Appendix 2:
Number of Spills/Releases

# of spills, discharges, & releases

Metric Definition

Metric Owner

Jeff Felder

Subject Matter Experts

Jeff Felder

Tom Tisa


One of five components of the ESH Index Metric – To ensure employee safety, compliance to laws, and provide an environment friendly work zone


Total # of chemical and hazardous material incidents

  • # of incidents
  • Includes:
  • All reported spills, discharges, & releases
  • Excludes:
  • Spills, discharges, & releases that are not reported
Metric Creation

Metric Gathering Process

  • Metric is provided by Regulatory Affairs
  • Data point needed for metric – total # of spills for USDO by month

Estimated Time to Create Data Each Month

  • Metric is provided by Regulatory Affairs
  • Metric will be reported monthly, however Regulatory Affairs will only provide the data quarterly, with a one month lag


Total # of incidents


  • Agreed to by Jeff Felder
  • Green - < 10 (YTD 9/02 monthly avg is 12 – target is a 17% improvement from average)
  • Yellow - >= 10 < 12
  • Red - >= 12 (12 is the YTD 9/02 monthly avg)

Drill Down Capabilities

  • Regulatory Affairs has detail by location

Historical Data Availability

  • Metric dates back to 1/1/02
Component Details
Component / Data Source / Drill? / Data Timing and Availability / Historical Retrieval Time / Inclusions/Exclusions / Targets / Calculation
# of spills, discharges, & releases / Self Reported – Regulatory Affairs / By location / Quarterly – one month lag – 5th work day / Metric dates back to 1/1/02 / - Includes all reported incidents
- Excludes incidents that are not reported / See target section / Count of spills, discharges, & releases per month

Drawbacks / Shortcomings of Data

  • Data is self-reported – metric does not include injuries that are not reported
  • Due to self-reporting, the metric will be reported monthly, but submitted to OSG quarterly with a one month lag

Known Plans for Improvement or Other Future Changes

  • None

Miscellaneous Comments

  • None

How will exceptions be analyzed?

  • Questions have to be deferred to the Regulatory Affairs team
Migration Plan to Phase II

Need to upload spreadsheet to common data repository for extraction to electronic dashboard

Effective Date: August 2004Rev. # 1Mandatory  Discretionary 

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