Vocabulary Week 2 Name:

Scene: two men floating on a splintered section of wood, resembling a portion of boat decking

Thomas: We have just survived a major catastrophe. We are lucky to be alive after our sailboat got rammed by that barge.

Frank: Yes, it was horrible. When I felt our boat shudder after being hit, I knew we were in trouble. It was only a few minutes before the whole boat broke apart.

Thomas: Thank goodness we were able to grab hold of this rickety section of the deck that got ripped free from the rest of the boat before it went down. I only wish we could have been able to get to the lifeboat.

Frank: Yes, I wish we did not have to abandon the lifeboat, but there was no way we could catch up to it in the strong current.

Thomas: Well, we are alive. We must try not to feel forlorn. Surely someone will find us soon.

1.  Burro- (noun) a small donkey.

2.  Catastrophe – (noun) a sudden, tragic event; disaster.

3.  Capsule- (noun) a small case or container.

4.  Rickety – (adj.) affected with rickets; feeble in the joints; shaky; dilapidated.

5.  Shudder – (verb) to tremble or shake; shiver; quiver.

Exercise 1 – Select one of the above vocabulary words to correctly complete each sentence.

1.  The man told us it would cost five dollars to ride the ______up the hill.

2.  Be careful of those ______stairs that are falling apart, or you might fall through.

3.  Hurricane Katrina was a huge ______that destroyed thousands of homes all along the Gulf Coast.

4.  The girl ______(ed) with fear when a long snake glided over her foot.

5.  The doctor told her to take one ______before every meal.

Exercise 2 – Match each vocabulary word to its correct definition. Write the letter on the line.

1.  Burro _____ a. a sudden, tragic event

2.  Catastrophe_____ b. a small case or container

3.  Capsule______c. shaky; falling apart

4.  Rickety______d. a small donkey

5.  Shudder______e. to tremble or shake

Exercise 3 – Antonyms; Think of and write one word that has the opposite or a different meaning than the vocabulary word. (Use a dictionary or thesaurus).

1.  burro = ______

2.  catastrophe = ______

3.  capsule = ______

4.  rickety = ______

5.  shudder = ______

Exercise 4- Synonyms; Think of and write one word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as the vocabulary word. (Use a dictionary or thesaurus).

1.  burro= ______

2.  catastrophe=______

3.  capsule=______

4.  rickety=______

5.  shudder=______