Church Planting Bibliography

Resources with the Library of Congress call number are located at the Bethel College library.

Allen, Roland. Missionary Methods, St. Paul's or Ours? Grand Rapids,

MI: William B. Eerdmands Publishing Company, 1962. BV 2110 .A5 1962

______, The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes Which Hinder It.

Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmands Publishing Company, 1962.

Amberson, Talmadge R. Birth of Churches: The Biblical Basis for Church Planting.

Nashville, Broadman Press, 1979.

Arn, Win, Carroll Myquist, and Charles Arn. Who Cares About Love. Pasadena, Church

Growth Press, 1986.

Apeh, John E.. Social Structure and Church Planting. Shippensburg, PA: Companion

Press. Bailey, Keith M., ed., 1989.

______, The Church Planter's Manual. Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications. Bakke,

Ray, 1981.

______, The Urban Christian. Downers Grove, Il: IVP, 1987.

Arn, Win and Charles Arn. "Are You Ready for the Age Wave?" Growing Churches.

Nashville, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, April-June,

1991. p. 43.

______. The Master's Plan: For Making Disciples. Pasadena, Church Growth Press,


Associated Press Dispatch. "Church Lacks Hold Over Baby Boomers," The Chicago

Tribune. June 5, 1992.

Barna, George. Marketing The Church: What They Never Taught You About Church

Growth. Colorado Springs, NavPress, 1988. BV 652 .B33 1988

______. "The Barna Research Report" The Barna Goup. Glendale, 1987.

______. The Frog in the Kettle: What Christians Need to Know About Life in the Year

2000. Ventura, Regal Books, 1990.

______. User Friendly Churches: What Christians Need to Know About Chuches

People Love to go to. Ventura, Regal Books, 1991.

Barna, George and W.P. McKay. Vital Signs. Westchester, Illinois, Good News

Publishers/Crossway Books, 1984.

Brock, Charles. Indigenous Church Planting Nashville, Broadman Press, 1981.

Callahan, Kennon. Twelve Keys to an Effective Church. New Haven, MO., Leader

Publishing Co., 1983. BV 652.25 .C34 1983

Cannistraci, David, The Gift of Apostle. Ventura, Regal Books, 1996. BR 1644 .C34

______Growing New Churches: A Manual for New Congregational

Development. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 1992.

Chafin, Kenneth. Help! I'm a Layman. Waco, Word Publishers, 1966.

Chandler, Russell E. The Kennedy Explosion. Elgin, David C. Cook, 1971.

______. Racing Toward 2001: The Forces Shaping America's Religious Future. Grand

Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. BL 2525 .C44 1992

Chaney, Charles L. Church Planting in America at the end of the Twentieth Century.

Wheaton, Il. Tyndale House Publishers, 1982.

Cho, Paul Y. More Than Numbers. Waco, Word Books, 1984.

Christine, Stuart and Martin Robinson. Planting Tomorrow's Churchs Today: A

Comprehensive Handbook. Tunbridge Wells, Great Britain: Monarch Publications,


Coursey, Claylan. How Churches Can Start Churches. Nairobi, Kenya: Baptist

Publications House, 1984.

Clinard, Gordon. Evangelism: The Cutting Edge. Atlanta, Home Mission Board of the

Southern Baptist Convention, 1973.

Conn, Harvie, M. ed. Planting and Growing Urban Churches: From Dream to Reality.

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1996. BV 637 .P53 1997

Cook, Jerry. "Less Pressure, More Loving," Leadership. Spring, 1984.

Cornell, George W. "Situation Ehtics Still Finding Favor," The Arlington Heights Daily

Herald. May 23, 1992.

Cothen, Joe H. Equipped For Good Work: A Guide for Pastor's. Gretna, LA., Pelican

Publishing Company, 1981. BV 4011 .C65

Criswell, W.A. Criswell's Guidebook For Pastors. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1980. BV 4011 .C74

Dayton, E.R. and D.A. Fraser , Planning Strategies for World Evangelism. Grand Rapids,

MI: Eerdmans, 1990.

Drucker, Peter F. Managing the Non-Profit Organization. New York, Harper Collins,

1990. HD 62.6 .D78 1990

Dudley, Carl S. Making the Small Church Effective. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1993.

Dwyer, Dawn. TeleReach Manual: Using the Telephone to Reach People. Nashville,

Convention Press, 1989.

Dychtwald, Ken. Age Wave. Los Angeles, Jeremy Tarcher, Inc., 1989.

Engel, James and Wilbert Norton. What's Gone Wrong With the Harvest. Grand Rapids,

Zondervan Publishing House, 1975.

Esary, Chuck. "The Challenge of Worshiping in a Growing Church," Growing Churches.

January-February, 1994.

"Facts and Trends." Nashville, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist

Convention, September, 1985.

Faircloth, Samuel D. Church Planting for Reproduction. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book

House, 1991.

Feeney, J.H. Church Planting by the Team Method. International Bible Society.

Anchorage, AK: Abbott Loop Christian Center, 1988.

Flake, Authur. Sunday School Officers and Their Work. Nashville, The Sunday School

Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1928.

Fleisher, Sheryl. New Christian's Class Manual. Atlanta, Injoy Life Publishers, 1990.

Galloway, Dale E. The Tele-Care System. Portland, New Hope Community Church,


Galloway, Dale E. 20/20 Vision. Portland, Scott Publishing Company, 1986.

Gallup, George. Statistical Abstract of the United States. 110th. ed. Washington, D.C.,

U.S. Department of Commerce, 1991.

Gallup, Jr., George. "Religion in America: Approaching the Year 2000," The Princeton

Religious Research Center, Princeton, 1990.

George, Carl F. "Beyond 800" A Church Growth Seminar. Atlanta, The Fuller

Evangelistic Association, May 3-4, 1993.

______. "Beyond 200: A Church Growth Conference. St. Louis, The Fuller

Evangelistic Association, October 16-17, 1993.

______. "Beyond 400: Helping the Middle Size Church Break Through Growth

Barriers" A Church Growth Conference. Indianapolis, The Fuller Evangelistic

Association, October 14-15, 1993.

______. "Outreach Building Bridges to your Community: The Meta-Church Yellow

Zone" A Church Growth Conference. Chicago, The Fuller Evangelistic Association,

February 6-8, 1993.

______. Prepare Your Church for the Future. New York, Revell Publishing, 1991. BV 4400 .G46 1991

George, Carl F. and Robert E. Logan. Leading and Managing Your Church: Effective

Management for the Christian Professional. Tarrytown, New York, Revell Books,

1987. BV 652 .G43 1987

George, Carl F. and Warren Bird. How to Break Growth Barriers. Grand Rapids, Baker

Book House, 1993.

Graham, Thomas. How to Select the Best Church Planters. Evangelical Missions

Quarterly Vol. 23 (1): pp. 70-79, 1987.

Greenway, Roger S. Guidelines for Urban Church Planting. Grand Rapids, MI:Baker

Book House, 1976. BV 637 .DS 1992

______, Discipling the City. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979.

Grigg, Viv. Cry of the Urban Poor. Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1992. BV 2653 .G75 1992

Grubbs, Bruce. Helping A Small Church to Grow. Nashville, Convention Press, 1980.

Hadaway, C. Kirk. Church Growth Principles: Separating Fact from Fiction. Nashville,

Broadman Press, 1991.

______, "Pastor Tenure, Turnover, and Church Growth,: Research Information Report

2:2, 1988.

Hamlin, Judy. The Small Group Leaders Training Course. Colorado Springs, NavPress,


Hartman, Warren and Robert Wilson. The Large Membership Church. Nasvhille,

Discipleship Resources, 1989.

Hassinger, Edward W. and John S. Holik. "Changes in the Number of Rural Churches in

Missouri, 1952-1967," Rural Sociology. September, 1970.

Havlik, John F. The Evangelistic Church. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1976.

Hay, Alexander Rattray. The New Testament Order for Church and Missionary.

Temperley, Argentina: New Testament Missionary Union, 1947.

Henrichsen. Disciples are Made - Not Born. Fullerton, Victor Books, 1979. BV 4501.2 .H374

Hesselgrave, David J. Planting Churches Cross-Culturally: A Guide for Home and

Foreign Missions. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1980.

Hiebert, Paul G. and Eloise Hiebert Meneses. Incarnational Ministry: Planting Churches

in Band, Tribal, Peasant, and Urban Societies. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing

House, 1995. BV 2063 .H463 1995

Hill, Monica, ed. How to Plant Churches. London: MARC Europe, 1984.

Hinton, Keith. Growing Churches Singapore Style: Ministry in an Urban Context.

Robesonia, PA: OMF Publishers, 1988.

Hodges, Melvin L. The Indigenous Church. Springfield, MO: Evangelical Publishing

House, 1953. BV 2082.15 H59

______, A Guide to Church Planting. Chicago: Moody Press,1973.

______, Build My Church. Springfield, MO: Assemblies of God, 1975.

Hogue, C. B. I Want My Church to Grow. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1977.

Hogue, Dean R. and David A. Roozen, eds. Understanding Church Growth and Decline

1950 - 1978. New York, The Pilgrim Press, 1979.

Hunter, Kent. Foundations for Church Growth. New Haven, MO., Leader Publishing Co.,


Jacks, Bob & Betty and Ron Wormser, Sr., Your Home a Lighthouse. Colorado Springs,

NavPress, 1986.

Jaffray, Jr., George R. Explosive Evangelism. MacDill, AFB, Florida, Tyndale Bible

Society, 1972.

Jensen, Ron and Jim Stevens. Dynamics of Church Growth. Grand Rapids, Baker Book

House, 1981.

Johnson, Ron, Joseph W. Hinkle, and Charles M. Lowry. Oikos: A Practical Approach to

Family Evangelism. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1982.

Jones, Ezra E. Strategies for New Churches. New York, Harper and Row, 1976.

______. New Church Development in the Eighties. National Division Board of Global

Ministries, The United Methodist Church, 1976.

Jones, Medford H. "Dynamic Churches Come in all Sizes," Church Growth: State of the

Art. C. Peter Wagner, Win Arn, and Elmer Towns, eds., Wheaton, Tyndale House

Publishers, 1986. BV 652.25 .C496 1986

Kennedy, D. James. Evangelism Explosion. Rev. Ed. Wheaton, Tyndale House

Publishers, 1977. BV 3790 .K46 1996

Kilgore, Robert H. Projecting Community Response to Determine Church Attendance

and Income. Atlanta, Home Misison Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1978.

Licence, Graham Rural Church Planting? Bedford, UK: British Church Growth

Association, 1992.

Lindsay, Homer G. and Jerry Vines. The Miracle of Downtown Jacksonville.

Jacksonville, The First Baptist Church, 1994.

Livingstone, Greg, Planting Churches in Muslim Cities: A Team Approach. Grand

Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1993. BV 2625 .L585 1993

Logan, Robert E. and Jeff Rast International Church Planting Guide. Alta Loma, CA:

Strategic Ministries, Inc., 1988.

Lowery, Jr., James L. Peers, Tents and Owls. New York, Morehouse - Barlow Publishers,


Madsen, Paul O. The Small Church, Valid, Vital, Victorious. Valley Forge, Judson Press,


Martin, Dan. "The Church Growth Questions" Home Missions, S.B.C. Atlanta, 1977.

Maxwell, John C. The Five Levels of Leadership.Atlanta, Injoy Ministries, 1993.

McGavran, Donald A. How Churches Grow: New Frontiers of Mission. New York,

Friendship Press, 1959.

______. Understanding Church Growth. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans Publishing

Company, 1970. BV 652.25 .M293 1990

MacDonald, Gordon M. "Ten Conditions for Church Growth." Leadership, Winter 1983.

Mitchell, Bo. You Can Take It With You. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1990.

Mortensen, Vernon, God Made It Grow: Historical Sketches of TEAM's Church Planting

Work. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1994.

Murren, Doug. "Congregational Climate Control," Ministries Today. July-August, 1989.

Mylander, Charles. Secrets for Growing Churches. San Francisco, Harper and Row,


Neighbour, Jr., Ralph W. Future Church. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1980.

Nevius, John L. Planting and Development of Missionary Churches. Nutley, NJ,

Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1958.

Nikkel, James, Antioch Blueprints: A Manual of Church Planting Information and

Church Growth Strategies. Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches,


Patterson, George, Church Planting Through Obedience Oriented Teaching, a Manual.

South Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1981.

Patterson, George and Richard Scoggins, Church Multiplication Guide: Helping

Churches to Reproduce Locally and Abroad. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library,

1993. BV 652.25 .P36 2002

Peters, George W. A Theology of Church Growth. Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing

House, 1981.

______. Saturation Evangelism. Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1970.

Potter, C. Burtt. The Church Reaching Out. Durham, Moore Publishing Company.

Powell, Paul W. The Nuts and Bolts of Church Growth. Nashville, Broadman Press,


Redford, Jack. Planting New Churches. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1978.

Reiland, Dan. Starting Small Groups In Your Church. Atlanta, Injoy Life Publishers,


Revens, R. Daniel. Always Advancing: Modern Strategies for Chruch Growth. San

Bernardino, Here's Life Publishers, 1984.

Ridley, Charles R. How To Select Church Planters. Pasadena, Fuller Evangelistic

Association, 1988.

Riggs, Charles. Learning to Walk With God. Minneapolis, World Wide Publications,

1988. BV 4501.2 . R545 1986

Robinson, Martin and Stuart Christine. Planting Tomorrow's Churches Today: A

Comprehensive Handbook. Tunbridge Wells, UK: Monarch/BCGA, 1992.

Saarinen, Martin F. The Life Cycle of a Congregation. Washington, DC: The Alban

Institute, 1986.

Sanderson, Leonard. Personal Soul-Winning. Nashville, Convention Press, 1958.

Sawatsky, Ben A. World Class City: Frontier Project Training Manual. Minneapolis,

NM: Evangelical Free Church of America, 1988.

Schaller, Lyle E. Activating the Passive Church: Diagnosis and Treatment. Nasville,

Abingdon, 1981.

______. Assimilating New Members. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1978. BV 52.25 .S33

______. 44 Ways to Increase Church Attendance. Nashville, Abindon Press 1988.

______. "Growing Older and Smaller Verses Growing Younger and Larger" Growing

Churches. Nashville, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention,

April-June, 1991. P. 12.

______. Growing Plans. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1983.

______. Hey, That's Our Church. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1975.

______. "Looking at the Small Church: A Frame of Reference," Christian Ministry.

July, 1977.

______. Looking In the Mirror. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1984.

______. "One Worship Service or Two?" The Parish Paper 9. 1980.

______. The Small Church Is Different. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1982. BV 637.8 .S3 1982

Schuller, Robert H. Your Church Has Real Possibilities. Ventura, G/L Publications,

1974. BV 652 .25 .S35

Shenk, David W. & Ervin R. Stutzman Creating Communities of the Kingdom: New

Testament Models of Church Planting. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1988.

Short, Mark. "Administration in a Small Church," Church Administration Handbook.

Bruce Powers, ed. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1985. BV 652 .C49 1996

Silvoso, Ed, That None Should Perish: How to Reach Entire Cities for Christ Through

Prayer Evangelism. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1994. BV 3793 .S47 1994

Sisemore, John T. Church Growth Through the Sunday School. Nashville, Broadman

Press, 1982.

______, The Ministry of Visitation. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1954. BV1523. V5557

Starr, Timothy. Church Planting: Always in Season. Fellowship of EvangelicalBaptist

Churches of Canada, 1978.

Steffen, Tom A. Phasing Out Your Work: Make A Plan, Not A Crisis. Evangelical

Missions Quarterly. 27(3): 280-285, 1991.

______, Shooting for the Ideal While Working with the Real: Church Planting in the

Philippines. Global Church Growth 29(1): 9, 1992.

______, Leadership: Ten Implications for Cross-Cultural Church Planters. Global

Church Growth 29(4): 5-6, 1992.

______, Planned Phase-out: A Checklist for Cross-Cultural Church Planters. San

Francisco, CA: Austin & Winfield, 1992.

______, Urban-Rural Networks and Strategies. Urban Mission. 10(3):37-42, 1993.

______, "Selecting A Church Planting Model That Works". Missiology: An