The Greene County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on MondayAugust 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Tech Center. Present for the meeting: Chairman Jerry Jones,Commissioners Brad Fields, Susan Blizzard,Bennie Heath, and James T. Shackleford, Jr. County Manager Kyle DeHaven, County Attorney Borden Parker and Deputy Clerk Kathy Mooring.

The Chairman called the meeting to order.

Vice-Chairman Fields gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.

On motion by Commissioner Heath, seconded by Commissioner Fieldthe Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda with the addition of I. Closed Session - Personnel.

Consent Agenda consisted of

August 3, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes


Refunds (NCVTS) (TAX & TAG)

Priscilla Briggs Dunn / $28.98 / Wanda Spruill Ayers / $39.95 / James Timothy Radford / $33.66

Releases: Ad Valorem Tax

Sugg, Ernest Linwood Jr. Heirs / $128.59 / Sugg, Carol / $82.00 / Tugwell, Margaret / $41.00
Taylor, Michael Todd / $9.55 / Bartlett, Johnny F. / $41.00 / Wilkins, William David / $41.00
Jones, Dwight Tyrone / $70.05 / Moseley, Christine / $1,097.62 / Whitley, Irvin / $41.00
King, Charles R. II / $41.00

Refunds: Ad Valorem Tax

Sugg, Ernest Linwood Jr Heirs / $130.16 / Sugg, Ernest Linwood Jr Heirs / $125.06 / Sugg, Ernest Linwood Jr. Heirs / $123.90
Sugg, Ernest Linwood Jr Heirs / $127.44

Consideration of Late applications for Elderly or Disabled Exclusion

Valerie Moore, Parcel 2660947

Helen Sullivan, Parcel 0403544

Martie Sullivan, Parcel 0421648

DSS Budget Amendment

DSS Budget Amendment

On motion by Commissioner Field, seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda.

Chairman Jones introduced Miss Suzanne Hubbard. She will represent Greene County 4H at the Youth Summit at the 2015 NCACC Annual Conference this week in Greenville. He wished her luck and advised that they were looking forward to her report at the next Commissioner’s meeting.

County Attorney Mr. Parker spoke at this time.He stated that he had not heard from the Attorney General’s office but had called them again. He had found out that his request for information had gone to the wrong office and was again waiting for a reply. Mr. Parker spoke to Mr. Paul Bannun who represented the church that allegedly stopped Anchor One. Mr. Bannun said it was not Anchor One at all but the town of Winterville that was sued because proper procedures were not followed. Because we do not have zoning in Greene County this would not help us at all.

Chairman Jones advised that with the County Attorney’s update of the Scuffleton situation given if anyone who signed up for Public Comments wanted to withdraw that would be fine.


1. Earline Smith, Scuffleton. Ms. Smith stated she was tired of coming here.She state she had been coming since May. She stated she feels if the County Attorney and the Commissioners had tied Anchor One up in court due to their lies we might not be where we are now.

2. D.J. Johnson of Maury EMS. Mr. Johnson stated Commissioner Blizzard has done a lot for the Maury EMS and they wanted to thank her for her time and support.

No other people signed up to speak.

Public Comment section was closed at this time by Chairman Jones.


1. Andrew Parker, McDavid Associates. Mr. Parker updated the Commissioner’s on 3 contract projects and 2 applications for grants. Contract #1 - Metering Solutions Project, being done by Mueller Construction, revised contract expired May 2015 and is 90% complete. Mueller is correcting problems to get readings as promised. The second project is #14 Water Transmission Lines Phase 1H. Being done by Tony E Hawley Construction. 75% complete, on schedule and budget. The third project is #15 Water Transmission Lines and CFS. Also being done by Tony E Hawley Construction. This project is just getting started and is on schedule and budget. The first application was the Parks and Recreation Planning Grant. Submitted application and we did not get this grant and Mr. Parker explained why and what we could do to better our chances if we decide to reapply. The second application was the CDBG Application. Our application was rated 24 out of 100 and was not high enough to receive an offer. This was for the Maury Water Treatment Facility. McDavid does not recommend reapplying. They are looking into other avenues at this time. There has been no cost to the county.

The Chairman turned the meeting over to the County Manager.


Mr. DeHaven’sfirst order of business was a Budget Amendment for DSS. This amendment reduces the fund balance appropriated as the state increased a revenue source. Mr. DeHaven asked the board to approve this request.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the Board voted unanimously to approve this Budget Amendment.

Mr. DeHaven then presented a request to approve the Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS). Mr. DeHaven was instructed by Mr. Hicks that they were an idea of the Economic Development Commission. After further discussion with the EDC Board, and a meeting with an EDC member Mary Betty Kearney he is presenting the information for the two respective signs. The signs will be placed at the intersections of US13 and Perry and US 13 and Chase Dr. The cost of the signs will be $400 per pair of signs and $400 per year annual maintenance. Theseare through DOT.

After discussion between the manager and the Board, Manager DeHaven was advised to find a cheaper optionwith no annual maintenance fee.

On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted unanimously to not approvethe TODS signs and to continue looking for a more efficient option.

Mr. DeHaven then presented a request from the Economic Development Commission to donate $10,000 of EDC funds to Greene Central High School to assist the funding of repairs of the Tennis Courts. This money will be a portion of the total cost of $30,000 to make these repairs. The other funds will be received from the Greene County Tennis Association and Greene County Schools.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted unanimously to approve for the EDC to donate these funds.

Mr. DeHaven then shared a Thank You letter from the Lenior Community College Foundation Board for the Counties donation to the LCC Foundation Tennis and Golf Classic.

County Attorney Report and Recommendations –

Commissioner’s Report and Recommendations – Commissioner Blizzard advised everyone there would be a dedication ceremony for the New Interfaith Building on Wednesday August 19thfrom 5 – 7 p.m. She also stated that September is Pediatric Cancer awareness Month and asked everyone to display a gold ribbon in support of Pediatric Cancer research, and asked for the Commissioner’s to declare September 2015 as Pediatric Cancer Awareness month in Greene County with a Proclamation. Chairman Jones advised this would be taken care of in the next meeting.

Closed Session – Personnel

On motion by Commissioner Fields and seconded by Commissioner Blizzard they went into closed session.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Fieldsthey came out of closed session.

On motion by Commissioner Fields and seconded by Commissioner Blizzardthe Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.