Worksheet for Batxillerat students
Contents: Reading an article, skimming, scanning, revising past simple and present simple uses and forms, writing a review.
Full name: ______Group: ______Date:______
1. Type this address:
2. Click on Edició en anglès. Read the article on Trapped in the Ice Shakelton’s Epic Treck and answer these questions:
Before you read the article did you know …?Who Shackelton was?
About some expeditions to Antarctica?
Where the Antarctica is situated?
3. Then read the article written las 19th November 2007 and answer these questions:
After you read the articleWho was the Irish explorer who started the expedition?
What is the name of the exhibition?
What does the exhibition provide to the visitors?
What is the International Polar Year 2007-2008?
4. Read these sections and fill in the chart: AN EPIC… , … ADVENTURE, Shackleton and the Conquest of the South Pole
August 1914Nam of the ship
Men of the ship were forced to…
“they reached their goal in 17 days, after covering almost 1,300km on a journey that including crossing mountains and glaciers on the island” What was the goal?
Ernest Shackleton had taken part in two previous expeditions to Antarctica:
5. Write a review of Ernest Henry Shackleton and his Legendary Expedition to Antarctica. Use more than 100 words. Don’t forget to structure your text: introduction, Development and ending.
TIPS: If you need help while you're doing the activity:
· : to use a dictionary to look up some unknown words.
· Click on other sections to find more interesting information:
6. Hand in this worksheet to your teacher.
a. Answers
3. A. Ernest Henry Shackleton (1874-1922); B. Trapped in the Ice. Shackleton's Legendary Expedition to Antarctica; C. It includes 167 photographs taken by the talented Australian photographer Frank Hurley, and information about the Antarctica, the coldest continent on Earth. D. It is an international programme of scientific research focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic running from March 2007 to March 2009.
4. Chart
August 1914 / The expedition led by Shackleton set off for AntarcticaNam of the ship / Endurance
Men of the ship were forced to… / abandon the Endurance, which was unable to withstand the pressure of the ice
“they reached their goal in 17 days, after covering almost 1,300km on a journey that including crossing mountains and glaciers on the island” What was the goal? / Shackleton decided to take five men with him and head for South Georgia Island (where there were whaling stations) in search of help.
Ernest Shackleton had taken part in two previous expeditions to Antarctica: / Robert F. Scott's 1901 expedition, and another in 1908 led by Shackleton himself
b. Teacher’s notes: students work individually. NEE students may work in pairs. The activity is a complement to a unit of work or can be worked as an extra activity to work on history and culture of English speaking countries.
Title and author / URL / Contents / LevelEdició en anglès: Trapped in the Ice. Portal, Maresme i Associats / / Recognition of article text, past simple, cultural info, present simple / 1st & 2nd Batxillerat
Exercises / Teacher’s notes
Reading an article, skimming & scanning, revising past simple & simple present question- answer, writing a review / Free printable articles, no activities, no answer sheet, no teacher’s guide, online & offline, creation of activities for the reading text
To work on- line find attached the article as a printable version:
dilluns, 19 de novembre de 2007
'Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.' Thus read an announcement placed by the Irish explorer Ernest Henry Shackleton (1874-1922), in search of men to join an expedition with the aim of crossing Antarctica on foot. The expedition was destined to become a great odyssey, an epic story of survival. Shackleton's expedition is remembered in the 'Trapped in the Ice. Shackleton's Legendary Expedition to Antarctica' exhibition, which runs until 24 February 2008 at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona.
Co-sponsored by the Fundació Caixa Catalunya and the American Museum of Natural History in New York, the exhibition includes 167 photographs taken by the talented Australian photographer Frank Hurley, engaged by Shackleton to document the expedition. Hurley masterfully captured beautiful, solitary glacial scenes and the trials and tribulations of the expedition members.
As well as this exceptional photographic material, the exhibition also provides visitors with information about the Antarctica, the coldest continent on Earth, which has become a symbol of international cooperation and environmental protection by means of the Antarctic Treaty (1959) and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991).
The exhibition is within the context of the International Polar Year 2007-2008, an international programme of scientific research focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic running from March 2007 to March 2009.
An Epic…
+ The ship Endurance keeling over.
The expedition led by Shackleton set off for Antarctica in August 1914, a few days before the outbreak of the First World War. Twenty-eight intrepid men made up the crew of the ship Endurance, which, only 160km from the Antarctic Peninsular, became stuck in ice blocks in the Weddell Sea. After ten months adrift, on 27 October 1915, the crew was forced to abandon the Endurance, which was unable to withstand the pressure of the ice. They began a heroic struggle for survival.
+ After four months of unsuccessful attempts, the 22 men who remained on Elephant Island were rescued.
After first setting up camp on the ice, the men took to the sea aboard three lifeboats. After escaping no small number of dangers, they reached Elephant Island in April, 1916. From there, Shackleton decided to take five men with him and head for South Georgia Island (where there were whaling stations) in search of help. Miraculously, they reached their goal in 17 days, after covering almost 1,300km on a journey that including crossing mountains and glaciers on the island. After four months of unsuccessful attempts, the 22 men who remained on Elephant Island were rescued. All safe and sound.
Shackleton and the Conquest of the South Pole
+ Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton.
A man of great determination and gifted with a talent for leadership, Ernest Shackleton had taken part in two previous expeditions to Antarctica: Robert F. Scott's 1901 expedition, and another in 1908 led by Shackleton himself, which got to within 156km of the South Pole. On 14 December 1911, the Norwegian Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach the South Pole. Some thirty days later, the expedition led by Robert F. Scott set off for the South Pole, only to perish on their return journey.