Pakistan International Airlines
Purchases Commercial Section,
2nd Floor, Contract Administration Cell
Pakistan International Airlines Corporations (PIAC), Head Office Karachi Airport.
Tel: +92-21-9905549,99043081 Fax: 34570120
E-mail: General Manager
Tender Ref #: GM/CAC/P RMedia Consultancy /001/18
Dated: 31-01-2018
Tender Cost: PK Rs. 3,000/-
Hiring of PR & Media Consultancy.
Invitation to Tenders to read all Instructions carefully.
A)Submission and preparation of proposal
Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Limited (“PIA”) invites the proposals from well experienced strategic approach Bidders for PR and Media Consultancy Services.
- All Bidders are required to submit a Pay Order ofRs.2000/-as tender fees along with the profile submission.
- The proposal should be accompanied Pay Order equivalent to 2.5% of the bid price Payable in favor ofPAKISTANINTERNATIONAL AIRLINES as interest free Earnest Money (Refundable). Earnest Money in another shape shall not be accepted.
Proposals receivedafter stipulated date & time shall not be considered. PIA will not be responsible for postal delays. The decision of General Manager Supply chainthis respect shall be final and binding. Documents sent by e-mail will not be accepted. Bidders failing to provide the required information will be disregarded.PIA has complete right to disqualify any applicant at any stage if it is being found as blacklisted, delayed application submission, false information and in any other activity against the corporation
- There are 3 Phases of the tender. Phase-1(profile evaluation). Phase-2 Proposal Presentation Evaluation Phase-3 Financial Evaluation
- In Phase-1 all bidders are required to submit the profiles (containing all documents as mentioned in Annexture-1.
- Profiles will be evaluated based on profile evaluation criteria mentioned in Phase-1 for 40 marks. While financial proposals will remain sealed till the end of Phase-2.
- Shortlisted Bidders of Phase 1 will be called for phase 2 in PIA head Office Karachi for presentations of their proposals. And the proposals will be evaluated as per criteria mentioned in Phase-2. Two shortlisted bidders of phase 2 will be selected for phase -3 for evaluation of financial evaluation while one bidder with lowest financial proposal will be selected for PIA PR and Media Consultancy.
- Thesuccessful bidder uponawardofContractprior to the signing of contract upto the satisfaction of PIA shall furnish 10% of the total contract value as interest free Security deposit in shape of Pay Order.
- Contract will be awarded for a period of one years based on probation period of 3 months.
- All Bidders are required to send proposals to General Manager Procurement Management, PIA Supply Chain Department JIAP, and Karachi latest by 19-02-2018 till 10:30am and will be open at 11.00am . The proposal may be dropped in the tender box marked as “PR and Media Consultancy “placedat the entranceofPIAsupply chain Department latestby10:30hoursonthespecific date.
Yours truly,
Supply Chain Management
Tel: 021 – 9904 3081, 9904 5379
Email: , ,
- Introduction
PIA is national flag carrier of Pakistan, serves approx. 50 international and domestic destination and it requires optimal salutation in this business transformation stage to manage product perception and effective execution of new vision, new look, modern PIA to the world.PIA has an in house Brand Management & Advertising Functions which administers the brand ideology, guidelines, corporate communications roll outs, advertising and social media services. To further strengthen the functions, PIA is looking for leading Bidders for PR and MediaConstancy in line with modern industry trends.
C. Scope of Work
- To Develop PIA PRStrategy for PIA for a period of 5 years taking into account its current profile, social and national standing, perception and financial health. This strategy will define, strengthen and promote the PIA brand and effectively market PIA’s business model and core competencies to all appropriate stakeholders (internal & external).
- Build & Manage PIA’s Positive Image for Commercial Success, Exploiting the commercial and social standing of PIA, the Bidder shall be responsible for creating a positive image across all mediums taking into consideration and building upon the sentimental attachment of the nation with the PIA Brand.
- Creating PR Opportunities for PIA to promote the PIA Brand, Products, Services and the initiatives taken by the PIA management to turn around the company across all mediums, designing events and coordination with PIA to participate in events that will create value for PIA or enhance PIA’s image locally and globally. This also includes placement of favorable articles in key newspapers, journals, Radio and TV programs.
- Relationship Building with Presswith the legacy and lineage of PIA as well as PIA’s status as the national flag carrier of Pakistan, holding the status of Pakistan’s ambassador in the international skies. The livery must represent a theme and a story, consistent with PIA’s rich history and Pakistan’s cultural icons/landmarks etc, while defining PIA’s strategic objectives and future aspirations. The design must be also modern and contemporary.
- Handling Bad Publicity by preempting the flow of negative communication in the media and developing content for pivoting the story towards positivity, responding quickly to media queries resultantly on calls, emails or developing social media responses.
- Content Development for press release, information roll outs (commercial, financial, media rebuttals and / or perception management)for release on all mediums (print, electronic or through coordination with PIA’s digital team for social media for aligning mainstream media management with digital PR initiatives).
- Analyze PIA’s Media Coverage, monitoring and compiling weekly reports for the information and decision making of PIA’s Management.
D. Requirements of Applicants:
- The Bidder must be registered with FBR and/or Sales Tax with valid NTN/STRNnumber.
- A Bidder in Pakistan with minimum five years of experience in the field of press & media relations, preference will be given to for proven track record of managing PR of public sector organizations
- The Bidder must have adequate size, structure, staffing, facilities and financial standing to provide comprehensive services. (Details mentioned in Evaluation Criteria).
- The Bidder must have the requisite technical and professional expertise, especially to deal with the public sector organizations, reflected in the qualifications and experience of the personnel who would be dedicated / available to the PIA.
E. Selection Procedure:
- Bidders will submit the documents containing two Sealed separate envelops (Profile + Financial)
- PIA will evaluate Profiles for 40 Marks and Financials will remain sealed till end.
- PIA mayVisit/Meet withthe Bidder (if necessary) at their offices
- Minimum 25 Marks will be required in Phase 1 to qualify for Phase 2
- Qualified Bidders of Phase 1 will be called to present their Technical Proposals
- Technical proposals will be evaluated based on criteria mentioned in details in Phase-2
- Combined evaluation of marks of phase 1 (Profile) and phase 2 (Presentation)
- Selection of Two (2) bidders of Phase 1 and Phase 2
- Opening of Financial proposals of Two Selected bidders
- Selection of One Lowest Bidder
- Issuance of Letter of Intent to first bidder of lowest financial proposal
- Signing of Formal Contract
F. Selection Criteria
All applications will be evaluated as per the Evaluation Criteria in following categories of Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Phase-1 (Profile Evaluation-40 Marks)
Bidder will be evaluated as per criteria defined below. Total 40 evaluation marks will allocated for 5 categories.Each category has specific marks. Bidders with complete documents (as list mentioned above) will be considered for evaluation for phase 1.Bidder with minimum 25 out of 40 Marks will be called for presentation of phase 2.
- Company Experience(10 marks)
- Clientage details(10 marks)
- Human resource(10 marks)
- Financial health(05 marks)
- Litigation history(05 marks)
- Company Experience(Marks Allocated 10)
The Bidder must have the requisite technical and professional expertise doing PR for national (government sector and private) and multinational organizations. 1 mark will be allocated to every two years of experience. Maximum 10 marks will be allocated to 20 years or above experience. Experience certificate mentioning the number of years will be provided by the Bidder at its letter head.
- Clientage Detail (Marks Allocated 10)
Bidder will provide the list of clients at company letter head and also the letter from each client. One Mark will be allocated for each Multinational or National Client. (Maximum 10 marks for 10 or above clients)
- Personnel Experience Qualification (Marks allocated 10)
Bidder will provide a certificate of List of employees with type/no. of experience on company letterhead and with CNIC/service card copies. PIA will evaluate as per following criteria. One (1)Mark will be allocated for 2 employees with minimum 5 years of experience in any of the following field (Maximum 10 marks).
1. PR Strategy Development2. Media Relations 3. Client Services
- Litigation History (Marks allocated 05)
Bidders will be evaluated with its litigation history with any Service provider/Airline current & pending on similar service. One mark will be deducted up to maximum five marks for any current or historical litigation with any service provider/airline (vice versa). Agency is required to submit the litigation history at its letter head. Otherwise PIA has right to disqualify or terminate the contract if PIA finds any litigation of the bidder/agency, during or later on at any stage.
- Financial Health (Marks allocated 05)
Bidders must provide aletter mentioning average annual turnover for last 3 years accompanied bank statement of last 3 years.
Marks / Turnover (PKR)05 / 7.0 million & above
04-4.99 / 6.1-6.9 million
03-3.99 / 5.1-6.0 million
02-2.99 / 4.1-5.0million
01-1.99 / 3.0-4.0 million
Phase-2 (Proposal Evaluation- 60 Marks)
Successful (shortlisted) bidders of phase -1 will be informed for presenting the technical proposals as per following details. All bidders are required to prepare the presentation before the closing date of this tender. Total 60 Marks are allocated to Phase-2.
SNo / Proposal / Marks / Marks Criteria1 / To Develop PIA PRstrategy for PIA for a period of 5 years taking into account its current profile, social and national standing, perception and financial health. This strategy will define, strengthen and promote the PIA brand and effectively market PIA’s business model and core competencies to all appropriate stakeholders (internal & external). / 01-10
Marks / Excellent 09-10
Good 06-08
Average 03-05
Poor 0-02
2 / Build & Manage PIA’s Positive Image for Commercial Success, Exploiting the commercial and social standing of PIA, the Bidder shall be responsible for creating a positive image across all mediums taking into consideration and building upon the sentimental attachment of the nation with the PIA Brand. / 01-10 Marks / Excellent 09-10
Good 06-08
Average 03-05
Poor 0-02
3 / Creating PR Opportunities for PIA to promote the PIA Brand, Products, Services and the initiatives taken by the PIA management to turn around the company across all mediums, designing events and coordination with PIA to participate in events that will create value for PIA or enhance PIA’s image locally and globally. This also includes placement of favorable articles in key newspapers, journals, Radio and TV programs. / 01-10
Marks / Excellent09-10
Good 06-08
Average 03-05
Poor 0-02
4 / Relationship Building with Press with the legacy and lineage of PIA as well as PIA’s status as the national flag carrier of Pakistan, holding the status of Pakistan’s ambassador in the international skies. The livery must represent a theme and a story, consistent with PIA’s rich history and Pakistan’s cultural icons/landmarks etc, while defining PIA’s strategic objectives and future aspirations. The design must be also modern and contemporary. / 01-10
Marks / Excellent 09-10
Good 06-08
Average 03-05
Poor 0-02
5 / Handling Bad Publicity by preempting the flow of negative communication in the media and developing content for pivoting the story towards positivity, responding quickly to media queries resultantly on calls, emails or developing social media responses. / 01-10
Marks / Excellent 09-10
Good 06-08
Average 03-05
Poor 0-02
6 / Content Development for press release, information roll outs (commercial, financial, media rebuttals and / or perception management) for release on all mediums (print, electronic or through coordination with PIA’s digital team for social media for aligning mainstream media management with digital PR initiatives). / 01-05
Marks / Excellent 05
Good 03-04
Average 02-03
Poor 0-01
7 / Analyze PIA’s Media Coverage, monitoring and compiling weekly reports for the information and decision making of PIA’s Management. / 01-05
Marks / Excellent 05
Good 03-04
Average 02-03
Poor 0-01
Two (2) Bidders with highest marks (out of 100 marks for both phase 1 and phase 2) will be qualified for evaluation of financial proposals while only one bidder (between two technically qualified bidders) offering lowest financial proposal will be selected as PIA Brand Consultant for a period of one year. The financial Proposals may be submitted in separate envelop along with profile and technical proposals.
PR and Media Consultancy
Profile Evaluation form
Name of the Service provider: ------
Sr.No / Phase-1 Criteria / Total / Remarks1 / Total company PR experience
2 / Total Clientage
3 / Total Personnel and their working experience of each employee
4 / Total Financial turnover(PKR)
5 / Total Litigation History/Cases
Documents attached:
Sr.No / Document / Yes / No / Remarks1 / Filled Profile Evaluation Form
2 / Pay order PKR 2,000 as tender fee
3 / Pay order @ 2.5% of Bid Price as earnest money
4 / Sales and Income tax certificates
5 / Registration certificate with APNS and PBA (certificates)
6 / Experience Letter (company letter head )
7 / Clientage list(Company letterhead)
8 / Letters/contracts from all clients
9 / CNICs of the company head and employees (copies)
10 / Human resource details (Company letterhead)
11 / Annual Turnover for last 3 years
12 / Bank statement for last 1 year
13 / Litigation history (Company letterhead)
Any other Detail: ______
Name in full ______Designation ______
CNIC ______Phone / Fax # ______
Address ______
Signature______Date ______
Financial Proposal Form:
The Bidder is required to provide the financial proposals based on following criteria.The financial proposal should not include expense of meal, venue, giveaways or other expense which are not mentioned in above service. The payments will be based on minimum services/deliverable as mentioned below, the lack in services or short delivery may be subject to deduction of amount. All other terms are mentioned in agreement in details which is available with TORs on PIA/PPRA Websites.
SNo / Services with Deliverables / Per Month Charges (PKR) / Total Amount Charges (in PKR) for 12 months1 / Developing of PR Strategy for next 5 years / One time Basis
2 / Creating PR opportunities through media engagement and press conferences. Minimum 2 and maximum 5 events a months.
3 / Developing minimum 5 Contents per month for Print and Electronic Media for maximum positive involvement of media.
4 / Coverage of minimum 15 necessary announcements/ information per month to 5 newspapers and 5 TV channels regarding safety/emergency/schedule/hajj umra/weather and other updates etc.
Target Media:5 Leading National newspapers , 5 leading TV channels
5 / Placement of Articles/contents (7 Print Articles, 2 Magazines, 2 TV Programs)
Taxes (if any)
Any other Detail: ______
Name in full ______Designation ______
CNIC ______Phone / Fax # ______
Address ______
Signature______Date ______
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