

Purpose / Staff will communicate effectively with consumers, family/whānau and any other persons involved in the consumer’s care and support, and maintain an environment conducive to effective communication
Scope / All staff involved in service provision
Performance Indicator / Staff will effectively communicate with the consumer, family/whānau and any other persons involved in the consumer’s care and support

Consumer & their Family/Whanau

Service information will be available to the consumer and their family/whānau that details for example the services offered, consumer rights and responsibilities and the availability of cultural support.

Consumers or their family/whānauwill be requested to sign an Admission Agreement that details for example items that are excluded from the Service, charges related to any services or item, extent of liability for damage or loss and the complaints system.

Any barriers to effective communication will be recorded in the consumer’s care plan.



All newly engaged staff will receive education which will include an orientation and ongoing training related to effective communication and open disclosure.

Education will be relevant to the staff member’s role and level of contact with the consumer and family/whānau.

Service Delivery

Staff will wear identification badges.

Staff will allow sufficient time to effectively communication with the consumer and their family/whānau.

Consumers and theirfamily/whānauwill have access to a private area other than their bedroom for meetings and telephone calls.

When effectively communicating with the consumer and their family/whānaustaff will:

identify themselves

take into consideration the consumers culture

explain any intervention, treatment or examinationsto be undertaken including medication

obtain consent

respond to opportunities to educate the consumersfor example on diet and exercise

use de-escalation techniques for safely defusing anxious or hostile behaviour as early as possible.

Daily consumer progress notes will be maintained detailing the care and support provided.

A handover report to discuss consumer care and support and communicate problems and concerns will be provided at the commencement of each shift (duty). These handovers will be undertaken .

Open Disclosure

As soon as unintended harm or an error is identified the will be notified, and manage the process or a delegated person in the absence of .

The unintended harm or an error will be recorded on .

Information will be provided to the consumer and/or their family/whānauabout the facts surrounding the harm/error and the consequences of the harm/error.

Support will be provided to the consumer as is necessary and in a manner appropriate to their needs.

The consumer and/or family/whānauwill receive an honest andgenuine apology for any error or harm as soon as possible after the event.

The consumer will be fully informed of the outcome of any investigation undertaken and any changes introduced as a result of that investigation.

The open disclosure processes will be confidential to ensure consumer and staff privacy is maintained.

Ongoing services will be provided as appropriate which may include but not limited to referral to alternative service providers.


Call bells to summon staff attention are located throughout the facility for example in consumer bedrooms and bathrooms.

Consumers and their family/whānauwill have access to interpretersas required.

Easy-to-read signs are displayed throughout the facility which will provide important information.

Consumer and their family/whānau will be provided the opportunity to provide feedback as a means of improving outcomes.

Reference: Health and Disability Services (Core) Standards. NZS 8134.1:2008.

Aged Care Service Agreement for the Provision of Aged Related Residential Care.

Version: / Issue Date: / Review Date: / Authorisation:

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