Follett Destiny – Printing a list of Patron Barcodes
Currently, Destiny does not allow you to enter a list of barcode numbers to print a specific group of patron barcodes. Here is a rather round-about way to get it done:
Step 1: Set up a “Temporary Patron” Patron type
Ø Go to Back Office – Library policies and click on the New Patron Type icon
Ø Enter the type name “Temporary Patron.” You do not need to set any of the circulation / fines / etc. options because this type will only be assigned temporarily (as the name implies).
Ø Click Save
Ø NOTE: After you’ve set up the Temporary Patron type, you need never do Step 1 again!
Step 2: Create a barcode list in a text file
In this step, you will create a text-document list of the numbers to be printed.
Ø Create a blank text document on your desktop – name it something memorable (Temporary patrons works for me)
Ø Scan or type in the barcode numbers that you want to print
Ø Save and close the document.
Step 3: Batch-edit the selected patron records
In this step, you will change the patrons’ whose barcodes you need to print to the patron type created in step 1.
Ø Go to Back Office – Update Patrons – Batch Update
Ø For every patron in the file or list, change the existing Patron Type to Temporary Patron
Ø Click Browse and locate the file you created in step 2.
Ø Click Update
Step 4: Print those barcode labels!
Ø Go to Back Office – Reports – Patrons
Ø Click Barcode Labels
Ø Print Used Patron Barcode
o Select by Patron name
o Un-check all patron types except Temporary Patron Type
o Check the box next to “Barcode Number” if you want the number printed along with the barcode itself
o Select your label stock and set your printer offsets
Ø Click Run Report
Ø Go to the Job Manager and print the labels as per usual
The Final Step: Change the patron type back to “Student”
Ø Go to Back Office – Update Patrons – Global Update
Ø For every patron...
o Whose Patron Type is Temporary patron
o Change Patron Type to Student (or whatever applies)
It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. After a couple of run-throughs, you’ll be able to knock these out in