The questions of 2nd English examination for 1st semester.



1.Boşlukları tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) love / good / stand / fond / crazy
B) likes / bad / keen / interested / enjoy
C) hates / good / bear / keen / loves
D) enjoy / likes / hates / prefers / stand

2. Konuşma hangi seçenek ile tamamlanamaz?

A) rude / B) angry
C) bossy / D) easygoing

3. Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) I won the medal
B) I had an injury
C) I grew up in Turkey
D) I got engaged

4. Boşlukları tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) is / has got / is / B) has got / have got / is
C) is / are / has / D) is / has got / are

5. Sorunun doğru cevabını işaretleyiniz.

A) With her sister / B) On the tenth of November
C) To keep fit / D) Two years ago

6. Boşlukları tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) goes / plays / does / B) does / plays / goes
C) go / play / do / D) play / do / go

7. Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) Often / B) Never / C) Usually / D) Always

8. Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

-Where do you ride your bike?

-…………….I didn’t understand.

-Where do you go cycling?

A) Oh, poor you! / B) What a pity!
C) Excuse me? / D) It’s a good idea.

9.Paragrafı tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) Today I went to the park with my mom and our dog, Tarçın. We walked the dog.We had great fun.
B) He called me into his office and shouted badly. I left the office and cried a lot. It was the worst day of my life.
C) Then she got married with a successful engineer after the university and they had two children.
D) The tourists sat on a table and ordered their lunch. They wanted grilled meat and some pasta.

10.Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) I don’t know anything about her.
B) Not bad! It was a little bit tiring.
C) I won a Nobel Prize.
D) Poor you!

11.Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?


- Yes, I ate a sandwich.
A) What did you eat yesterday
B) Do you eat a sandwich
C) Where did you eat a sandwich
D) Did you eat anything yesterday

12. Hangi seçenek yanlış eşleştirilmiştir?


Wrestling / B)
Archery / C)
Ice skating / D)

13. Görsele göre boşluğu tamamlayınız.

A) wrinkles / B) dimples
C) moustache / D) freckles

14. ve 15. Soruları tabloya göre cevaplandırınız.

14. Outdoor Sports başlıklı sütuna hangi seçenek


A) Boxing- Wrestling / B) Judo- Karate
C) Football-Sailing / D) Pilates-Aerobics

15. Yukarıdaki 3 numaralı sütunun başlığı ne olmalıdır?

A) Individual Sports / B) Extreme Sports
C) Pitch / D) Equipments

16.Hangi resim hakkında yanlış bilgi verilmiştir?

She is riding a horse now. / B)
He is kicking a goal.
She is diving. / D)
They are starting to run for the race.

17. Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) On mondays / B) At 6.30 p.m.
C) Every day / D) On 15th December

18. Cümleleri tamamladığımızda hangisi açıkta kalır?

A) missed a shot / B) is raining
C) is sleeping / D) goes

19. Cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

A) eat junk food
B) get up late
C) sleep 10 hours a day
D) train every day

20. Sorunun cevabını işaretleyiniz.

What was the score?

A) Arsenal lost the match three to nil.
B) Manchester United beat Arsenal three to nil.
C) Arsenal defeated Manchester United three to nil.
D) It was three- all draw.

21. 22. 23. ve 24. soruları metne göre cevaplandırınız.

21. Cümleyi yukarıdaki metne göre tamamlayınız.

Kate ______.

A) is taking part in Olympic Games
B) began doing exercises in July to keep fit
C) is under 18 years old so she can’t take part in the race
D) is visiting her aunt in Ankara

22. Hangi sorunun cevabı yoktur?

A) What is a marathon?
B) When does the marathon take place every year?
C) Why did Kate begin doing exercises three months ago?
D) How many athletes can take part in the marathon?

23. Metne göre hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Kate is in Istanbul to watch the marathon.
B) Kate couldn’t take part in the marathon last year.
C) The marathon is an athletic event.
D) Her mother sometimes ran with her.

24. Cevaba ait soru hangi seçenektedir?


- Twice a week.

A) Where is the Istanbul Marathon
B) How did her father take part in the marathon
C) Who can take part in the marathon
D) How many times a week did she run

25. Asağıdaki eşleştirmelerin hangisi yanlıştır?

Sports / Equipments
A) / Boxing / Gloves
B) / Tennis / Racket
C) / Snowboarding / Flippers
D) / Cycling / Bike