
Topic/Theme: Timeframe:


What do my students need so they can learn and experience success?
What pre-assessment might be helpful at this point?


What are the BIG IDEAS of this learning focus?
What essential questions will scaffold my students’ emerging understandings?
LEARNING STANDARDS: CONTENT: List the specific Content Learning Standards and then, for each one, ‘unpack’ what students will KNOW using ‘I can’ statements… / LEARNING STANDARDS: CURRICULAR COMPETENCIES: List the specific Curricular Competencies and then, for each one, ‘unpack’ what students will DO (skills, strategies, process) using ‘I can’ statements…
CORE COMPETENCIES that will be amplified in this learning sequence:
(Core Competencies: Thinking (Creative/Critical), Communication, Personal/Social (Positive Personal/Cultural Identity, Personal Awareness/Responsibility, Social Awareness/Responsibility)
ABORIGINAL PERSPECTIVES, KNOWLEDGE & WAYS OF KNOWING (e.g. First Peoples Principles of Learning) are acknowledged, honored and/or integrated in this learning sequence by:


Intended Learning / Evidence of Student Learning
Assessment strategies (F or S)*
Documentation of learning
Key criteria for quality work / Teaching & Learning Tasks
Logistics (procedures, strategies, routines), Configurations (Teacher is doing, students are doing) / Resources
(Texts^ and supplies)
Est. # lessons / Learning Focus
List relevant ‘I can..’ statements

* F= formative assessment , S= summative assessment

^Texts = ways that information might be represented(written, auditory, visual, concrete/tactile (e.g. an artifact), oral, symbolic (numbers, symbols, codes), multi-media etc.)

LEARNING SEQUENCE ANALYSIS: Is this learning sequence accessible for my diverse learners?

Using this chart as a guide, create a detailed inventory of the teaching/learning strategies that are proactively integrated into your learning sequence to promote and enable learner accessibility for your students. For each strategy listed, briefly explain how it will enhance accessibility for your students. Use the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) handout and refer to the Key Questions and UDL Guidelines to identify possible inventory elements.

Providing multiple means of ENGAGEMENT
How did I tap into my students’ interest, offer appropriate challenges and increase motivation?
What other strategies could I use? Why?
Providing multiple means of REPRESENTATION
How did I help students interact with the ideas they encounter?
What other strategies could I use? Why?
Providing multiple means of EXPRESSION
How did I provide students with alternatives for demonstrating what they know?
What other strategies could I use? Why?

OVERVIEW: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Theory / Affective Networks
How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. / Recognition Networks
How we gather information and categorize what we experience (by seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, doing etc.). / Strategic Networks
How we organize our ideas, plan and perform tasks.
Principles / Stimulate interest and motivation for learning by…
Providing multiple means of
Goal: develop purposeful, motivated learners / Present information and content in different ways by…
Providing multiple means of
Goal: develop resourceful, knowledgeable learners / Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know by…
Providing multiple means of
Goal: develop strategic, goal-directed learners
Key Questions / How can I tap into my students’ interests, offer appropriate challenges, increase motivation?
Does the learning experience provide options that engage and interest all learners?
Does the learning experience provide options that can help all learners regulate their own learning?
Does the learning experience provide options that help all learners sustain effort and motivation?
/ How will I help students interact with the ideas they encounter?
Does the information provide options that help all learners perceive what needs to be learned?
Does the information provide options that help all learners understand the symbols and expressions?
Does the information provide options that help all learners reach higher levels of comprehension and understanding?
/ How will I provide students with alternatives for demonstrating what they know?
Does the learning experience provide options that help all learners physically respond?
Does the learning experience provide options that help all students act strategically?
Does the learning experience provide options that help all students express themselves fluently?