Lycée Ben Abdelmalek Ramdane -Staoueli Name: ……………………………………………..

2 AS Lettres & Philosophie

First Term Final Examination (Dec 09)

PART ONE (8pts)

The market place, which was situated at the eastern entrance of the town, got animated once a week. This generally used to happen on Wednesdays. The inhabitants of the neighbouring villages rarely missed an opportunity to come to the place. They used to arrive there in the early hours of the day and there was a continuous flow of people of different ages entering and leaving the spot until late in the afternoon. Those who lived far used to bring with them either horses or donkeys to carry the various items they bought because they usually purchase the amount of food and other things that they used to need at home for the whole week. The market place offered a large variety of goods to the customers.

There used to be fruit, vegetables, cereals, clothes, tools, carpets and countless articles for domestic use. A special ground was allocated for the sale of animals such as cows, sheep, goats and donkeys. Among the public you could see who used to be present there weekly, just to stroll through the thick crowd because they used to enjoy the lively atmosphere around the area. There used to be a lot of excitement where the calls and the shouts of the sellers got mixed with the loud voices of the buyers trying to bargain over the prices.


1) Is the text: a) narrative? b) argumentative? c) descriptive? (1)

2) Give a title to text: (1)


3) Are the following statements True or False? (2)

a) The market opened everyday. ………………….

b) Only the inhabitants of the village came to the market. ……………......

c) Both the old and the young people attended the market. …………......

d) Animals were not allowed into the market place. …………......

4) Answer the following questions according to the text: (3)

a) When was market day?


b) How did some people use to come to the market?


b) What things did people use to buy in the market?



5) What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1)

a) which (§1)...... b) Those (§1) ……………………………………..


1) 6) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1)

a) located (§1) = …………………………….. b) transport (§1) =…………………………………..

2) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1)

a) the same (§1)=/= …………………………… b) hate (§2) =/=……………………….……

3) Ask questions on the underlined words: (1)

a) The inhabitants used to arrive there in the early hours of the day


b) The market place offered a large variety of goods to the customers.


4) Fill in the gaps with the right relative pronoun: who, where, which, whose, when, whom. (1,5)

a) The vegetables……………were sold at the market were fresh.

b) People ……………….. .. went to the market came from different villages.

c) The moment …………..….. most customers left the market was late afternoon.

d) The inhabitants ………...……. village was near the market used to get up early.

c) The market ……………….. people used to buy fruit and vegetables was always animated.

e) The man ………………… most people asked for advice was the village imam.

5) Rewrite sentence “b” so as it means the same as sentence “a”: Use but, used to (1)

a) The market was very far away. The villagers rarely missed an opportunity to go there.

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

a) In the past, people went to the market on foot.

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

6) Complete the following table: (1)

Noun / Verb / Adjective
……………………… / ………………………
Differ / countless

7) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final / s / (1,5)

Animated – missed – lived – mixed – offered – needed

/ t / / / d / / / id /
…………………………...... / …………………………..... / ………………………………

PART TWO: WRITING: Choose one of the following topics. (4)

Write a short paragraph on the following topic:

Topic 1: What did you use to do when you were a child?

Topic 2: What are you going to do in your holidays? Express future intention.














Lycée Ben Abdelmalek Ramdane -Staoueli Name: ……………………………………………..

2 AS Langues Etrangeres

First Term Final Examination (Dec 09)

PART ONE (8pts)

On June 26, 1945, representatives of 50 states signed the United Nations Charter in San Francisco. Since then, it is considered as the planet's most important organisation when wars and conflicts in many parts of the world have demonstrated that our planet has not become a more peaceful place.

Everything must be done to ensure that the United Nations can address the challenges of our time; the obligations of the Security Council, peace missions, and also finding solutions to global problems such as poverty, the population explosion, the destruction of the environment and the Human Rights situations in the world

Despite the problems the United Nations Organisation is facing, it makes a decisive contribution to improving the lives of people all over the world. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), for example, supports over 5000 agricultural, industrial, educational and environmental projects. Due to the efforts of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), 80% of the children in developing countries were vaccinated against diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria and tetanus. As a result of the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), over 60% of adults in poor countries are able to read and write and 80% of the children in these countries now go to school. To put an end to hunger in the world, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has contributed initiatives such as the world food programme to raise people's nutritional and living standards.

Through the achievements and success of the different agencies around the world, a lot more is still to be done for the preservation of world peace and the improvement of people's life.


1) Is the text: a) narrative? b) argumentative? c) expository? (0,5)

2) Give a title to text: (1)


3) Are the following statements True or False? (2)

a) The UN charter was signed in the summer of 1945......

b) Demography is one of the global problems the UN is facing......

c) WHO is an organisation concerned with children's emergency fund......

d) 80% of adults in poor countries go to school thanks to the UNESCO programme......

4) Answer the following questions according to the text: (2)

a) List the great challenges of UNO.



b) Are UNO’s efforts in the field of education positive? Justify your answer.



5) In which paragraph is it mentioned that (0,5)

UN hasn’t succeeded yet in protecting people from wars? ………………………………………...

6) What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1)

a) it (§3)...... b) these countries (§3) ……………………………………..


1) Match words with their synonyms: (1.5)

Address - obligations - improving - projects - hunger - standards

-famine=...... -duties =......

-conditions=...... -making better =......

-face=...... -plans =......

2) Find in the text opposites to the following: (1)

- protection (§ 2)=/=...... -failure (§ 4)=/=......

3) Ask questions with the underlined words: (1.5)

a) The United Nations can address the challenges of our time.


b) The UNDP supports agricultural, industrial, educational and environmental projects.


c) To put an end to hunger, the FAO has contributed many food initiatives.


4) Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word: (1)

children - duty - internet - poverty - peace – scientific

The United Nations Organisation aims at preserving...... between nations and helping

people suffering from...... This organisation's...... is to supply essential

needs to poor people, giving protection and care to...... and raise people's educational,

scientific, economic and living standards.

5) Complete the following table: (1,5)

Noun / Verb / Adjective
………………………... / ………………………………
……………………………… / ////////////////////////////////////////////
human ////////////////////////////////////////////

6) Classify the words according to the pronunciation of their final /S/ (1,5)

challenges - conflicts - problems - standards - planet's – places

/S/ / /Z/ / /IZ/
…………………………...... / …………………………..... / ………………………………

PART TWO: WRITING: Choose one of the following topics. (5 pts)

Topic 1: Complete the following dialogue:

A: Have you seen the news about Sudan?


A: Hundreds of people died and others fled the country.


A: Because of the civil war between the rebellion and the governmental forces.


A: The refugees are suffering from hunger and diseases.

B:...... :......

A: The United Nations have sent them food and medicaments.


A: Yes, UNO has also sent military troops in an attempt to put an end to the war or at least

encourage negotiations between the belligerents.

Write a short paragraph on the following topic:

Topic 2: What did you use to do when you were a child?

Topic 3: What are you going to do in your holidays? Express future intention.














2 H 2ST


Over the last few years more and more people have been buying citimobile electric cars.Why ?There are number of reasons.First the price of petrol.Did you know that fuel coasts for a small conventional car are as high as they are for an electric car? Then there are the servicing coasts .Citimobile electric cars do not need to be serviced as often as conventional cars.They are easy to look after and hardly ever give trouble.And of course there 's afouestion of noise .Electric cars rush much more quietly than other cars.And they don't cause any pollution.

The citimobile has another advantage, too .It's simply ideal for city-driving and shopping .Although it's only falf as long as a conventional small ear-that means no parking problems-therms room inside for two grown-ups and plenty of room of them~still for shopping baskets and bags.

The citimobile is great as a second car .You simply pug it into an ordinary electric socket-it's cheaper at night-and you are ready for 50 happy miles of citimobile driving.A great little car! See your agent for it today!!!!


A/ a- Give a title to the text.

Answer the following question according to the text.

b-Do people drive electric cars in Algeria?

c-What advantages of electric cars are given in the text?

d-Why is the car called citimobile?

e-Is the writer for or against electric cars ? Justify your answer

B/Choose the correct answer. A conventional car means:

a-an old car. b-a classic car. c-a car of the future.

C/What do the underlined words refer to in the text?

They don't cause any pollution.------if s simply ideal for......

D/Give from the text the opposites of the following words.

Difficult / many


A-Put into the passive voice. (4pts)

1-Electric cars will fill our cities.

Our cities......

2-Companies can produce more and more boats.

More and more boats......

3-They use solar energy for their heating system.

Solar energy......

4-They shouldn't throw rubbish everywhere.

B-Give the phonetic transciption of the following words. (2pts)

"paper / / bird / / can't be / / letter /

C-Mark the rising /falling intonation where necessary (1 pt)

There are five types of alternative energies:Solar,wind,biomass and hydroelectric.


Choose either topic A or B.

A-Complete the following dialogue.

A:Have you seen the yesterday documentary?

B:...... ?

A:It was about pollution in big cities „

B:...... ?

A:They say that it is due to factory fumes and car exhausts.

Do you know that there is another kind of pollution?

B:...... ?

A:It is noise pollution.Experiments showed that high frequency sounds can cause cardiovascular diseases and mental illness

B-...... ?

A-Yes, .young people are in great danger of high techno music, MP3 device and

mobiles.But what can we do against the disadvantages of technology?


B-Write a paragraph about the consequences of pollution on our environment.

Lycee BenAbdelmalek Ramdane-Staoueli

Classes: 2 AS Langues Etrangeres

First Term Final Exam (Dec 09)


FIRST TERM EXAM OF ENGLISH SECTION ONE: Read the text then do the following activities.

Sandra Fellici . from Italy, reflects on traditional good manners for varied situations and discusses how manners are changing. She says

I'm filled with childhood memories. When I was five years old. my grandmother, who was the best grandmother in the world, lived with my family. At the time, my lather had a Business, and my mother used to help him. That's why 1 had to spend ail day long with my grandmother. She was very kind and loyal to me. and she would teach me good manners.

Unfortunately, in our society, what we call good manners, or good etiquette, are changing. New-generations are becoming more and more impolite. When i was a child, I used to go out with my parents. I used to stay close to them and behave in an educated way: but kids nowadays make a lot of noise, go everywhere, and are less respectful towards adults.

In my language, we have two different ways of addressing people. One is the intimate second form that is generally used with family members, friends and people of the same age; one is more formal, in which the third person is used to address people. I would use the formal way when 1 addressed elderly people or people 1 didn't know, but young generations are now using the intimate second form everywhere and with everybody

1 think that this behaviour is due to globlisation and to the use of the English language that has only one form, but I don't consider it polite and I cannot get used to these manners.