Pledge of Allegiance

Adoption of Agenda

The agenda of the June 3, 2015, board meeting was approved as presented.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the regular Board meeting of May 20, 2015 were approved as presented.

Reports: Superintendent – Mr. Dennis Chambers

  1. Mr. Chambers reported to the Board that the elementary building project is ahead of schedule and going well. We were able to turn the 3rd/4th grade wing over to the contactors a couple of days earlier that we had projected
  2. Mr. Chambers informed the Board that PIVOT will be the new data warehouse and evaluation tool beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. This software will be something different for both the teachers and the administrators.
  3. Mr. Chambers presented to the Board professional leave requests approved as of June 1, 2015.

Opportunity for Public Comments

(No negative comments toward Corporation employees are permitted during the public meeting. Alleged misconduct by a Corporation employee is to be addressed in an Executive session of the Board following meeting with appropriate members of the Administration.)

Ms. Jill Brand was in attendance and had a couple of comments about the setup of graduation.

Business Office Recommendations

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Claim Docket

The claims #10519-10590 and the payroll for May 22, 2015 as listed in Appendix #1677 were approved for payment.

Bonding for Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and Blanket Bond

The Board approved bonding of the treasurer and deputy treasurer for the 2015-2016 fiscal year as listed:

Janet McIntosh, Corporation Treasurer

Sheryl Marshall, Corporation Deputy Treasurer

In addition, other employees handling money on a regular basis (ECA treasurers, athletic director, latchkey director, cafeteria cashiers) are covered under a “blanket” bond.



The Board accepted the resignation of Mackenzie Jackson as high school guidance effective July 1, 2015.


The Board accepted the 8 week maternity leave for Courtney Crabtree from approximately August 13-October 8, 2015.

Intent to Employ

The Board gave the superintendent the authority to issue an Intent to Employ when necessary for the 2015-2016 school year.


The Board approved Title One Jumpstart Stipends and Salaries as outlined in Appendix#1678.

The Board approved Chelsie King as Elementary Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year.

Transfer Students

The Board approved the Transfer Student capacity and procedures for the 2015-2016 school year as outlined in Appendix #1679.

Textbook Adoption

The Board approved the Social Studies, Jr./Sr. High Literature, and speech textbooks as presented in Appendix#1680.

Elementary Handbook

The Board approved the Elementary School Handbook changes as presented in Appendix#1681.

Opportunity for Board Communication:

Mr. Mike Downham welcomed permanently, Cheslie King, as an employee. He thought graduation went well even though it was warm.

Mr. Mike Van Horn commented that the student speeches at graduation were very good.

Mr. Alan Wright complimented the baseball and softball teams for a good season.


The June 3, 2015 regular board meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.