P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088


Sealed tenders are invited from experienced, reputed and financially sound parties for Supply of the following items for Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Kolkata for the year 2017-18.

For Section- FISH




Interested parties may submit their tender for any one/more category on the prescribed form (separate form for every separate category) available at the institute’s website

The tender document along with terms and conditions can be downloaded from the website, or can be purchased from institute’s office on all working days from 10 am. to 4 pmfrom 22nd June, 2017 to 06thJuly, 2017. Last date of submission of tender is 07th July, 2017up to 1400 hrs. and will be opened on the same day at 1430 hrs. in the office of the Principal, in the presence of such tenderers who wish to be present.

The Management reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.




P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088


(Supply of Daily requirements to the Institute)

From 01st July, 2017 to30th June, 2018


The Secretary

Institute of Hotel Management, Catering

Technology & Applied Nutrition

Kolkata-700 088.

Dear Sir,

I/We hereby offer to supply to the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, at P-16, Taratala Road, Kolkata-700088.

From 01stJuly, 2017 to 30th June, 2018the articles listed in this Tender form is such Quantities as may be required or to be indented for on me/us from time to time at the rates mentioned in this schedule.

I/We attach herewith full particulars of my/our firm as required by you.

I/We hereby deposit the required amount by Bank Draft which, not to bear any interest, as earnest money and agree to the forfeiture of the said deposit if in the event of your accepting my/our tender, I/we fail to execute the contract.

DATE:Yours faithfully,





Signature of the Tenderer

(Name of all the parties constituting the firm)



P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088


Tenderer concerned

Please state the following particulars:-

1.Whether you own any stall in local market within Kolkata Corporation Jurisdiction?

2.How long you are in the business of supplies as per your choice of Section?

3.Whether you are, at present, supplying in any Hotels, Hospitals, Hostels, and Clubs etc. and give name & address of it.

4.Whether you have previously supplied to this Institute and if so, State the year.

5.If supplies were discontinued, state the reason:-



Address of Tenderer:



Phone No.



Date: Signature of the Tenderer with seal.



P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088


01.The Earnest money are to be deposited by the tenderer by Demand Draft only in favour of IHMCTAN,KOLKATA payable at Kolkatafor each section as detailed given below, in case of acceptance the tender the same will be refunded after completing the contract, otherwise the same will be refunded within one month.Cheque will not be accepted in any circumstances.


For Section- FISH- 10,000.00

For Section- SHELLED ANIMALS- 0.00

For Section- STATIONERY- 3,000.00

For Section- COMPUTER STATIONERY- 1,000.00

02.T.D.S. will be applicable as per rules.

03.Parties quoting the rates must be prepared to supply items, even if only a part of the Section for which they are quoting. If anyone fails to accept this condition after quoting the rates the earnest money and security deposit deposited by them will be forfeited to the institute funds.

04.While quoting rates, the parties must quote for the units/wts. However, if there is any change in the units/wts,of any article this must be mentioned while quoting the rates.

05.Trade License true copy (attested by a gazetted officer with office stamp) to be submitted along with the tender form.

06.Latest Income Tax clearance Certificate to be deposited along with the Tender form.

07.Wherever Brand and quantity to any articles containing in a sealed container is not mentioned in this schedule, details of such articles are to be quoted by the Tenderer when rate is quoted in the remarks column. Date of expiry must be seen before supply is made.

08.Articles to be supplied strictly on punctuality as briefed day to day.

09.Parties must come to collect the following day’s requirement slip on the previous day between 1500 hours to 1600 hours or as briefed.

10.Parties must supply as per specification mentioned.

11.Last date of submission of the tender is 19th June, 2017up to 1400 hours.

12.The Tender will be open on 19th June, 2017at 1430 hours.



P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088

1Tenders should be completed in all respects and submitted in 'Self Addressed Envelops provided with the tender documents. As far as possible, tenders should be typed.

2Tenders should not accompany any requests for negotiations from tenderers.

3Tenderer may select any one or more categories/items for submitting the tender. Each Category should be submitted in separate Tender Document along with Earnest Money Deposit separately, mentioned against each category. Tender for more than one category/item submitted in one single document would be rejected and the decision of the Institute would be final and abiding on tenderer. If downloading from website only relevant portion of the detailed items should be downloaded and filled up for submitting.

Category/Items of TenderEarnest Money deposit


For Section- FISH- 10,000.00

For Section- SHELLED ANIMALS- 0.00

For Section- STATIONERY- 3,000.00

For Section- COMPUTER STATIONERY- 1,000.00

4Rates should be quoted strictly according to the unit of the measurement specified against each item. For the evaluation of the tender, the rates quoted shall be presumed for the units of the measurement given in the tender document only.

5No rates column should be left blank otherwise the highest rate quoted by any other tenderer for those items shall be taken for evaluation of the tender. In case the tenderer is still successful in getting the contract on the basis of his being the lowest, he would be paid lowest rates quoted by other tenderers for those items not quoted. Tenderers are requested to fill/write all the columns and no column should be left blank.

6Totals calculated on the basis of estimated quantities and the rates quoted should also be indicated in 'Amount' column of the schedule.

7Overwriting is not allowed and cuttings on the tenders should be avoided as far as possible and wherever corrections exist, the signatory should attest the same.

8Please note that "Terms and Conditions" accompanying the tender documents are for general guidance only and successful tender will have to sign an agreement, with amendments, if any, considered necessary by the Institute.

9Earnest money as prescribed has to be deposited by the tenderers failing which tender is liable for rejection.

10Annexure I (Technical Bid) provided with the documents is to be filled up by the tenderer duly supported by documents as desired.

11As per the agreement required to be signed, the management reserves the right to call upon the supplier to continue the supplies at the contractual rates for three months in excess of the contract period. Similarly, the Institute also reserves the right to defer the commencement of the supply period by three months.




P – 16, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 088


1.The cost of tender documents is Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand only) except SHELLED ANIMALS. For SHELLED ANIMALS the cost of tender documents is Rs. 10.00 (Rupees Ten only). A tenderer who has downloaded the tender documents from website should also deposit the cost of documents before submitting the tender. The money can be deposited at the Office of the cashier in the Institute. They should submit relevant documents e.g. Money Receipt/Demand Draft along with the tender. This amount is Non-refundable.

2.Each tender shall be accompanied by a bank draft covering the amount of Earnest Money as per Category mention below in favour of “IHMCT&AN,KOLKATA” payable at Kolkata. Cheque will not be accepted in any circumstance. The earnest money of unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded within 15 days from the date of opening of the financial bid. In case of successful tenderer the same will be adjusted towards the security deposit. In case the tenderer refuses to accept the award or refuses to comply with any of the terms and conditions for the award of contract, the EMD shall be forfeited. Exemption of Earnest Money will not be considered under any circumstance. However, for SSI/NSI/NGO the earnest money would be refunded in due course.

Category/Items of TenderEarnest Money deposit


For Section- FISH- 10,000.00

For Section- SHELLED ANIMALS- 0.00

For Section- STATIONERY- 3,000.00

For Section- COMPUTER STATIONERY- 1,000.00

3.In addition to the earnest money, 2.50 % of gross bill would be deducted from the successful tenderer during the time of payment of bill as Security Deposit. Earnest money and the security deposit would be refunded to the successful tenderer after executing the total order.

4.The supplier shall provide, furnish and deliver the supplies at the premises of the Institute during the period of this contract, unless it is terminated earlier, by 8.00 a.m. or any other specified time. Supply of material after specified time is liable to be rejected. The material of the nature and description specified in the tender form hereto shall be taken as part of this contract, in such number and quantity as may from time to time be required for and on behalf of the Institute at rates and prices agreed to.

5.a.The material shall be of the best quality and of the exact kind; quality and description demanded and if at any stage these are found unsuitable/sub-standard shall be liable to be rejected by the Institute. The decision shall be final and binding on the Supplier.

b.In case the material or any part thereof has been rejected the Institute shall not be required to assign or give any reason for such rejection and their decision shall be final. In case of any of the said material being rejected or not being supplied as aforesaid, the Institute shall be at liberty to purchase the same at the cost and expenses of the supplier and the supplier shall on demand, pay to the Institute all such extra costs, charges and expenses as shall or may be incurred or sustained in procuring the same and/or the extra amount spent by the Institute on account of such purchases, shall be deducted from the security/running bills. In case of repeated defaults the Institute reserves the right to terminate the contract and the supplier shall have no right to any compensation or damages in this regard.

  1. As 100% inspection of the commodities is not possible or practicable at the time of supply, the supplier shall be responsible to accept back and replace all such material, which are on inspection/opening/checking/actual use found unsuitable or below the standard required by the Institute. In case of failure of the contractor to do so, the Corporation shall have the right to proceed in the same manner as in the case of (b) above in respect of these rejected commodities as well.

d. The quantities shown in the 'Schedule' are only estimated requirements. The Institute reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantities. No arrangement of any kind shall be entertained. The Institute also reserves the right to place order on any item/items of the purchase order throughout the currency of the contract and the supplier shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or damages.

e. The supplier shall maintain proper date wise record of all indents placed on them by the Institute for effecting supplies. If telephonic indents are placed at any time, the supplier shall ensure that such telephonic orders are followed with written indents.

  1. The supplies must be accompanied by a proper dated challans/advice mentioning therein separately the quantity ordered and quantity supplied in respect of each item.

6.In the event of failure on the part of the 'Supplier' to supply the material, in accordance with the conditions entered herein the Institute shall have the right to make alternative arrangement at the cost and risk of the supplier. The supplier shall reimburse the extra cost to the Institute and in case of his failure to do so the Institute shall have the right to recover the amount from the security deposit of the supplier any dues owed to the Institute by the supplier. It should be clearly understood that the Institute’s right and the supplier's obligation for compensation is not limited to the extent of security deposit and/or the dues owed and the Institute shall have the right to proceed against the supplier for the recovery of its claim in excess of the security deposit and/or the dues available with the Institute. The Institute has a right to withhold the Security Deposit and appropriate the same if need be until the dues of the supplier are fully settled.

7.It is the responsibility of Supplier to receive the Purchase order by 4.00 p.m. on every working day. Failure to supply for want of order, Institute shall have the right to procure the same on the risk and cost of the Supplier in the same manner as specified in point 6 as above.

8.In case of breach of any of the conditions stipulated herein the Institute shall be at liberty to terminate contract with out prejudice to the right of the Institute to claim damages on account of breaches thereof in the same manner as at (6) above.

9.The supplier shall not be directly concerned or in any way deal with the officers or other persons employed by or under the authority of the Institute in making the supplies hereby contracted for, nor shall be suppliers either directly or indirectly give or promise to pay or give, or permit to be given to any person or persons or in any department under the Institute, money or gratuity, fee or reward for any matter or thing or anyway relating to the performance of the contract.

10.The supplier shall not assign the present contract or in any manner allow any other person or persons to interfere in the Management or performance thereof, without the written permission of the Institute.

11.a) The bills for the supplies as aforesaid may be preferred by supplier on the Institute every month for previous month’s supply within 7th of next month. The bills should be made on proper printed bill from serially numbered and in no case on the letterheads.

b) Any over payment of the Contractors bills for the supplies made under these terms and conditions shall be recovered from the contractors from his bills subsequently submitted for payment and if such over payments or any portion thereof or thereafter remitted by the supplier. The amount so recovered will be refunded to the supplier. The Institute shall have the right to recover the overcharges, from the security deposit as well.

12.The Institute shall pay for such approved material as shall be supplied by the supplier and accepted by the said officer for and on behalf of the Institute under or by virtue of these terms and conditions at the rates and prices which will be specified and contained in the Schedule after the tender has been approved.

13.In the event of a dispute arising between the supplier and Institute during the currency of the contract or after the conclusion thereof, the same shall be referred to the Sole Arbitration of the Chairman, Board of Governors of the Institute or the Officer appointed by him and his award shall be final and legally binding on both the parties and there will be no objection to this effect that the officer who has been appointed by the Chairman is an employee of the Institute or that in course of his dealing with official matter he has expressed any opinion on this subject

  1. Subject to clause 13 above COURTS alone will have the jurisdiction.

14.The latest Income tax assessment order and the Income Tax Clearance Certificate will accompany each tender. In case the Income of the tenderer is not taxable, an affidavit to this effect may be attached to the tender.

15.Tenders from suppliers with sound financial standing and capacity will only be considered.No interest will be payable on Earnest Money/Security Deposit. Tenderer withdrawing before the announcement of successful tenderer shall be liable to have his earnest money forfeited.

16.An agreement (copy attached) is to be signed with the Institute emboding all terms and conditions of the tender within one month of the receipt of acceptance letter from the Institute. The cost of the stamp papers of appropriate value shall be borne by the supplier.