Sunday, Nov. 8 * 1:00 P.M.

Badger Region Volleyball Office

2831 N. Grandview Blvd., Suite 221, Pewaukee, WI 53072


“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes reflect…”

Board Members in Attendance: Jim Momsen, BJ Leroy, Ted Schulte, Angie Lubach, Paul Schlomer, Pati Rolf,

Call In: BJ Bryant, Julie Voeck, Kim Wudi, Kelly Lehman, Ryan Thompson

Ex-Officio Members: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Brian Sharkey, Colleen Houk, Bill Peterson, Jake Nowak

Absent: Anne Slattery, Ruth Leitzke, Scott Blackmon, Terry Paulson, Nancy Paulson, Larry Schoenick

I  Call To Order

·  Momsen calls meeting to order at1:05pm

·  Introductions for those that called in

II  Approval of Minutes from Sept 2015

·  Motion #1: Motion to approve September 2015 Minutes

Motion moved be Lubach, Second by Schulte

Vote: Motion Passed (unanimously)

III  Financial

·  2014-15 Financial Review

o  Budget specifics are presented by Armson-Dyer

o  Some money will need to be moved from one place to another

IV  Region Office / Administration

·  Updates

o  Colleen Houk is leaving the Region office effective November 30th

o  Ryan Thompson will take over as Operations Manager and stay on as Tournament Director assistant.

o  CAP updates. The registration deadline has been extended.

·  WVC (25th Anniversary)

o  Sharkey updates-25th Anniversary Awards Winners and Honors will happen on the 1st weekend in April. Milwaukee Hilton will be the location. Matches will be played at Marquette. This is a VERY BIG DEAL!

o  Sharkey is working at getting additional players to compete in the adults division.

·  USA Volleyball October Meeting Recap

o  Voeck and Armson-Dyer shared their experiences at the meeting.

o  Gold Map—USAVB plans on having TV (NBC) ads/promotions with current USAV Olympians that are competing at the Olympics suggesting that the masses join VB. This is similar to the Bobsledding promotions.

§  The ads will direct people to their region.

o  Intermountain Region discussions

o  Safesport discussions and updates—What role should Safesport actually have? Black box of where calls should go to.

§  A training session needs to developed.

o  Armson-Dyer attended the USAV BOD meeting

o  18’s GJNC change of dates

§  The decision is to allow 17’s to play in the early 18’s GJNC and then play again in the summer GJNC 17’s within the same club

§  There will be an increase in the amount of teams that will be accepted in 2016 GJNC 18’s in Milwaukee

o  Armson-Dyer shared the locations of the 2017 junior and adult championships.

V  Juniors

·  North Country Clubs

o  Transfer Updates shared by Armson-Dyer

o  Patience for both the learning of Webpoint and AES

·  Tryout policy will be revisited at next BOD meeting if necessary

VI  Adults

·  PVL in Badger Region

o  Sharkey met with a group of leaders of an adult men’s team at an event in Illinois on November 8th to discuss the possibility of a Badger PVL team. The budget that has been pre-determined by the BOD was discussed.

o  It was relayed to them by Sharkey that that the region feels strongly about having players with region ties. There are 6-7 of the players that have legitimate ties to WI.

o  Lubach reviewed a modified contract that Sharkey put together. Many corrections will need to be made to make this a legitimate contract.

o  Sharkey states that Herschel will be the point person.

VII  Officials

·  Updates – Momsen reports

o  1st Badger Region clinic was held 11/8. There were approx. 65 in attendance with 4 of those being new.

o  New clinics will be posted on 11/9

o  Momsen gave update on online clinics and the hope that they will be better received than last season.

o  N Paulson has scheduled a number of Scorekeeping Certification Clinics that can be registered through WebPoint. Momsen explains that clinics are heading in this direction (online).

o  Rolf suggests that all referee fees be waved for 18 & Unders.

·  Motion #2: Motion to wave all referee fees for junior members outside of the USAV member registration (rule books will be included).

Moved by Rolf, Second by Leroy

Vote: Motion Passed (unanimously)

·  Online Juniors Training

o  Momsen explains that junior online referee/scorekeeping clinic is being well received and should be used easily by junior clubs for this season.

VIII  Tournaments

·  Junior Beach Tour Championships

o  There will be a stop in Milwaukee in July (just announced)

o  A press release will be out the week November 9th.

o  Tomas will be involved.

§  It is a busy weekend as there are other events in town as well

·  Other Tournament Updates

o  Badger Region Championships are posted on website

o  The hope is for the event to still be run over two days and not three

o  There will not be an Adult Division. There will be an event in May for them.

o  Badger Qualifier- 17’s & 18’s will be offered on the same day

o  Dale Event-April 17 with locations TBD

o  160 events have been added to AES by junior hosts.

IX  New Business

·  Education Groups-ideas discussed-presented by BJ Leroy

o  Good behaviors should be pointed out

o  Thoughts

§  Fan meetings prior to events by held by TD’s.

§  Special gifts (rubber bracelet) that would promote good sportsmanship and education.

Ø  Education budget could be used

·  Anything that highlights positive behavior is good.

o  USAV is interested in the Badger mentoring program

o  Everyone is very supportive of the sportsmanship and education side of things.

o  BJLeroy will run this by T Paulson.

X  Adjourn

·  Motion #3: Motion to adjourn to adjourn by Paul, 2nd Ted

Moved by Schlomer, Second by Schulte

Vote: Motion passed (unanimously)

Meeting adjourned at 2:30pm

Badger Region Volleyball Association Mission Statement

The Badger Region Volleyball Association promotes initiatives for

safe, structured and fun life-long volleyball experiences!

Our Vision:

Ø  grow the number of players, coaches, officials, spectators and other volleyball enthusiasts

Ø  provide the highest quality volleyball experience in education, training, and competition;

Ø  provide advocacy, support, recognition and administration to the volleyball community