NOTE: Existing housing units are defined as units that already exist on the proposal selection date and that substantially comply with the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) on that date. Existing units must fully comply with the HQS before execution of the HAP Contract.

Name of Development:
Development Address:
Owner/Sponsor’s Name:
Owner/Sponsor’s Address:
Contact Phone #:
Email Address:


  1. 25% Cap Information: Assistance may not be provided in more than the greater of 25 units or 25 percent of the units in a project unless the units are exclusively for elderly families or the units are for households eligible for supportive services available to all families receiving PBV at the project. Provide the following information below:
  • Total number of units in development/project:
  • Total number of MSHDA/PBV units:
  • Total number of units eligible to receive supportive services:
  • Total number of units exclusively for elderly families?
  1. Accessible Units - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 requirements apply toall housing projects. Provide the following:
  • Total number of proposed PBV units with mobility features in the development

(Minimum of 5% or 1):

  • Total number of proposed PBVunits with hearing/visual features in the Development

(Minimum of 2% or 1 additional unit):

NOTE:In the event that that there are no accessible or v/h units; documentation must be provided that has been approved by MSHDA Legal Staff to support undue financial and/or administrative burden for developments constructed prior to June 2, 1988.


The PHA may not select a proposal for existing housing on a site or enter into an Agreement (AHAP) or HAP contract for units on the site unless the PHA has determined that the selected site is consistent with the HUD statutory requirement of the deconcentrating of poverty and the expanding housing and economic opportunities.

Provide a narrative belowfor each of the items listed below; and attach source documentation when necessary to support the response provided. If an item does not apply indicate with N/A and explain why.

  1. Is the census tract in which the proposed Development/Units will be located; in or adjacent to a HUD-designated Enterprise Zone, Economic Community, or Renewal Community?
  1. Is the PBV development/units located in a census tract where the concentration of assisted units will be or has decreased as a result of public housing demolition?
  1. Is the census tract where the proposed PBV development/units is located; undergoing significant revitalization? If so, explain.
  1. Will state, local, or federal dollars be invested in the area that has assisted in achievement of the statutory requirement in the de-concentration of poverty by the expansion of housing and economic opportunities?
  1. Is there new market rate units being developed within the same neighborhood as the PBV development/units? If so, what isthe likelihood that such market rate units will positively impact the poverty rate in the area?
  1. Is the poverty rate in the area where the proposed PBV development/units will be located greater than 20%? If so,has there been a decline in the overall poverty rate in the census tract in the last 5 years?
  1. Will there be meaningful opportunities within the census tract which will provide educational and economic advancement for the target populations residing in the PBV units?
  1. Is the site adequate in size, exposure and contour to accommodate the number and type of units proposed, and adequate utilities (water, sewer, gas, and electricity) and streets must be available to service the site?
  1. Is the site so located that travel time and cost via public transportation or private automobile, from the neighborhood to place of employment providing a range of jobs for lower-income workers, is not excessive.
  1. Provide a location map outlining accessibility to social, recreational, educational, commercial, health facilities and municipal facilities that provide services and employment opportunities to target population.

Note:MSHDA/HUD subsidy layering is not required for Existing Developments.

MSHDA/PBV 102 - Project Proposal - Existing Projects (6-23-2017) Previous Versions ObsoletePage 1 of 2