


  1. Applicant details

First Name / Last Name
Gender M/ F / Nationality / Contact email
Home Address / Contact Home Phone
  1. Research Details

Home Institution associated with research (University or organisation) / Faculty Name
Supervisor/ Faculty contact name / Supervisor contact email
  1. Proposed Research Details

Field of Study / Research Title
Research Funding
Source / Host University/Institution /Organisation
(in Solomon Islands) / Contact details of Solomon Islands Host University/ Institution /Organisation
Length of project (days, months or years) / Proposed start date / Proposed finished date
Intended location/s in Solomon Islands to
conduct research Province/s, town/s, villages, ocean etc
Overview of Research Synopsis (summary only, less than 50 words) (please attach full proposal)
  • Main points only

  1. Additional Researchers

How many people will be conducting this research ?

Please include list of name of any additional research personnel who will be conducting this research (attach list if needed)

First Name / Last Name / Gender M/ F / Nationality
Methodology of

Indicate if this research will use ☐Filming ☐ Recording ☐Photography Other

☐Collecting samples If samples tick ☐ live ☐ dead

Is this research likely to result in sensitive information ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐Unsure

This research be accessing children or vulnerable person/s ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐Unsure

This research will be accessing plant or animal life ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐Unsure

If yes, to any of the above please attach details of all protection measures to be applied

*Note that all person/s who may be directly involved with vulnerable persons must include have a police clearance from home country

  1. Logistics in Solomon Islands

Details of accommodation and travel arrangementsin Solomon Islands (Detailed logistics can bee attached)
  1. Research Results

Detail how, when and with whom the research results be used and results/data shared?
List the benefits of this research to the Solomon Islands
Detail how, when and with whom the research results be shared directly with relevant people in the Solomon Islands prior to leaving the country.

*Note: A copy of the final report, paper and results must be submitted to

Please attach Curriculum Vitae ☐Research Proposal ☐

I understand the Principles and Values of Academic Integrity in Research and am obliged to comply with the Research Act 1982 during the entirety of this research.

I agree to provide a final draft report for approval prior to publication.

I am aware that any approval for the research activity will be immediately be withdrawn and the activity terminated if I engage in any misconduct while undertaking thisresearch.

I am aware that if my action contravenes the law, I may also be liable for prosecution.

Applicant’s Signature Date

Supervisor’s SignatureDate

Please send all correspondence relating to research in the Solomon Islands to