Curriculum Vitae

Bellal Ahmad Awad Abuhelaleh

Date of Birth: 3rd July 1981

Place of Birth: Ma’an, Jordan

Nationality: Jordanian

Mobile: 00962779675852


Adress: Aqaba (Cap: 77110) Box: 350

Academic Education:

-PhD, Science and Technology for archaeology and cultural Heritage. University of Ferrara-Italy. Final result Good. March 2011.

Exploitation of animals resources from the Pre-pottery Neolithic Tell AbuSuwwan site in Jordan “an Archaeozoological perspective”.

Scholarship from the Minister of Fournier of Italy.

-International Master of Quaternary and Prehistory. University of Ferrara, Ferrara- Italy. Finale risult 29/30. October 2007.

Zooarchaeological and Taphonomical analysis of the Epigravettian faunal remains (US.11). Riparo Tagliente, Italy.

Scholarship From European Education and Training; ERASMUS MUNDUS program.

-B.C.S in “Conservation Science” from “Queen Rania’s Institute of Tourism and Heritage (QRITH)”, Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan, with an average of good, 2004.

-SSC Science Stream from AqabaSecondary School, Aqaba

Experiments and Jobs:

  1. Research assistance, Department of Archaeology, Petra College for Tourism and Archaeology- Al Hussein Bin Talal University. 9/9/2012-until now.
  2. Logistical organization of ICCROM workshop in Amman- Jordan. 1/03/2012-10/07/2012.
  3. Researcher in Tell Abu Suwwan Prepottery Neolithic site in Jordan. University of Jordan. Independent researcher. 01/10/2011 until now.
  4. Abuhelaleh Bellal, Al Nahar Maysoon, Berrutti Gabriele Luigi Francesco, Cancellieri Emanueleand Thun Hohenstein Ursula. Stage of archaeozoology; The production of instruments from animal hard tissue. University of Ferrara. 22-23 May 2010.
  5. Paleontological conservation course. Archaeobiology- Study of anthropical, zoological and botanical finds in the archeological field. Intensive course for archaeologist and museum imployees in Emiglia Romania-Italy. 05 February 2010.
  6. April- May 2010 (16 hours), Assistance of laboratory for Archaeozoology and Taphomonyof archaeological Fuanal remains.
  7. April- May 2010 (16 hours), Assistance of laboratory for Archaeozoology and Taphomony of archaeological hard tissue remains.
  8. May 19 2007-July 10 2007, Archaeological excavation in Campo Musna-Calccinate, Bergamo-Italy.
  9. April- May 2009 (16 hours), Assistance of laboratory for Archaeozoology and Taphomonyof archaeological Fuanal remains.
  10. April- May 2009 (16 hours), Assistance of laboratory for Archaeozoology and Taphomony of archaeological hard tissue remains.
  11. November 12th 2007-December 22 2007, (Part time Work): Archaeological excavation in Fossatone and Santa Agnese, Bologna-Italy.
  12. November 12th 2007-December 22 2007, (Part time Work): Archaeological excavation in Fossatone and Santa Agnese, Bologna-Italy.
  13. April 12th 2005-30th September 2005, Computer Maintenance and AutoCAD work in Aqaba Railway Corporation, Maan-Jordan.
  14. January 1st 2005-February 30th 2005, Research assistance in Irbid Documentation Project, Queen Rania Institute-Hashemite University.
  15. June 20th 2004-December 1st 2004, Supervisor of Udroh Restoration and Conservation project – Maan-Jordan.


  1. Abuhelaleh Bellal, Al Nahar Maysoon, Ursula Thun Hohenstein. New Archaeozoological results of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site Tell Abusuwwan in Jordan. 12 International Conference on History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICAJ), 5-11/5/2013.
  2. U. Thun Hohenstein, B. Abuhelaleh and M. Al Nahar: Exploitation of animal resources from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Tell Abu Suwwan site in Jordan.10th International Meeting of the ICAZ-working group. Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas. Brussels, 28 – 30 June 2011. In process.
  3. Abuhelaleh Bellal, Al Nahar Maysoon, Berrutti Gabriele Luigi Francesco, Cancellieri Emanueleand Thun Hohenstein Ursula. Study of Bone artifacts and use techniques from the Neolithic Jordanian site. The 11th ICAZ International Conference of ICAZ (International Council for Archaeozoology) Paris, 23-28 August 2010.
  4. Thun Hohenstein U., Abuhelaleh B., Petrucci G. and Steffè G. Le faune dell’insediamento del Neolitico antico di Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna): risultati preliminari dello studio archeozoologico. XLV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. Preistoriae Protostoria dell’Emilia Romagna. Modena. 26-31 October 2010. (Poster)
  5. Thun Hohenstein U., Abuhelaleh B. and Pessina A. Risultati preliminari dello studio archeozoologico delle faune dell’abitato neolitico di San Biagio (Mantova). XLV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. Preistoriae Protostoria dell’Emilia Romagna. Modena. 26-31 October 2010. (poster)
  6. Thun Hohenstein U, Abuhelaleh B. and Rinaldi G,. I reperti faunistici di Via d’Azeglio: nota preliminare sullo studio archeozoologico, Alla ricerca di Bologna antica e medievale. Da Felsina a Bononia negli scavi di via D’Azeglio,.25° Quaderno di Archeologia dell'Emilia Romagna.2010.
  7. Abuhelaleh B., Petrucci G., Steffè G., Thun Hohenstein U, La gestione delle risorse animali in un sito del Neolitico antico: risultati preliminari dello studio archeozoologico delle faune di Casalecchio (BO). 6° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE DI ARCHEOZOOLOGIA. 2009. (Poster; In process for publication).
  8. ABUHELALEH B, FONTANA F, GUERRESCHI A, THUN U. H, Zooarchaeological & Taphonomical Analysis of the Epigravettian Faunal Remains in Riparo Tagliente Unit stratigraphy 11. Verona-Italy. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, Master theses 2004/2005, Annali dell'università degli studi di ferrara, international erasmus mundus master quaternary and prehistory, Volume speciale 2008.


  1. 1-14 August 2010: Archeological excavation in Piro Norde site. University of Ferrara-Italy.
  2. 20-26 June 2009: Archeological excavation in San Nicola -Isernia. University of Ferrara-Italy.
  3. Seminar of prehistoric technology 2009. Idustries of hard animal tissue-: method of industries. Miláy Fontanals CSIC-Barcelona. 20 a 23 April 2009.
  4. Archeozoology, Metodology of riproduction of archaeological finds. Stage AIAZ- Venezia. 24-25 October 2008.
  5. 11-23 August 2008: Archeological excavation in Piro Norde site. University of Ferrara-Italy.
  6. 11-22 August 2007: Archeological excavation in Piro Norde site. University of Ferrara-Italy.
  7. 11-29 September and from 16-21 October 2006: Archaeological excavation in Riparo Tagliente site. University of Ferrara-Italy
  8. 10-21 July 2006: Archaeological excavation in Isernia la Pineta site. University of Ferrara-Italy.
  9. May 12th 2005-12th June 2005, AutoCAD 2D/3D Training Course (Mark: Very good).

Seminars and workshops:

  1. Techniques of survey and documentation of archaeological research. University of Ferrara. 19 October 2009.
  2. NEOLITICA, Identità culturali delle industrie litiche scheggiate del Neolitico in Italia. Firenze 5-7 March 2009.
  3. Archeologia delle pratiche funerarie di età Roman. Ferrara, 30 aprile 2008.
  4. Evoluzione e Biodiversità Umana. Firenze, 11 e 12 september 2008.
  5. How to write a succeed application for Marie Curie individual programme 7. 14-15 May 2008.
  6. Ciclo seminari “Quaternario e Preistoria” Migrazioni. 9 Maggio 2008.
  7. Circle of seminars “Sfidare Roma: bar Kochba in battaglia conto l'impero Romano''. Ferrara, 27/02/2008.
  8. Tecniche di microscopia e metodi di analisi chimica e mineralogia applicati a materiali archeologici. Dott Sonia Mugnaini. Siena, 6-7 February 2008.
  9. Tecniche di fabricazione degli ornamenti preistorici: etnografia e archeologia a confronto.Dott. Roberto Micheli. Siena, 07/02/2008.
  10. La pietra, la conchiglia e il dente: Forme e materie prime degli ornamenti del Neolitico dell’Italia settentrionale. Dott. Roberto Micheli. Siena, 06/02/2008.
  11. Circle of seminars: “ Il Sito Acheuleano di Castel di guido(Roma). Dott. Giovanni Boschian. Siena, 06/02/2008.
  12. International symposium “Neanderthal”. Bologna-Italy, 23-24 November 2006.
  13. Prehistory workshop. University of Ferrara. 7 October 2006.
  14. Prehistory and archaeology of Philipine. Prof. Eusebio Dizon. University of Ferrara, 20-22 June 2006.

Teaching courses:

-Introduction to Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology

-Environmental Archaeology

-Archaeology Information Systems

-Introduction to Anthropology

-Stone Age in Southern Levant

-Introduction to Cultural Heritage Preservation

Research Interest:

Archaeozoology, Prehsitoric Environment, Bone Tools, Archaeology, Conservation science, Anthropology, Cultural Heritage.


-2009-2011: International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ).

-2012: Member in the BritishInstitute in Amman (CBRL)


-Languages Arabic (mother language).

English (good command).

Italian (good)

-Computing Basic and extra computer knowledge


AutoCAD 2D/3D