LRC Minutes of the Board of Directors 5/17/2011


The meeting was called to order by President Dick Bayles at 1:30 PM in the Lakeside Room at the Landings Racquet Club, Sarasota, Florida.


Present werePatricia Decker, Frank Pipers, Bonnie Dombrosky, Karl Maggardand Dick Baylesconstituting a quorum. Absent were Jerry Welch and Sara Rhodes. Also present was LRC Manager Kevin Lechlitner.


The notice for the meeting was posted in accordance with the By-laws of the Association and requirements of Florida Statutes.


A motion was made byBonnie Dombroskyand seconded byKarl Maggardto approve the minutes from April19, 2011. Each director present voted in favor of the motion. Motion passed.


Jerry Welch submitted his report in advance. It stated:

All is well. The club has a net profit from club operations and maintenance of $333,568, which is $2,233 less than the budget. Member Activities have generated a profit of $7,799, which is $3,466 less than the budget. So the bottom line is that our profit is $1,233 over budget, which is very good. The cash balance is about $2,600 lower than budget, but that is ok.

Judy Greene asked that the Treasurer give more detail in the oral report. She also inquired about having access to the monthly financial reports and was informed that they are available to all members in the Tennis Pro Shop.


A copy was given to each Board member and is also available in the Tennis Pro Shop.


Pool & Spa

Jay Eisner said we are getting ready for the pool related projects to begin in June.

Tennis (Joe Venezia)

Joe thanked the members that supported him in the JDRF Exhibition Series final at the Meadows Country Club. Over 70 members made the trip to cheer for the Landings representatives. Lil Peltz-Petow won the women’s amateur, Mike Tucci finished fourth in the men’s amateur and Joe tied for third in the men’s professional division. The Landings event raised the 6th most among the participating clubs and also received the Top Notch Volunteer award. Overall the series raised over $20,000 for charity.

The next tennis event will be Breakfast at Wimbledon on July 1st or 3rd. Andrea Smith and Judy Falkenthal will sponsor the round robin.

The Tennis Committee suggested putting a first aid kit by the courts. The Board agreed. Kevin and Joe will decide on a suitable location.

Social Program

Trivia is tonight. The next Koffee Klatsch in on the 24th. The Memorial Day BBQ will be May 30th.

Landscaping / Irrigation

Patricia Decker said:

1. Landscaping is looking good. Pest control management, resolved irrigation and frequent applications of Miracle Grow are the key factors.

2. Signature continues to maintain shrubs and has done large areas of clean up and hauling away (extra charge) around the back of the fitness center and also behind the shed.

3. Smaller palm trees have been cleaned up but Kevin will need to schedule the company that he used last year to clean up the Washingtonian Palms.

4. The recent plantings at Lake 6 are surviving thanks to the regular hand watering by the staff. Received another telephone call from Lake View Villas asking what further plans we had to enhance that area. My response was nothing for the moment but that I would do some research on aquascaping.

5. Larry Lawrence,chairperson for Lakes contacted me on this subject and has offered to get estimates from Mike Keegan and also Derek of Dune Scapes.

6. How we proceed with this project will be determined by cost. The expectation is that Lake View will /should contribute to beautifying this area that they are unhappy with. This area was never intended to be part of the landscape budget.

Fitness Center

Bonnie Dombrosky stated the Fitness Center is OK.


Ralph Ricapito was not present at the meeting.

Facility Maintenance

Frank Pipers said the facilities are fine.

Membership Communication

Barbara Pendrellmentioned 10 welcome baskets have been handed out to the new residents so far and she has 5 more ready to go for when the new residents move in. They all enjoyed receiving the bags and are taking advantage of the items inside.

Old Business

The question of insurance was raised. Jerry Welch was not at the meeting and Kevin was on vacation the last two weeks. Kevin will call Pat Schuhriemen at Advanced Insurance Underwriters to find out the latest information.

New Business

The Board would like Kevin to investigate the cost of and set up a time for all the employees to attend a CPR / AED certification class with the American Red Cross.

Dick Bayles gave a report from his meeting with the All Faiths Food Bank. The Food Bank is enlisting the help of local clubs. They would like for us to put a line item on each bill asking for a donation similar to how FPL and Verizon do it. If the members want to donate, they add it to their bill and pay the Club. The Club then cuts a monthly check to the Food Bank.

Members in the audience spoke up and said the Club already has two events that benefit the Food Bank, CANUKUS and the Rummage Sale. It could open a can of worms with other charities wanting a piece of the pie. The Board decided to pass on this opportunity citing those that want to give already do on their own.

Dick Bayles presented the following proposal:

Association Use of LRC Facilities

The fees associated with room rental are:

  • $250 for Lakeside, including patio;
  • $125 for Poolside

Associations may rent a room appropriate for the intended use at the above price adjusted as follows:

  • Landings South Associations are given a 100% discount, i.e., there is no charge for room use for these Associations;
  • The Associations governing the Treehouses, Carriagehouses, Cloisters and Landings Homeowners are given a 25% discount and;
  • The Landings Management Association is given a 60% discount.

These prices are valid for official business of the Associations such as regular and special board meetings, annual meetings and their committee meetings.

Imposition of these fees will commence on July 1, 2011.

Priorities for Room Use

The following priorities are used when scheduling use of the Poolside and Lakeside rooms:

  1. LRC Meetings (such as the monthly and annual meetings or meetings of committees of the Club.
  2. LRC-sponsored activities.
  3. Association Meetings
  4. Private Parties

Schedules and facilities are arranged to accord the most people use of LRC facilities. The special needs of certain uses will be taken into account when scheduled.

Howard Feltman thought it could create ill will in the community. Adrienne Feltman agreed and said we have a reputation to uphold and this should be “one community.” Judy Greene said it was absurd for LHA to pay a fee to use the Clubhouse. Martha Sherline stated the same for her Carriage House association. Henry Rhodes, who is the President of LMA, didn’t like the idea of having to pay for meeting space and said we are creating a very slippery slope. If we decide to charge LMA, they may decide the security they provide for us requires a fee.

A motion was made by Bonnie Dombrosky and seconded by Frank Pipers to accept the policy as presented effective July 1, 2011. Dick Bayles, Bonnie Dombrosky and Frank Pipers voted in favor of the motion. Karl Maggard opposed it and Patricia Decker abstained. Motion passed.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Frank Pipersand seconded by Patricia Deckerto adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Lechlitner