LocklandLocalSchool District

Minutes - Special Meeting - Board of Education

Monday, June 27, 2011

The LocklandLocalSchool District Board of Education held a special meeting on Monday, June 27, 2011 in Room 152 located across from the Board Office at 210 N. Cooper Ave., Lockland, OH45215. President Terry Gibson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order

Roll Call - Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Opening Exercises – Pledge of Allegiance

*A moment of reflection in memory of Miss Freida Martin, beloved teacher and life-long resident of Lockland School District and Mr. Richard “Dick” Black, LHS Class of 1960, Board Member and resident of Lockland School District. They both will be greatly missed.

RESOLUTION #152 – 6/2011 - Approval - Revision of Agenda

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting with the addition of Item 8 under Superintendent’s Recommendations – Employment of Shannon Aquino, Accounts Payables Coordinator/Internal Auditor.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Treasurer’s Recommendations

RESOLUTION #153 – 6/2011 – Approve Supplemental Appropriations, FY2011

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to approve FY2011 Supplemental Appropriations as presented in Appendix I.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #154 – 6/2011 – Approve Transfers and Advances, FY2011

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve FY2011 Transfers and Advances as presented in Appendix II.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 6/27/2011

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RESOLUTION #155 – 6/2011 – Approve Temporary Appropriations, FY2012

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve FY2012 Temporary Appropriations as presented in Appendix III.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #156 – 6/2011 –Approve OAPSE Master Contract,June 30, 2011 through June 30, 2014

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to approve the Master Contract between the Lockland Board of Education and the Ohio Association of Public School Employees/AFSCME/AFL-CIO and its Local #295 effective, June 30, 2011 through June 30, 2014.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #157 – 6/2011 - Executive Session

Under ORC 121.22 it was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter at 6:42 p.m. the board enter Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of public employees; and preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.


RESOLUTION #158 – 6/2011 – EmployCollege Student Summer Workers, T.Sanders and S.Boeddeker

It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to employ the following college student summer workers effective,June 21, 2011 to August 19, 2011 at a rate of $9.50 per hour, 7 hours per day:

Tariq Sanders Sydney Boeddeker

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 6/27/2011

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RESOLUTION #159 – 6/2011 – Grant Administrative Contracts, M.Kipp, J.Eckert, S.Millburg

It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to grant an administrative contract to the following personnel effective, June 30, 2011 to July 31, 2014:

Michele Kipp, Principal

John Eckert, Principal

Dr. Stace Millburg, Principal

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #160 – 6/2011 – Employ Director of Technology & Development, David Bartoe

It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Strole to employ David Bartoe as the Director of Technology and Development effective, June 30, 2011 through July 31, 2014 at the annual salary of $71,300 for 250 works days per year with the benefits included in an administrator’s contract.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #161 – 6/2011 – Grant Supervisor’s Contracts, Larry Kimmel and Donnie Schilling

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to grant a Supervisor’s Contract of Employment to the following employees effective, June 30, 2011 through July 31, 2014:

Larry Kimmel Donnie Schilling

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #162 – 6/2011 – Grant Continuing Contracts, M.Fritsch,A.Ellis,A.Stewart,S.Thieryoung

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to grant continuing contracts to the following non-teaching, exempt school employees, effective June 30, 2011:

Meredith Fritsch

Alta Ellis

Adam Stewart

Sara Thieryoung

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 6/27/2011

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RESOLUTION #163 – 6/2011 – Grant Superintendent’s Contract, Donna Hubbard

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to grant a Superintendent’s Contract to Donna Hubbard as Superintendent effective, June 30, 2011 to July 31, 2014.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #164 – 6/2011 – Grant Treasurer’s Contract, Larry McDonough

It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to grant a Treasurer’s Contract to Larry McDonough as Treasurer effective, June 30, 2011 to July 31, 2014.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #165 – 6/2011 –Employ Accounts Payables Coor./Internal Auditor, Shannon Aquino

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to employ Shannon Aquino as Accounts Payables Coordinator/Internal Auditor for two days per week, up to six months, at $23.00 per hour effective, July 1, 2011.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #166 – 6/2011 - Adjournment

It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

______Attest ______Approved

*In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting. Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name and address. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes is used. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Persons desiring more time should follow the procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board, present and voting.