Chapters 23 and 24
US History
Spanish-American War
Write your response to the following hypothetical situation:
One day at school you notice a huge ring of students jostling and pushing. As you get closer, you hear some of the students yelling “Fight!” Like the rest, you want to see what is happening. Finally finding a vantage point, you see two students threatening one another. One is a good friend; the other is a former friend and current enemy who owes you money.
What will you do??? Why???
- ______Turn away and leave because the fight does not concern you and getting involved will only mean trouble.
- ______Punch out both students to show the rest of the school who is the toughest kid on campus.
One nation ______
A policy of ______
in the problems of other countries
Foreign Policies
Monroe Doctrine(1823) / Declaration by President James Monroe in 1823 that the US would oppose efforts by any outside power (Europe) to control a nation in the Western Hemisphere.
Roosevelt Corollary
To the Monroe Doctrine
(1904) / President Theodore Roosevelt’s extension of the Monroe Doctrine in which he asserted the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America nations
Big Stick Diplomacy
(1904) / Use the threat of military force to promote and protect US national interests
Treaty of Paris
(1898) / Ends the Spanish American War. Cuba gains independence; the US gained the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam in exchange for $20 million
Open Door Policy
(1900) / Policy that ensured open trade relations between China and other nations occupying China
Spheres of Influence
(1899) / An area of economic influence and political control exerted by one nation over another nation; what European nations had in China
Platt Amendment / Gave Cuba independence from Spain & US; but US could intervene when necessary in Cuba
The Purchase of Alaska
- 1867:______Secretary of State arranged the purchase of Alaska by the ______from RUSSIA for $______
- Popular Opinion: “______”
- (What does folly mean?)
- Reality: Alaska was rich in ______like oil, ______, & ______
- 1959 – Alaska becomes the ______
The Annexation of Hawaii
- Missionaries set out to convert Hawaiiansto Christianity but build______plantations and became very wealthy
- 1887—US used ______as a ______and to refuel ships
- 1891—Hawaiian Queen LILIUOKALANIrefuses American offer to have Hawaii become a part of the US
- 1893—Americans revolt against the queen
- August 1898—US ______Hawaii
- 1959—Hawaii became the ______state
Political Cartoon Analysis
WHAT DO I SEE? / What do I think it means?Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
The Spanish American War
The “Splendid Little War”
- 4 Reasons for the war:
- Help ______win independence from ______; support ______an important leader in the Cuban independence movement
- Protect US ______with Cuba---$50 million!!
- Yellow Journalism: ______and often ______or exaggerated truths about events in Cuba; printed in the ______& ______
- The ______explodes in February 1898 in a Cuban harbor; was there to ______American interests/citizens
- All killed
- Press, especially yellow journalists, blamed Spain: “Remember the Maine”
Thinking Questions
- Of the countries involved in the war, which country gains its freedom: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines?
- Who becomes a US Commonwealth?
- Who becomes a US Territory?
- Which country is refused independence? What happened there?
China and the Open Door Policy
- US want to trade with China, but can’t because ______nations had divided China up into ______, which was an area controlled by different ______nations or Japan.
- Chinese, unhappy with foreign dominance organize the ______to force ______to leave. The Chinese were ______by the ______and ______.
- Secretary of State John Hay suggests there should be an ______with China. No more Spheres of Influence. This policy promised ______for China and improved trade with China for the ______.
Critical Thinking
Categories: Read the words in each group. Choose a title for the group from the words in the box. Write the title on the line provided.
Reasons for the Spanish American War Reasons for ImperialismAmerican Expansionism Americans Trade with Japan Hawaii
- ______
- Islands in the Pacific Ocean
- Americans owned sugar plantations there
- Ruled by Queen Liliuokalani
- ______
- Bought Alaska in 1867
- Annexed Hawaii in 1898
- Gained control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
- ______
- Wanted to rule more land
- Wanted colonies for raw materials
- Wanted larger market for finished products
- ______
- Wanted to protect American businesses in Cuba
- Wanted to help Cuba gain its independence from Spain
- Americans were angry about the sinking of the Maine
Write the remaining title on the line below.
List three details that would fall under the heading.
Title ______
Comprehension Check
Who said it?
William H. SewardWilliam McKinleyJose MartiTheodore Roosevelt John Hay Matthew Perry Queen Liliuokalini
- ______“I was sent to japan to develop trade between the United States and Japan.”
- ______“I wanted the US to buy Alaska from Russia”
- ______“I wanted Hawaii to remain an independent country.”
- ______“I led Cuba’s fight for independence from Spain.”
- ______“I led the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill.”
- ______“I wanted China to have an Open Door Policy.”
Political Cartoon Analysis
White Man’s Burden-Rudyard Kipling
As you view each of the political cartoons projected on the screen answer the following questions…
Who or What do you see?
What do the people, objects or symbols represent?
What is message of the cartoon?
Summarize the overall attitude and message delivered through the political cartoons.
Slide 1/ Slide 2
Slide 3
/ Slide 4
Slide 5
/ Slide 6
Below summarize the overall message of ALL the political cartoons.
Yellow Journalism:
Sensational journalism-exaggerated stories to stir up feelings/emotions in the reader to make $$$
Read through the story of The Splendid Little War on the presentation. Identify the historical fact and the exaggeration in the story. Note the historical facts in the historical facts column and the exaggeration in the exaggeration column.
Historical Facts / ExaggerationUsing graphic organizers to review
Complete the concept web with 2 facts about United States involvement in the politics of each Latin American country listed.
* / United States in Latin America / Cuba
* / Panama
Puerto Rico
* / Nicaragua
Critical Thinking
Cause and Effect
Choose a cause or an effect from Group B to complete each sentence in Group A. Write you answer.
- Two American sailors were killed in Chile, so
- The United states needed a shorter route between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, so
- Malaria and yellow fever killed many French workers, so
- so Roosevelt used big stick diplomacy to force them to pay
- People in Panama began to revolt against Colombia, so
- In 1916, Pancho Villa entered the United States and killed some Americans,
- Colonel William Gorgas worked to destroy mosquitoes that carried diseases
- So President Wilson sent American troops into Mexico to look for him.
- It wanted to build a canal through Panama
- Roosevelt sent an American warship to help Panama
- The United States threatened to go to war with Chile
- In the year 2000, Panama gained control
- Some Latin American countries could not pay their debts
We learn best when we create our own patterns. A one pager is a front/back notebook page concerning one chapter in your textbook. It is creative and experimental. It is imaginative and honest. It is a way of making your own pattern of unique understanding of this part of U.S. History class.
Steps to follow:
- Read the assigned chapter in the text: Chapter 24 (pg. 294).
- As you read, jot notes in the graphic organizer to help in designing your one pager.
- Don’t forget to read headings, subheadings, and information found under illustrations and in the margins.
- Use one 8x11 blank sheet of paper to create your one pager.
- Keep in mind that an audience should be able to examine your one pager and
understand the essence of this chapter.
Requirements for successful completion:
_____ As you read, pull out 5 important/meaningful quotations and write them word for word – these are springboards to explore your own ideas.
_____ Include a minimum of 8 visual images related to significant or informative facts from the chapter.
_____ Include 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
_____Identify and state the historical significance of 4 individuals in the chapter.
_____Describe and state the historical significance of 4 major issues (events, laws,conflicts…)
_____Make 3 personal statements about what you read. Be honest – what do you thinkof this stuff?
_____Generate 2 questions about what you read…perhaps something you didn’t quiteunderstand, something you’d like to know more about, or something you think issignificant enough to be included on a quiz or test.
_____ On a separate sheet of paper copy the Main Idea Questions on page 284 and answer all 4 thoughtfully.
Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!
Due: ______
Outline & Grading:Name ______
_____ /5 important/meaningful quotations
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
_____ /8 A minimum of 8 visual images related to significant or informative facts from the chapter. (list/describe pics)
_____/6 Include 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/4 Identify and state the historical significance of 4 individuals in the chapter.
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/4 Describe and state the historical significance of 4 major issues (events, laws, conflicts…)
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/3 Make 3 personal statements about what you read. Be honest – what do you think of this stuff?
_____2/Generate 2 questions about what you read…perhaps something you didn’t quite understand, something you’d like to know more about, or something you think is significant enough to be included on a quiz or test.
_____ 8 On a separate sheet of paper copy the Main Idea Questions on page 294 and answer all 3 thoughtfully. Answers must be typed.
_____10 Color/Design/Grammar/Spelling—minimal errors and color used throughout
50 points/______
IMPERIALISM-South AmericaThe Panama Canal
Directions: Read the following newspaper excerpt of how the decision to build a canal in Panama was made and study the cartoon. Then, answer the questions.
- Sometime around 1900 [Philippe] Bunau-VarilIa and [William Nelson] Cromwell formed an alliance. Their purpose was to get the United States, which was inclined toward a canal through Nicaragua, to change its mind, opt for the Panamanian isthmus [,] and in the process buyout the worthless French claim for a large amount of money.
- Bunau-Varilla went to see Senator Mark Hanna, the most powerful Republican politician of his age, and abruptly convinced him to favor a Panamanian route. At the same time, Cromwell made a $60,000 contribution to the GOP [Grand Old Party, referring to the Republicans]. [President Theodore] Roosevelt decided Panama was a bully [good] route also.
- The only obstacle was Colombia, because in 1903 Panama wasn't an independent nation. It was a province of Colombia. A treaty had to be drawn up, and was one which gave Colombia $10 million, and the stockholders of the French company $40 million.
- The treaty also stipulated that the Colombian government give up all rights to sue for any portion of the $40 million as well as all police powers in the contemplated Canal Zone. The Colombians rejected the treaty…
- From Panama, Bunau-Varilla summoned Dr. Manuel Amador, a physician who worked for Cromwell's railroad… He presented the doctor with $100,000 supplied by J. P. Morgan, a secret code, a declaration of independence, a draft of the new nation's constitution, and the soon-to-be-born republic's flag, thoughtfully designed and sewn by Madame Bunau-Varilla.
- Thus equipped, the doctor was sent back to Panama, where the workers from the railroad were recruited into the revolutionary army.
- With the arrival of the United States cruiser Nashville in Panamanian waters, the flag of liberty was run up, and when Colombian soldiers arrived in the province to put down the insurrection, the railroad refused to transport them. The new republic was immediately recognized[,] and its ambassador plenipotentiary [with full authority], who was, surprise, surprise, the enterprising Bunau-Varilla, had the treaty signed within ten days.
Summarizing Main Ideas
- According to the writer, how was the United States persuaded to choose Panama as the site of the canal?
- What was the obstacle preventing the canal from being built in Panama?
- When the Colombian soldiers arrived to put down the insurrection, what happened?
Interpreting Cartoons
- What is Roosevelt doing in the cartoon?
- What is the message of the cartoon?
Comparing and Contrasting
- Are the messages of the cartoon and of the news article similar or different? Explain.
US Foreign Policy Perspectives
Directions: Read your assigned placard, including the quotations. Record how the opposing perspectives are presented by the United States and countries that were their potential colonies.Record the Foreign Policy the US used to rationalize their role in the countries.
Country / United States Perspective / Foreign PerspectiveChina / How did the US see the role and duty? / How did China see the US’ involvement?
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico