AP European Studies

Expectations are not relaxed for students not taking the AP Exam.


Each Six Week Marking Period Consists of:40% Quizzes

60% Exams/Major Grades


60% - EXAMS & MAJOR GRADES -Students will have a minimum of 3 test grades each 6 week marking period.

Multiple Choice Assessments (at least two per six weeks)

  • 55 questions, 55 minutes -or- 25 questions, 25 minutes multiple choice test… usually two per six weeks.
  • This format reflects the AP World History exam with regard to timing, allowing ~60 seconds per question. This assessment provides a raw score which will have the AP formula applied in order to calculate the appropriate weight of this exam, comparable to the multiple choice portion of the AP exam. This formula is provided by the College Board and is consistent for all AP World History classes.

Essays(at least one per six weeks)

  • 40 minute timed writing – Students will have to write two essays on the AP Exam: the LEQ and the Document-Based Question

Outside Reading Report & Project

  • There will be an outside project assigned at the beginning of the 2nd marking period. The Written component of this project will be due near the end of the third marking period and the creative component will be due the first day of the second semester.
  • Each component counts as an exam grade
  • Strict Late Penalty: -30 points will be deducted from the students’ earned grade for each class day that the report and/or project is late. Students will have had well over two months to complete this assignment.

Exam Corrections/Retakes: Per District policy, if a student makes less than a 70% on an exam, students may correct that exam to a 70% within one week of grade reporting. This includes essays. Essays are returned to students with a grading sheet indicating what requirements of the essay were not awarded points.

40% - QUIZZES - Daily reading quizzes based on the previous night’s reading or other material previously covered.

  • 7 minutes to complete a quiz. Expect a quiz every day.
  • If you take notes on your reading you may use them during your quiz.

Students will have the opportunity to improve their grade on a quiz within one week of taking the quiz.

  • READING and lots of it. Expect an average of 25-30 pages of reading per homework assignment.
  • Attending class alone cannot possibly prepare the student for success on the AP exam or in the course.
  • You will encounter vocabulary that you may never have encountered before. If you do not know a word, look it up!