependent on cultural and socio-historical factors. There is no such thing as an original purity (for texts or anything else) which becomes modified and yields to impurity (hybridity being one example). As long as any being is subject to time - which is the primary condition for being - its essence and existence become a succession of altered states~ This paper, drawing from contemporary translation studies as well as Nietzsche and Deleuze, explore the applications of such a theorisation to translation as a model of hybrid textuality and define a "translative text" functioning as a bridge between the so-called source and target texts which are only two sequential moments of textuality and two modes of saying.

Key words: métissage, textuality, becoming, ontology, Deleuze.

pp. 337-250

Evolving Imagery in the Translation of

Orhan Pamuk's Kara Kitap

Klaus Gommlich1 & Esim Erdim2

1Kent State University, Department of English,

Kent, OH 44242K


2University of Mississippi, TESOL Program

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education

University MS 38677


Abstract: The article attempts to use examples of “hybrid text” from the English translation of Orhan Pamuk’s novel Kara Kitap (1990) in order to show that in literary translation the notion of the “hybrid text” is indispensable if the translator wants to disseminate a less known source culture through the language of a better known target culture. The novel was translated from the original by Guneli Gun as The Black Book (1994) and three key images of the novel offer promising opportunities for study: the apartment airshaft, the Bosphorus, and the statues of Ataturk. The pun in the phrase “the apartment airshaft” cannot be captured in the target language so the English phrase becomes burdened with associations that are unacceptable to the target reader. The images of the dried-up Bosphorus lose their moorings in historical time and become phantasmagoric landscapes. The coming to life of the statues of Ataturk gain Apocalyptic proportions not conveyed to the source reader. However, the “hybrid text” is bound by time and space constraints. Having entered into the mind of the target reader via Gun’s text, these images can serve to develop a kind of understanding that may lead to new ways of relating to other cultures.

Keywords: Orhan Pamuk, Guneli Gun, hybridisation, Turkish culture.

pp. 251-260

Interpreting the objectively "strange"

And the strangely "objective"

Hybrid texts in social discourse and in the

Social sciences

Niall Bond

Université Lumières Lyon 286, rue Pasteur 69007 Lyon


Abstract: Our assessment of the use of the concept of hybrid texts in analysing translations of social and political discourse shows that the “deliberate and conscious” deployment of “strange” features can serve to heighten or to create an awareness of real or contrived differences in assumptions between linguistic cultures. In their alien context, certain terms can spin off unforeseen paradigms and perspectives, as is evidenced in the cross-cultural reception of the works of Locke, Hegel, Marx, Mill, Dilthey, Freud and Max Weber.

Key words: mutant, absorption, clarification, delimitation, obfuscation, convergence.

pp. 261-264



Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit

Savonlinna School of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Joensuu

P.O.Box 48, SF-57101 Savonlinna, Finland


Abstract: Intercultural communication gives rise to the development of new text types and genres. Particular stages of this development can be described as hybridisation. These are the stages at which the new text types and genres are not yet fully established themselves as forms of communication in a socio-cultural setting: they manifest linguistic and rhetorical features which are felt to be foreign. Hybridisation can be seen as a process comparable to pidginisation: while pidginisation in the course of time may result in the emergence of new languages, i.e., creoles, hybridisation may result in the emergence of new domestic text types and genres. Thus the hybrid condition is transitory by definition. The paper will illustrate this process with reference to EU grant applications.

Key words: rhetorical norms, Euro-rhetoric, deviance, conflicting discourse norms

pp. 265-276

Discourse Interference in Translation

Ieva Zauberga

University of Latvia, Department of Contrastive Linguistics

Visvalza 4A, Riga LV-1050


Abstract: This article focuses on three major factors that may enhance the degree of hybridity of target texts: first, the ideological background, i.e. the prestige accorded to the source culture in relation to the target culture; second, translator’s competence, i.e., the translator’s ability to rationalise translation process and choose an adequate translation strategy; third, the skopos of translation, i.e., hybrid features may be deliberately imposed upon the translation to enable the text to serve a given function. Each of these factors is analysed within a framework of a concrete text. The conclusion of this analysis is that due to the functionalist approach, the concept of translation has become diffused and refers to texts whose relation with the original ranges from a faithful copy to free rewrites. Therefore there may be target texts which bear no obvious imprint of the source text. However, all translations by and large are transfers of one text into another language/culture system and therefore qualify as hybrids.

Keywords: interference, hybridity, ideology, in/competence, strangeness.

pp. 277-302

Conclusion: The Idea of the Hybrid Text in Translation revisited

Christina Schäffner & Beverly Adab

School of Languages and European Studies

Aston University Birmingham B4 7ET

E-mail: ,

Abstract: This concluding chapter provides responses to some of the issues raised in the individual chapters, highlighting similarities and differences in the interpretation of the concept of the hybrid text. The questions dealt with here concern the notion of hybridity and the definition of hybrid text; the contexts in which hybrid texts emerge; the functions of hybrid texts; the various levels at which hybrid phenomena manifest themselves; the genres to which the notion of the hybrid text applies; the effects of hybrid texts; and the status of a hybrid text in Translation Studies. It is concluded that the phenomenon of the hybrid text involves greater complexity than had initially been defined in the discussion paper. Therefore, the original hypothesis is reformulated to account for the fact that hybrid texts are not only the product of a translation process but that they can also be produced as original texts in a specific cultural space, which is often in itself an intersection of different cultures.

Key words: hybrid phenomena, cultural space, multilingual environment, globalisation, genre