Information Technology Purchasing

The GAIT Service Catalog should be your first source to check and if available, you must buy from the Service Catalog. However, currently there are items outside of the catalog such as toner/printer cartridges, software licenses, flash drives, and external hard drives.

The Order of Precedence for purchasing is…..

1.  Mandatory Statewide Contracts

2.  Agency Contracts

3.  Georgia Correctional Industries or Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services for products designated as mandatory

4.  Convenience Statewide Contracts or Open Market Purchases

Toner/printer cartridges

The Staples Office Supplies Statewide Contract (SWC 090805) has a big list of toner designated as core (mandatory) items. If not, then you need to see if the toner you are looking for is a mandatory product for Georgia Enterprises for Product and Services. If neither of these are applicable, then you need to use the WSCA SWC for Computer Peripherals (SWC 070766)(Dell and HP are on the SWC).

Software Licenses

There is a Statewide Contract for Software with Dell (SWC 070764) that all software should come from. There are a few software items that cannot be purchased from this contract; however, this is rare. You will need to do a Software Install request through the GAIT Service Catalog.

Also, if you buy software that requires maintenance, you will be responsible for the maintenance costs, but you need to coordinate the maintenance through Rhonda Henslee.


There is a Statewide Contract (SWC 080780) for Audio/Video Storage Media/Electronic Storage Devices that includes cd-rs, cd-rws, dvd-rs, and dvd-rws.

Flash Drives, External Hard Drives, Etc….

The WSCA SWC for Computer Peripherals (SWC 070766) has anything you need not mentioned above.

You must use these Statewide Contracts or go through your Purchasing Agent to request a waiver from DOAS State Purchasing. Waivers are rarely granted, so please be prudent prior to starting this process.

Account Numbers to be used….

I T Supplies and Materials / 814000
Computer Supplies and Materials / 814001
Telecommunications Supplies and Materials / 814501
I T Equipment (<$5,000) / 816000
Storage Systems, Peripherals, and Specialized Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816030
Network Hardware and Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816040
Key Telephone Systems and Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816050
PBX Telephone Systems and Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816060
VOIP Telephone Systems and Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816070
Centrex/Business/Other Telephone Equipment $0 to $4,999 / 816080
Mobile Communications Infrastructure Equipment $0 - $4,998 / 816090
Mobile Communication Devices (Cell, PDA, Blackberries, Pagers, Radios) / 816100
Software (Capitalized over $5,000) / 823000
Software - Personal Systems Software / 823001
Software - Server Software / 823010
Software - Mainframe Software / 823020
Software - Network Software / 823040
Software (Not Capitalized under $5,000) / 863000
Software Not Capitalized - Personal Systems Software / 863001
Software Not Capitalized - Server Software / 863010
Software Not Capitalized - Mainframe Software / 863020
Software Not Capitalized - Network Software / 863040
Software Maintenance and Support / 864000
Software Maintenance & Support - Personal Systems Software / 864001
Software Maintenance & Support - Server Software / 864010
Software Maintenance & Support - Mainframe Software / 864020
Software Maintenance & Support - Network Software / 864040