Literacy and Language

Literacy and Language

This test should be done after Literacy and Language Year 2, Unit 2 has been taught as it covers the grammar and punctuationconcepts of the National Curriculum Grammar Appendix covered in Units 1 and 2 of Literacy and Language, plus vocabulary. In addition some grammar and punctuation concepts from Year 1 of the National Curriculum Grammar Appendix are included.

It will start to familiarize children with the type of questions they will eventually meet in the English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test in Year 6 and provide you with information about how well children understand the concepts being tested.

The Test is a Word file so you can customize it should you wish your children to have more practice on certain areas of grammar, punctuation or vocabulary.

Year 2 Test 1 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary



12 Questions in total

You have 20 minutes to answer these questions.

1. Circle all the nouns in these sentences.

The dog ate the bone.

The pencil fell off the table.

The bowl is full of apples, pears and peaches.

2. Underline the verbs in these sentences.

A horse gallops fast.

I run to the shops.

The girl brushes her hair.

3.Circle all the adjectives in these sentences.

The little pencil is in the case.

I like juicy oranges and sour lemons.

4.Circle the correct plural for each word





5. Add -ed or -ing to the verbs in these sentences to make them make sense.

I help_____ my friends.

I am climb_____ the tree.

The boy knock_____ over a glass.

6.Add the correct suffix to the words in bold to turn them into nouns.

Choose from: -er or -ness

My teach______showed me where to sit.

You must always treat animals with kind______.

Sam was the best play______on the pitch.

7. Circle the words that make a new word when un- is added.
For example, adding un-to the word well makes a new word: unwell.

pretty fair happy fast tie

8. Draw lines to match these sentences to the correct punctuation mark.

Where is my book

I love ice-cream

I like playing with my friends

9. The suffixes -ful, -less, -ment and -ness have been added to these words. Tick which of the words are correct.







10.Add commas in this sentences.

My mum bought a magazine a pen and a book.

11.Complete the table with words you can use
to compare things.

more / most
big / bigger / biggest

12.Rewrite the sentence with the correctpunctuation.

do you like my game.


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