Common Entrance Survey Results:

TCPCG Waterbury Cohort Entering in 2012-2013

October 2012

The Common Entrance Survey was administered in the fall of the 2012-2013 school year to all incoming students in teacher education programs at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education. This report presents results of this survey for the 16 students in the Waterbury-based cohort of the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG), 9 of whom (69.2%) are female.

ü  Of those responding to this survey, 75.0% attended a public high school, with 81.2% of respondents indicating that their high school was suburban and 62.5% reporting that that student body’s ethnic composition was primarily white.

ü  Most respondents (86.7%) had an undergraduate GPA greater than 3.0.

ü  The majority of respondents received an undergraduate degree in either 2011 (18.8%) or 2012 (56.3%).

ü  All survey respondents (100.0%) reported speaking English as the primary language at home during childhood, and only 12.5% of respondents reported being able to speak a language other than English.

This report also includes information regarding respondents’ experiences and confidence in working with English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities, as well as their knowledge about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and their confidence to perform assessment practices.

In addition, qualitative data are presented in this report. Thematic analysis of responses to the following open-ended question was conducted: “Aside from getting a teaching job, what do you feel will be your most important achievements and/or accomplishments in the Teacher Education Program at the Neag School?” A total of 14 common themes emerged from responses of students in Waterbury-based cohort of the TCPCG program. The three goals most frequently cited by these students addressed becoming a successful teacher, creating effective lesson plans, and establishing positive relationships with students. The following table more fully describes the 14 themes in order of response popularity.

Aside from getting a teaching job ...what do you feel will be your most importantachievements and/oraccomplishments in the Teacher Education Program at the Neag School?

Theme / Definition / # / % / Example
Successful teacher / Participant hopes to become a successful teacher. / 4/16 / 25.00% / “I also feel I will be extremely well prepared to enter my own classroom and teach students successfully”
Effective lesson planning / Participant hopes to learn how to effectively lesson plan. / 2/16 / 12.50% / “Learning to plan each lesson and writing curriculum.”
Positive relationships with students / Participant hopes to create positive relationships with future students. / 2/16 / 12.50% / “I want to be able to walk into a school and know I possess the skills to motivate my peers and students…”
Self-improvement / Participant hopes to improve his or her teaching skills. / 2/16 / 12.50% / “I like the focus on reflection and improvement. I want to be able to look at my teaching and see improvement, and I want to continue improving throughout my career.”
Teacher identity / Participant hopes to create identity as a teacher. / 2/16 / 12.50% / “No teacher knows every trick of the trade, but the educator who desires to learn how to become a better leader to his or her students will always have the drive to be in education and to give students the ability to learn how to learn.”
Theory to classroom / Participant hopes to apply educational theory within his/her classroom. / 2/16 / 12.50% / “My ability to implement what I have been taught and what I have learned into my own classroom.”
Assessment & differentiation / Participant hopes to assess the needs of students and differentiate instruction. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “I will be able to differentiate for ELL students and special ed students.”
Classroom management / Participant hopes to understand and apply methods of classroom management. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Building the foundation for classroom management…”
Community of educators / Participant hopes to join a community of educators and maintain relationships. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Also, to be able to work productively with peers and students in the education setting.”
Completing program / Participant hopes to complete the teacher education program including student teaching and inquiry project. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Completing student teaching and learning as much as I can.”
Connections / Participant hopes to form valuable connections that may help him or her in the future. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Setting up a network of fellow educators to support me, and for me to support, during my career.”
Cultural awareness / Participant hopes to promote cultural awareness with students. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “So, what would I take away from this if I don't get hired? I would have to say a deeper respect and appreciation for the profession of teaching.”
Educational politics / Participant hopes to gather understanding of politics surround education. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Gaining an understanding of the education system in America.”
Positive impact / Participant hopes to have a positive impact on his/her students' lives. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “My most important achievement would be helping students.”
Technology in classroom / Participant hopes to use up-to-date technology within the classroom. / 1/16 / 6.25% / “Learning how to use a few internet programs helpful to teaching.”
No response / Participant did not respond. / 3/16 / 18.75% / No response.

Program Characteristics

Student Demographics

Age range / Count / Percent
< 30 / 10 / 77
30-39 / 3 / 23
39 / 0 / 0
Total: / 13 / 100

Past Education Characteristics

What was your final, overall grade point average for your undergraduate degree (on a 4.0 scale)?
(15 Responses)

GPA range / Count / Percent
< 2.50 / 1 / 6.6
2.50 - 2.75 / 1 / 6.6
2.76 - 3.00 / 0 / 0
3.01 - 3.50 / 6 / 40
3.51 - 3.75 / 2 / 13.4
3.76 - 4.00 / 5 / 33.4
Total: / 15 / 100.0

Experience with English Language Learners (ELL)

Please rate your level of agreement with each statement:

(15 Responses)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree / Average Rating
I am prepared to tailor instructional and other services to the needs to ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 4
(26.67%) / 10
(66.67%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3.8
I possess a clear understanding of the language demands of the content area that I will teach. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 8
(53.33%) / 5
(33.33%) / 4.2
I am knowledgeable of teaching strategies and instructional practices for ELL students that are developmentally appropriate. / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3
(20.00%) / 9
(60.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 3.8
I am knowledgeable of alternate ways of giving feedback. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 3.8
I am knowledgeable of teaching practices that are attuned to students’ language proficiencies and cognitive levels. / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 6
(40.00%) / 5
(33.33%) / 3
(20.00%) / 3.7
I am knowledgeable of teaching practices that are culturally supportive and relevant. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 3.8
If I try hard, I can get through to most of the ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 5
(33.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 4
(26.67%) / 3.9
I am confident in my ability to handle most discipline problems with ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 9
(60.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 2
(13.33%) / 3.3
I am confident in my ability to teach all ELL students to high levels. / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 7
(46.67%) / 4
(26.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 3.4
I am confident I am making a difference in the lives of my students. / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 4.1
I am uncertain how to teach some of my ELL students. / 1
(6.67%) / 6
(40.00%) / 5
(33.33%) / 3
(20.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2.7
I feel confident I can provide a positive learning environment and create a climate characterized by high expectations. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 9
(60.00%) / 4
(26.67%) / 4.1
I am confident in my skills to effectively communicate with parents and guardians of ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 10
(66.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3.1
I am confident in my skills to provide alternative/performance assessments to ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 7
(46.67%) / 6
(40.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 3.7
I feel confident in providing linguistically and culturally appropriate learning experiences for ELL students. / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(7.14%) / 6
(42.86%) / 7
(50.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 3.4
ELL students in the general education classroom setting slows down the progress of the other students in the class. / 4
(26.67%) / 6
(40.00%) / 5
(33.33%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2.1
Inclusion of ELL students in general education classes is good in theory, but does not work in the real world. / 2
(13.33%) / 4
(26.67%) / 6
(40.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2.7
Immigrant parents do not try to learn English. / 4
(26.67%) / 5
(33.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2.1
In order for ELLs to learn English, their parents should attempt to speak English. / 3
(20.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 5
(33.33%) / 5
(33.33%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3

Experience Working with Students with Disabilities

How confident are you in your ability to do the following?

(15 Responses)

Not at all Confident / Moderately Unconfident / Slightly Unconfident / Slightly Confident / Moderately Confident / Very Confident
Physically prepare space and materials needed to deliver instruction / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 5
(33.33%) / 7
Design lesson plans to provide all learners access to the general curriculum / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 8
(53.33%) / 4
Modify lesson plans to address the needs of students with disabilities / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3
(20.00%) / 7
(46.67%) / 4
Maintain a structured learning environment / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3
(20.00%) / 5
(33.33%) / 6
Use a small number of positively stated expectations / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 4
(26.67%) / 5
(33.33%) / 6
Reinforce appropriate behavior / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 7
Respond to inappropriate behavior / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 3
(20.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 4
Implement individualized behavior strategies for students with disabilities / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 4
(26.67%) / 4
(26.67%) / 4
Introduce lesson content / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 6
Maximize student engagement / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3
(20.00%) / 7
(46.67%) / 4
Provide performance-based feedback / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 7
(46.67%) / 5
Review lesson content at the end of instruction / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 1
(6.67%) / 7
(46.67%) / 6
Teach lesson content relevant to the student population / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 3
(20.00%) / 6
(40.00%) / 6
Assess student ability and/or knowledge prior to instruction / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 2
(13.33%) / 6
(40.00%) / 5
Assess student outcomes related to the student's IEP during instruction / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 3
(20.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 5
(33.33%) / 4
Assess student response to instruction / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 4
(26.67%) / 7
(46.67%) / 3
Uphold high standards of competence in the practice of the profession / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 7
(46.67%) / 7
Uphold high standards of integrity in the practice of the profession / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 7
(46.67%) / 7
Use evidence to guide exercise/exercising sound judgment in the practice of the profession / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 7
(46.67%) / 7
Engage in professional activities related to continuous learning and advocacy / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 1
(6.67%) / 5
(33.33%) / 8
Collaborate respectfully with all stakeholders / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 4
(26.67%) / 10

Experience with Assessments

How confident are you in your ability to do the following?

(15 Responses)

Not at all Confident / Moderately Unconfident / Slightly Unconfident / Slightly Confident / Moderately Confident / Very Confident
Activities Occurring Prior to Instruction
Understanding students' cultural backgrounds, interests, skills, and abilities as they apply across a range of learning domains and/or subject areas / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 9
(60.00%) / 5
Understanding students' motivations and their interests in specific class content / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(6.67%) / 2
(13.33%) / 7
(46.67%) / 5
Clarifying and articulating the performance outcomes expected of pupils / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(13.33%) / 7
(46.67%) / 6
Planning instruction for individuals or groups of students / 0