MVWP Program Description Name: Keith Brown
Program Title: Because Writing Matters I Date: June 2, 2008
Names and contact info for proposer:
Members of the MVWP Advisory Board may want to contact you to respond to this proposal. Please give preferred contact information for this purpose.
NAME / Mailing address / Phone / e-mailKeith A. Brown / PO Box 34 Alder Creek, NY 13301 / 831-2144 /
Please describe your proposed program in terms of goals and outcomes. What do you hope to accomplish in the program? What artifacts and data do you plan to collect? What outcomes to you hope to achieve? How will you assess those outcomes?
Goals: This workshop Because Writing Matters I seeks to introduce teachers to the concept of “teachers teaching teachers” which is one of the founding principles of the National Writing Project. Educators understand the importance of implementing writing throughout the curriculum and this workshop allows teachers from across the curriculum to interact with one another, share ideas and best practices and by using the text Because Writing Matters, enabling them to incorporate research-based writing strategies into practice upon completion.
Accomplishments: Educators will work in small groups with a designated outcome determined by the instructors and the three specific collaborative groups. Writing, Research and Coaching groups allow for a diverse and fast paced learning atmosphere. Participants are assigned to their groups with an overview presented by the instructors who will model how each group will proceed. For example the Writing group will continue to work on their assigned writing prompts given at the start of each session. Or they may be free to expand on a new writing idea. They will share their writing and learn how to workshop these pieces for entry into the writing journal compiled at the end of the workshop. Coaching groups review a “best practice” from each member that will be presented on the last day of the workshop. The Research groups work on designated portions of the text, Because Writing Matters, which will also be presented at the close of the workshop. Many participants in the past have incorporated technology such as power point in order to enhance their research findings. Within these specific groups educators will work on collaborative and individual writing assignments leading to a final presentation at the conclusion of the workshop.
Outcomes: Artifacts such as journals and group presentations along with scholarly texts are vigorously incorporated through out the program. Each participant will complete a MVWP survey and evaluation at the end of the session. Participants are now encouraged to continue with the program by signing up for the second in this series of workshops by enrolling in Because Writing Matters II a researched based inquiry workshop which continues to incorporate the three strands of learning as designated by the National Writing Project.
Please describe the program you propose.
For whom is it intended? / K-collegeWill your program be open to all interested participants or will there be a selection process? / All interested participants
Number of sessions? / Five (in Summer)/ 15 (in Fall-Spring semesters)
Length of each session (minutes)? / Six hours-Summer
2 hours-Fall/Spring
Is this a professional development program, a writers' workshop, a young writers' program, a conference presentation or other? / Professional Development
What is the purpose of your program? / Introduce the three major strands of NWP and how to apply to practice.
When and where do you plan to offer your program in terms of time of year, time of day, and location? / Summer/ Fall/ Spring
Utica College
Summer: 9 am-2 pm
Fall/Spring: afterschool; 4-6
Please block out the timing of your program in minutes. If you are planning more than one session, feel free to use more than one page. Use this to show that your program will fulfill National Writing Project principles.
Day 1
Time: 9:00-10:00
11:00-12:00 break for lunch
Day 2
11:00-12:00 break for lunch.
Day 3
11:00-12:00 break for lunch.
Day 4
11:00-12:00 break for lunch.
Day 5
12:00-1:00 lunch
1:00-4:00 / · Introductions/ Overview of schedule
· Writing prompt and discussion (explain procedure for daily writing prompt and journal writing for Writing groups participants are encouraged to bring own prompts if desired)
· Pass out text books and other materials
· Assign the Writing, Research and Coaching groups. Instructors will model these three groups for clarification using video or real time demonstrations.
· Writing groups meet to continue with morning prompt or free write allowing time to workshop individual writing pieces.
· Coaching groups meet to plan and discuss individual best practice which will demonstrate effective writing in the classroom to entire group upon completion of workshop. Participants will follow outline given to them in order to use time wisely.
· Research groups meet with the text Because Writing Matters. Each group will be assigned a portion of the text to read and report to group specific points of interest incorporating outside information from The National Writing Project and other scholarly journals. Initially participants may be required to use the Utica College databases and the WAC website out of Colorado as one of their resources. Laptop carts, the Utica College Library and the Writing Center will be available for internet usage.
· Reconvene for reflective writing and sharing using the Writer’s Chair as a closing exercise for each day. Fill out “Postcards” for the days activities. (These are used by the instructors as feedback is obtained by participants in order to meet the needs of attendees.)
· Writing prompt: Ex. Donald Graves identified several ways that writing is important in our lives. Provide handout and respond to one in journals. Allow 10-15 minutes for writing, begin discussion. Remind everyone to continue to keep a journal of these daily prompts to workshop with during their Writing groups.
· This hour is used by the instructors to provide teachers with interesting journal articles and booklets and other materials they may utilize throughout the program. Ex. 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing by the National Writing Project. A roundtable discussion of materials and ideas.
· Writing groups will meet and continue to workshop their material and responses generated so far. (Instructors encourage participants to select various locations around the campus where they will be inspired to write. Instructors will join groups to encourage them to follow schedule and outline of what a writing group should do and allow feedback. Remind group they will be choosing selections for the workshop portfolio.
· Coaching groups meet to discuss their best writing practice for presentation at close of workshop activities. By day two they should have finalized their individual ideas and begin to workshop each presenters material. Outlines have been provided by instructors to help facilitate their approaches and instructors should also monitor these groups and provide feedback.
· Research groups meet to continue working with textbook and other material. Outlines have been provided for time management and other suggestions for final presentations. These are group presentations not individual. Groups may continue to have access to Utica College library and the Writing Center for research purposes.
· Writer’s Chair and closing activities. Fill out “Postcards”.
· Writing Prompt. Ex. Agaziz and the Fish
· Addressing NWP journal articles
· Writing groups continue to workshop individual writings.
· Coaching groups continue to fine tune best writing practice for individual presentations on Friday.
· Research groups continue to gather and discuss findings. At this stage a discussion of how the final presentation overview should be established.
· Writer’s Chair and closing activities. Fill out “Postcards”.
· Writing Prompt. Ex. “What genre are you”?
· Addressing NWP journal articles
· Writing groups select passages and submit to instructors for publication in our workshop journal which is presented to everyone on Friday.
· Coaching groups should rehearse their individual best writing practice for presentation on Friday.
· Research groups will begin to finalize their presentations either in a power point format or other dynamic
· Writer’s Chair and final instructions for the last day of activities. “Postcards” turned in.
· Writing prompt and sharing of group writing collections.
· Research presentations
· Coaching presentations: Allow time for celebration of teacher practices.
· Closing activities and “Postcards” turned in. Remind participants to register for Because Writing Matters II
What specific materials will you use in presenting your program? (Please put a * by any books, materials, supplies or equipment that will be provided by MVWP.)
NWP texts and journal articles
What materials will be provided to the participants in your program? (Please put a * by those items that will be provided by MVWP.)
*Because Writing Matters text book
*Composition notebooks and pens
*Sticky notes for writing groups
*MVWP tote bags
What media support (equipment, internet connection, etc.) will be required for your program?
Laptop carts
Does your program involve training in the use of technology to teach? (Please include details.)
Please outline the financial profile of your program.
What fees will participants be charged? / $50.00 per applicantHow will the fees be funded (out of pocket, district funds, grant funds, etc.?) / Out of pocket
How many hours will you bill the Mohawk Valley Writing Project for your work? / 30 hours plus 5 planning
Explain contact hours/credits/inservice hours earned by participants in your program. / 30 hours in-service
Estimate any expenses incurred by your program and explain how they will be funded. (Include materials, fees, etc.) / Copying expenses
Book fees
(Registration fees cover expenses)
Explain any potential partnerships/co-sponsorships between MVWP and other agencies in supporting your program. / NA
Do you have any plans to seek outside sponsorship (grants, etc.) to support your program? / Future plans include taking program to the District level for a viable workshop for sustainable professional development.
Please identify all the presenters involved in your program, including their professional roles, their affiliations, and the year they attended Summer Institute. Please provide contact information for each presenter.
Keith A. Brown- Teacher Consultant S.I. 2007
Ann Marie Farrell-Teacher Consultant S.I. 2006
Amy Barok- Teacher Consultant S. I. 2007