City of DeWitt, MICHIGAN
2018 City Hall Engineering and Architecture
Construction of New City Hall/Police Department Facilities
The City of DeWitt is requesting proposals from qualified consulting engineering/architecture firms to provide program management, design and construction phase services for the construction and site improvements for a new 7,500-8,000 square foot City Hall facility. Professional services will include project administration, concept development (minimum 2 concepts), final design, topographic surveying if necessary, preparation of bid ready plans and specifications, bid documents, construction cost estimates, meetings, and assistance to the City of DeWitt until project completion.
Proposals due by 3:00 PM (EST), on December 8, 2017
The City of DeWitt is planning the construction of a new DeWitt City Hall to be located at 414 East Main Street. The new facility will comprise of City Administration offices, Police Department offices and Community Room space. The facility is expected to be comprised of approximately 7,500-8,000 square feet of space.
The selected consultant will provide architectural, engineering and project management during the construction of the new facility.
The selected consultant will be responsible for submitting up to two (2) concept plans for review by City of DeWitt Review Committee. Each concept shall be accompanied by a cost estimate and timeline of construction.
All plans and specifications must be complete and ready to advertise by July 1st, 2018.
A. Building Design Services
1. Consultant will be responsible for creating all drawing/plans necessary for the construction of a new office building for use as the DeWitt City Hall and DeWitt Police Department, including but not limited to building floorplan drawings, site plan drawings, all documentation required for permitting purposes.
2. Develop preliminary schedule for project from design through final as-built drawings. Indicate milestones through project development and associated dates.
3. All plans shall be in compliance with State of Michigan Building Codes, Americans with Disability Act provisions, and any/all other federal, state or local codes.
4. Review preliminary plans, details, specifications, and cost estimates with City stakeholders and make modifications as required.
5. Facilitate up to two (2) public participation meetings with stakeholders of the community. Meeting times will be pre-determined based on scheduling of consultant and stakeholders. The purpose of the meetings will be to receive input from various stakeholders on the design and amenities offered in the building.
6. Consultant will be required to submit two (2) conceptual drawings including cost estimates for each concept
7. Plans shall include architectural drawings, survey, topographic, building elevations, all utility infrastructure, including but not limited to sanitary sewer, water, electric and fiber optic connections.
8. Building design shall accommodate Police Department facilities including but not limited to; vehicle storage, evidence storage, locker room facilities.
9. Building plans shall include space for public meetings, conference room space, staff break room, storage space for documents, community room space.
10. Drawings shall include detailed plans of audio-visual infrastructure. Consultant will be responsible for making recommendations on innovative technologies to incorporate in to the design of the building.
11. Consultant shall provide qualified staff to be on-site, as required, to assist contractor and perform inspections for quality control.
12. Site Improvements will include, parking lot improvements, site lighting, outside security infrastructure and landscaping.
13. Consultant will be required to give regular updates to the DeWitt City Council on the progress of the project. The DeWitt City Council will serve as the Design Committee.
Consultants are encouraged to provide clear, concise proposals that contain only information required responding to the engineering needs of this project, including identification of project team members and similar projects. Consultant shall demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities to complete the project of a new municipal building. Consultant shall include three (3) references of previous Municipal Building design and construction projects.
Submit three (3) hard copies of the proposal and one (1) copy in digital format, preferably .pdf.
Proposals for DeWitt City Hall Engineering/Architectural Services will be addressed to:
Daniel Coss Phone: (517) 669-2441
City Administrator Fax: (517) 669-8211
City of DeWitt Email:
414 East Main Street
DeWitt, Michigan 4882
414 East Main Street
Existing City Hall is adjacent to proposed location. Structures on proposed location were removed in May 2017.