Progress Report: Long Term Medical Support for Children
in Sri Lanka
Date:January30th, 2013 Prepared by: Stephney Minerva FernandoI. Demographic Information
1.City & Province:
Hambantota District & Matara District in South Sri Lanka
2. Organization:
Real Medicine Foundation Sri Lanka
3. Project Title:
Long Term Medical Support
4. Reporting Period:
October1st, 2012–December 31st,2012.
5. Project Location (region & city/town/village):
Southern Region of Hambantota District & Matara District, the towns of Tangalle, Embilipitiya, Bandarawela
Matara,and the villages of Seenimodara,Moraketi-Ara,Welimada, Angunukolpelessa & Kamburugamuwa
6. Target Population:
5 Children
Name / Region / District / Town / Village
1. Madumekala Ubeywarna / Southern Region / Hambantota / Tangalle / Seenimodara
2. Gayan Madushanka / Southern Region / Hambantota / Embilipitiya / Angunukolapelessa
3. Fazeer Ahamed / Southern Region / Badulla / Bandarawela / Welimada
4. Madura Madushanka / Southern Region / Matara / Matara / Kamburugamuwa
5. Tharindu Hasanga / Southern Region / Hambantota / Tangalle / Moraketi-Ara
II. Project Information
7. Project Goal:
Provide long-term medical support and treatment to children suffering from congenital health conditions affecting Growth Hormone production and cholesterol modulation.
8. Project Objectives:
To coordinate and manage the system which delivers treatment to the children, providesmedical consultations and ensures patient compliance to treatment protocols to optimize the children’s chances for growth and maximum health benefits.
9. Summary of RMF-sponsored activities carried out during the reporting period under each project objective (note
Anychanges from original plans):-
- Organized and held 3 monthly meetings for the months of October, Novemberand December 2012.
- Information was collected from the children about their treatment progress at the monthly meetings.
- Traveling expenses and nutritious food packages were also provided for the children and their families.
- The monthly food parcels were handed over to the 5 children by Nishantha Sandakelum for the months of October, November, and December 2012.
October (31st Meeting) / 27/10/2012 / 10.00am / No.62, ‘’Ben-Mina’’, Medaketiya, Tangalle, Sri Lanka / Last Saturday of every month
November(32nd Meeting) / 25/11/2012
December(33rd Meeting) / 29/12/2012
- Her weight has continued to be on the low side (20.5kg last quarter to 20.4 at end of this quarter) but she has continued to grow and is now 126 cm.
- She is also continuing the Sex Hormone Medication, Climen, at 1 Tablet daily
- From the 11th of September2012 onwardsher dosage was increased to 10 clicks.
Rs.11,118/= / 04 / Rs.2,199/= / Rs.46,672/= + Travel Fee
Detailed Chartof Madumekala for the Months of October, November & December2012
MONTH / Date / Obtained G.H. / Height / Weight / Given food & travel exp.
October / 1. 25/10/2012 / 2 Vials / 125.7cm / 20.4kg / 27th of October
November / 1. 22/11/2012 / 2 Vials / 125.7cm / 20.4kg / 25TH of November
December / 1. 13/12/2012 / 2 Vials
2. 22/12/2012 / 2Vials / 126cm / 20.41kg / 29th ofDecember
8 Vials
Fazeer Ahamed:
- Fazeer participated in most of the monthly meetings in Q4 with his mother.
- His height and weight have remained the same.
- Fazeer is now 17 years old & he has successfully completed the Ordinary Level Examinationsin
Cost of 1 Vial / Monthly Required Vials / Monthly Cost of Food Parcel / Expenditure for the Month
Rs.11,118/= / 04 Vials / Rs.2,199/= / Rs.46,672/= + Travel Fee
Detailed Chart of Fazeer for the Months of October, November & December 2012
MONTH / Date / Obtained G.H. / Height / Weight / Given food & travel exp.
October / 1. 30/10/2012 / 02 Vials / 145.8cm. / 43.1kg / 27th of October
November / 1. 21/11/2012 / 02 Vials
2. 30/11/2012 / 02 Vials / 145.8cm / 43.1kg / 25th of November
December / 1. 29/12/2012 / 02 Vials / 145.8cm / 43.1kg / 29th of December
08 Vials
Madura Madushanka:
- Madura is 16 years old; he completed the Ordinary Level Government Examinations in December 2012.
- He has gained a little height this quarter; his weight has remained consistent.
Rs.11,118/= / 04 / Rs.2,199/= / Rs.46,672/= + Travel Fee
Detailed Chart of Madura for the Months of October, NovemberDecember2012
MONTH / Date / Obtained G.H. / Height / Weight / Given food & travel exp.
October / 1. 04/10/2012 / 02 Vials
2. 17/10/2012 / 02 Vials / 137.8cm / 28kg / 27thof October
November / 1. 20/11/2012 / 02 Vials / 137.8cm / 28kg / 25th of November
December / 1. 03/12/2012 / 02 Vials
2. 20/12/2012 / 02 Vials / 138cm / 28kg / 29thof December
Gayan Madushanka:
- There has been a slight increase in heightsince last quarter (147.6cm to 148cm); his weight hasn’t changed at 34kg.
- The dosage of Growth Hormone Therapy continues at 9 clicks every night.
- He was also given an Injection of Testoviron (Sex Hormone) each month.
Rs.11,118/= / 04 / Rs.2,199/= / Rs.46,672/= + Travel Fee
Detailed Chart of Gayan for the Months of, October, November & December 2012
Month / Date / Obtained G.H. / Height / Weight / Given food & travel exp.
October / 1. 16/10/2012 / 02 Vials
2. 25/10/2012 / 02 Vials / 148.1cm / 34kg / 27th of October
November / 1. 06/11/2012 / 02 Vials
2. 29/11/2012 / 02 Vials / 148.1cm / 34kg / 25th ofNovember
December / 1. 26/12/2012 / 02 Vials / 148.1cm / 34kg / 29TH of December.
10 Vials
- His cholesterol medication Rosuvastatin and Ezetimibe continues at 40 mgs due to high cholesterol readings.
- He also receives a food parcel with more grains and a packet of fat free milk powder.
Month / Medicine / COST / Obtained Food Parcel
OCTOBER / 120 Rosuvastatin 10mg / Rs.5,760/=
30 Ezetimibe 10mg / Rs.660/= / 27th OF October
NOVEMBER / 120Rosuvastatin 10mg / Rs.5,760/=
30 Ezetimibe 10mg / Rs.660/= / 25th ofNovember
. / .
DECEMBER / 120 Rosuvastatin 10mg / Rs.5,760/=
30 Ezetimibe 10mg / Rs.660/= / 29th of December
TOTAL Rs.19, 260/=
11. Impact this project has on the community (who is benefiting and how)
Assisting the children and theirfamiliesas well as their communities to deal with medical situations that would otherwise have gone untreated through the healthcare system in Sri Lanka
12. Number served/number of direct project beneficiaries (for example, average number treated per day or month and if possible, per health condition).
5 children mentioned above.
13. Number of indirect project beneficiaries (geographic coverage):
The parents and the guardians of the5 children in the Districts of Hambantota & Matarain South SriLanka are the indirect beneficiaries.
14. If applicable, please list the medical services provided:
Under the supervision of Prof.Sujeewa, the Senior Consultant of Pediatrics at the Teaching Hospital at Karapitiyain Galle,Sri Lanka with the assistance of the Medical Consultant Dr. Rohan and Mrs. Keshani Gamlath, theRegistrar of the Teaching Hospital at Karapitiya the following services are provided:
> Issuing the medication.
> Safe storage of the delivered vials of Growth Hormone from Baurs Company.
> Documentation of issuing the vials and recording the progress of the height and weight of the
Children by the Medical Authority of the Teaching Hospital of Karapitiya in Galle, SriLanka under the
Supervision of Prof. Sujeewa, the Senior Consultant Pediatrician of the Teaching Hospital.
15. Please list the five most common health problems observed within your region:
16. Notable project challenges and obstacles:
Monthly meetings with the participation of the children and their parents have minimized most of the challenges we had experienced.
17. If applicable, plans for next reporting period:
18. If applicable, summary of RMF-sponsored medical supply distribution and use:
Madumekala 08Vials issued from OCTOBER to DECEMBER 2012
Madura Madushanka 10Vials issued fromOCTOBER to DECEMBER 2012
Gayan Madushanka 10 Vials issued from OCTOBER to DECEMBER2012
Fazeer Ahamed 08Vials issued from OCTOBER to DECEMBER 2012
Tharindu Hasanga 360Tablets of Rosuvastatin 10mgs. &
90 Tablets of Ezetimibe 10mgs for the months of OCTOBER to DECEMBER 2012
19. Success story(s) highlighting project impact:
20. Photos of project activities (file attachment is fine):
Photo file is attached.
III. Financial Information
21. Detailed summary of expenditures within each budget category as presented in your funded proposal (file attachment is fine). Please note any changes from plans.
Thank you!
Please email to:
Martina C. Fuchs, MD PhD
CEO Real Medicine Foundation
11700 National Blvd., Suite 234
Los Angeles, CA 90064
310.820.4502 phone
MONTHS / NAME / THERAPY / MEDICATIONOBTAIN / FOOD PARCELS / TOATALOCTOBER / Madumekala / Growth Hormone / 08Vials- Rs.88,944/= / Rs.6,597/= / Rs.95,541/=
NOVEMBER / Gayan / ,, ,, / 10Vials- Rs.111,180/= / Rs.6,597/= / Rs.117,777/=
DECEMBER / Madura / ,, ,, / 10 Vials- Rs.111,180/= / Rs.6,597/= / Rs.117,777/=
Fazeer / ,, ,, / 08 Vials- Rs.88,944/= / Rs.6,597/= / Rs.95,541/=
Tharindu / Hyperlipidemia / OCTOBER -- Rs.6,420/=
NOVEMBER --Rs.6,420/=
DECEMBER --Rs.6,420/= / Rs.6,597/= / Rs.25,857/=
GRAND TOTAL / Rs.452,493/=
Prepared by Minerva.
R.M.F. Project Coordinator
Tangalle, Sri-Lanka.