Welcome to FBC Bluffton

Dear Friends,

The start of AWANA is always an exciting time of year. I love to hear children reciting verses, playing games and doing sword drills. We are so happy you have decided to allow your child to be a part of one of the most exciting ministries in Bluffton. We know you could find something else to do or somewhere else to go and are thrilled you decided to send them to AWANA.

We are anticipating a great year ahead with many different theme nights and special activities. Our leaders have been going through training so they are ready to listen, teach and invest in your child. We are praying for you and your family as you begin the great journey through AWANA this year! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday nights!

Pastor Mark DeVaney

Dear Parents,

Welcome and thank you for giving us the opportunity to share AWANA with your child! Please take the time to read this Handbook, which will provide you with information about our AWANA ministry.

First Baptist of Bluffton (FBC) AWANA Club gives your child the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with God and grow in His Word. It also provides the opportunity to develop friendships with other children. Your personal involvement will be an encouragement for your child to pass their handbook sections and activities each week.

We invite you to come to club anytime to observe. Again, we thank you for the opportunity to work with and minister to your child. May you and your child have a fantastic year in AWANA!

Commander, Kellie Kamer

Young people hold a special place in Jesus’ heart. He created them. He sacrificed His life for their sins. He longs for them to know, love, and serve Him. He desires to spend eternity with them. His kingdom belongs to suchas these. That’s why kids matter so deeply to AWANA. As a worldwideministry, AWANA believes that Jesus is the answer to every child’s needs, particularly for salvation. The AWANA programs and materials have been carefully crafted to help churches clearly and consistently communicate the good news of Christ and His plan for their lives, as expressed in His Word, each week of the AWANA year, and to build a biblical foundation that helps them follow Christ through adulthood.

The goal of AWANA is to reach ALL children with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him. First Baptist Church of Bluffton began AWANA in 2005. Each Sunday night during the school year, clubbers enjoy exciting AWANA games, hear challenging Bible messages, and memorize the Word of God. We want to help your child become a spiritual champion!

The word AWANA stands for “ Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15…” Do your best to present yourself to God asone approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth”.

Our weekly club night is divided into 4 Segments:

Opening Ceremony (pledges, club songs & prayer)

Game Time (playing games)

Handbook Time (reciting verses)

Counsel Time (Bible lesson & teaching time)

Clubbers sign in with their secretary between 4:45-5:00 PM.Opening Ceremony begins promptly at 5:00 PM,with all leadersand clubbers assembled around the game square (except for Cubbies...they stay in their preschool areas the entire night. Trek meets up-stairs and Journey meets in the youth house). After prayer, each club is dismissed to their activities for the night.We will be dismissing at 6:45 from the Fellowship Hall. Cubbies will still be picked up from their room. You will receive a pick up pass for your child that you need to bring every week in order to pick your child up. Please enter from the outside at the back double doors.

The AWANA leader’s goal is to help your child grow spiritually. Club directors or leaders will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Parents are always welcome to come and observe as their child participates in club activities.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to acquaint you with the AWANA ministry of First Baptist Church of Bluffton, and how it can benefit not only your child but, your entire family!


We have some requirements that our leaders must meet, however, we also have some expectations we encourage them to consider. The following may give you some insight into the type of leadership we strive here at First Baptist Church of Bluffton AWANA Club:

A leader must have a personal relationship with Jesus


A leader must have a desire and passion to work withchildren.

A leader must complete a volunteer application/screeningbefore working in AWANA ministry.

A leader must agree with the AWANA doctrinal state-mentas found in the training manual.

A leader must be a member of First Baptist Church andabide by our child protection policy.

We expect our leaders to be on time.

We expect leaders to surrender their Sunday afternoonsto the Lord while working in AWANA and stay committed all year!

We expect our leaders to be examples by wearing clean, neat uniforms and their name badge every week.

We expect our leaders to follow the rules.

We expect our leaders to display a proper attitude be-fore the clubbers, other leaders, and parents.

We expect our leaders to pray for our club on a regularbasis.

We expect our leaders to realize that AWANA is not just another program rather; it is a ministry of thechurch, and a place of service to God.


ALWAYS encourage your child. Children have much more fun when

Mom & Dad show interest in their accomplishments.

Help your child toattend AWANA every week and to arrive on time consistently. This builds friendships, achievement, and self-discipline.

During the week, help your childprepare to passat least 2 to 3 sections.This will ensure that they complete their handbook, receivetheir special rewards, and qualify for other AWANA activities.

Attend all major events. Parents are always welcome and are encouraged to attend special events as a way of showing your support and approval for your child’s accomplishments.

Please review the discipline guidelines in this handbook with your child.

AWANA has very few rules of behavior, but in order to insure that all clubbers have the opportunity to learn as well as have some fun, some rules of behavior will be enforced.

Please plan to pick up clubberspromptly after club in their designated pick up area. Clubbers will not be permitted to leave the building without an adult to pick them up.

Please DO NOT park on the driveway in front of the church! Park in a parking space. We want to keep a safe environment for our little ones.

If your child needs to be excused from Game Time, please send anote to the effect to their leader or director, otherwise, they will beexpected to participate with other clubbers in all activities. Be certainto send your child in closed toed shoes to participate in games.

Yearly dues of $30.00 per child will be collected at registration tohelp defray the cost of awards/uniform/handbook.

We will have an Adopt-A-Club offering and a Operation Christmas

Child and Food Collection, during the year.These are optional, but wewould like for you to participate if you can.

Special events will require practices outside of club and traveling to and from events for Awana Games, Sparks-A-Rama and TNT BibleQuiz. A select number of Children will be chosen for these teams based on their attendance, skill and attitude. Permission slips will be forwarded to parents requesting their signature of commitment to the event. Trek & Journey compete in the Awana YM Classic against oth-er clubs around the State. See club calendars for dates and locations of all events.


Be courteous to leaders. Clubbers should not talk when a leader is speaking.

Listen for the 5-count. When a leader starts counting to five, clubbers are to stop what they are doing and listen for instructions.

Study at home. Be prepared to say sections when you come to club.

Handbook Time is the portion of the night where clubbers say Bible verses and sections to their leaders. This time is meant for passing sections and studying for the following week. There is NO playing or loud talking during Handbook Time.

Verses are said during handbook time only...unless approved by the Commander.

You are allowed only two helps while saying a section. You must say the entire section at one time. Your leader will assist you if you are having problems with completing a section. No helps are allowed when earning the book review award.

All sections must be said or completed in the order of the entrance booklets and handbooks. The exceptions being “Bring a Friend, Missionary and Sparks Helper” sections.

During Game Time, you are to give full attention to the Game Director as well as your leaders. Listen to the instructions so you will know how to play the games. Cheer for your team, but always show good sportsmanship toward the other teams and your own team clubbers.

You are expected to participate in the flag ceremony, stand at attention, reciting the American, AWANA, Christian flag & Bible pledges. Sing your clubs theme song with enthusiasm. During prayer, you are expected to show respect by bowing your head and closing your eyes.

Running through the church is NOT allowed at any time, except as port of the supervised activities of Game Time.

You must get permission from your leader to go to the restroom or to use the phone (for emergency purposes only). No child will go to the restroom unescorted!

Because of Game Time, we suggest clubbers wear proper running shoes. Weprefer tennis shoes. No Heely’s are allowed!No short shorts are allowed...theclubber’s middle finger should touch the bottom of their shorts when they are standing up straight. Skirts and dresses are not suited for game time activities.

Vulgar language and/or offensive clothing is NOT allowed.

If you do not complete a section after 3 consecutive weeks, we will help you get back on track by working with you during your Game Time.

If clubber misbehaving continues to occur, you may be sent home (see 3-countunder the Discipline section of this handbook).

Club starts promptly at 5:00 PM and pick up time is at 6:45PM Sharp.


In the event that discipline is required, we have two procedures that will be used by all clubs: the 5-count, and the 3- count. The 5-count isfor all clubbers, while the 3-count is for individual clubbers.


When a leader needs the clubbers to be still and quiet, he/she will count from 1 to 5. All other leaders will join in the count with their hands in the air using their fingers. All clubbers need to stop talking immediately and be still. Clubbers who are not quiet by the count of 5 run the risk of losing AWANA Bucks...Yikes! Listen carefully!!!


If a child is disrespectful or is disruptive to the club, the following procedures will occur:

“1” count will be given for the first offense.

“2” count will be given for the second offense, and the child will be counseled by their Director or Leader outside of the club room with another leader as a witness and then returned to club.

“3” count is given and the child is taken by the Director to the Commander. The Commander will decide if the parents are to be called. If disruptive behavior continues, the Commander and parents will need to dis-cuss when the child can return to club.

It is our prayer that no situation will have to be handled in this manner, but in fairness to the clubbers and leaders, the above will be enforced as necessary. Thank you for your help.


Upon starting a new club, your child will bring home an entrance booklet, which is the first step to his/her AWANA achievements. We hope you will help him/her complete this booklet in two to three weeks. Upon completion of the entrance booklet, and the $30 registration payment, your child will be eligible to receive his/her handbook and uniform. We love visitors...they are welcome to our club, but after 3 visits to our club we expect you to become a club member!

Dues (registration fee) for club are paid by the year. $30.00 per clubber.

Uniforms and books cannot be distributed until registration payment is made. One uniform shirt or vest will be earned per club. Lost or outgrown uniforms will be replaced at the expense of the clubber and must be paid for in advance. The replacement pricelist is on our website.

Please do not allow cost to keep your child from being in AWANA. We will work out a payment plan for you if necessary. See our secretary or the Commander.

Clubbers and leaders are expected to wear their AWANA uniform to each club meeting. A properly worn uniform helps AWANA clubbers and leaders earn respect and credibility.

Uniform standards are as follows:

Cubbies & Sparks vests must be clean and buttoned

T&T shirts must be clean and do NOT have to be tucked in.

All awards should be put on the uniform as they are earned and put in the proper place. Please check for placement in the back of your child’s handbook.

The uniform is not required to be worn when a theme night costume prohibits a clubber from wearing it.

If your child does not wear their uniform to club, we will keep their awards until they have their uniform on.

Entrance Booklet & Handbooks

Before working in a handbook, all newcomers to Sparks will complete an entrance booklet

—Flight 3:16– that centers on the gospel message of John 3:16.

There are 3 handbooks...one for each year in Sparks Club. HangGlider, WingRunner, and SkyStormer will take Sparkies on a sequential journey through Scripture—Genesis through Revelation—with regular layovers to meet important Bible characters along the way. Each book includes verse memory sections, Bible biographies, and activities. The handbooks are enhanced with an audio handbook CD. All new Sparks will begin in the HangGlider Handbook.

Sparks Handbook Characters

Sparky’s has three friends: Chloe, an outspoken girl who focuses on God’s bigger picture,

Joel, a smart techie and the practical joker of the group, and Jacob, a compassionate boy who always sees the good in people.

Award System

Upon completion of the entrance booklet, Sparks receive their vest and rank emblem patch which corresponds with the book they are working in. Sparkies will receive pilot wings to display the achievement jewels they earn as they pass sections in their book. Sparks will receive a review patch for going thru their book again.


Each handbook contains an audio handbook CD that includes dramatic readings of the Bible biographies and a helpful timeline.

An extra credit book is available for clubbers who have completed their book, after they complete the book review.

Truth and Training is broken into two groups: Ultimate Adventure: 3rd& 4th Graders

Ultimate Adventure consists of books, 1 & 2. Clubber must complete the “ Start Zone” entrance booklet before receiving their handbook, shirt, and “Streamwood” dog badge.

Each book contains 8 Discoveries with 7 sections that will be completed in order unless specified otherwise. Clubbers will progress in their handbooks at their own pace and earn bones for their badge. The red badge is for book 1,blue badge is for book 2. It is suggested that at least 2-3 sections be completed each week in order to complete the handbook within a club year. Each segment contains optional (silver/gold) extra credit work, which can be done along with the segment or upon finishing the handbook.

Ultimate Challenge: 5th & 6th Graders

Ultimate Challenge consists of books, 1 & 2. A “Start Zone” entrance booklet will only need to be completed if this is the clubbers first time in a TNT club. Clubbers begin in Ultimate Challenge book 1 even if they have not completed their Ultimate Adventure books. Clubbers also have a different uniform shirt and earn badges to indicate the progression in their book. Each book contains 8 Challenges with 7 sections that will be completed in order unless specified otherwise. Clubbers progress in their hand-books at their own pace. Returning 6th graders who did not finish book 1 the previous year, must complete that book before beginning Ultimate Challenge book 2. Both books also contain optional silver & gold extra credit work.

CubbieHoneyCombBook Award: A confetti filled fun ribbon is awarded upon completion of first Cubbies’ hand-book.