Application for ISEEHolistic Certification Programs

Application Fee: $25. Non-refundable.

Please see page 2 for accepted payment methods.

Please complete both pages and return

Contact Details:

Full Name:


City, State, Zip:


Phone: (If more than one number, please indicate preferred number to contact you)

  • Mobile:
  • Work:
  • Home:

Program applying for:

____ Holistic Sex Educator

____Holistic Sex Therapy Education Training

Enter month and year that you plan to start the program, if known: ___/____

Educational Status: (please mark one):

  1. _____Associate Degree. in (please list school and field of study):
  1. _____B.A. or B.S. in (please list school and field of study):
  1. _____M.A. or M.S. in (please list school and field of study):
  1. _____ Ed.D., PsyD., PhD/doctoral level degree in (please list school and field of study):
  1. Other relevant experience: (work experience, certifications, licenses, etc.)

Payment information:

Please do not submit this form before you have spoken to someone at ISEE and have been told that you are eligible to apply. There is a non-refundable $25 application fee due with this form.(continued on page 2)

Payment information, cont’d

Online with Credit Card

You can pay your application fee with a credit card online at the Certificate Programs page, here:

By Check

Make checks payable toInstitute for Sexuality Education & Enlightenment or ISEE

PO Box 745, Canton, CT 06019, Attention: Erica Nickerson

Credit Card Payment by Phone

Please call us at 860-384-0432 for payment processing.

Program Costs:

Holistic Sex Educator Certificate: $6500

Holistic Sex Therapist Education Program: $4800

ISEE offers a payment plan that allows for monthly payments for either 12 or 18 months. Please inquire for more specific details if you are interested by emailing

* ISEE is an approved institutional provider of educational and training hours by the American Association for Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. All educational hours and training hours are directly applicable toward AASECT certification*, but they do not constitute a guarantee of your certification with AASECT.