1. Elusive – adj. Tending to avoid perception; difficult to define or describe

a)Synonyms: indefinable, hard to pin down, subtle, vague, mysterious, obscure

b)Antonyms: attracting, encountering, confronting, facing

2. Efface – v. to erase; wipe out

a)Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate, destroy, eradicate, wear away, smooth away

b)Antonyms: allow, approve, arrange, uphold

3. Taciturn – adj. habitually untalkative

a)Synonyms: silent, reserved, aloof, cold, distant, quiet innovative

b)Antonyms: talkative, outgoing

4. Ameliorate – v. make easier or become better; improve.

a)Synonyms: improve, upgrade, restructure, revolutionize, remodel, amend, alleviate

b)Antonyms: worsen

5. Acquiesce – v. consent; comply

a)Synonyms: agree, accept, consent, comply, assent, submit

b)Antonyms: disagree, protest

6. Atrophy – n. the wasting away of tissue, organs, or the entire body

a)Synonyms: waste away, waste, wither, weaken, degenerate, deteriorate

b)Antonym: flourish

7. Dubious: adj. causing doubt or uncertainty (The candidate has a dubious (questionable) past.) or v. uncertain, unsure (He was dubious about his decision.)

a)Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, unconvinced, undecided, hesitant

b)Antonym: decided

c)Language Link:

  1. “Dudar”- “to doubt” as in “Sin duda” which means “without a doubt”
  2. Etymology: “du” means 2, as in “duo”…Dubious means being of 2 minds.

8. Flagrant – adj. extremely or deliberately conspicuous; shocking

a)Synonyms: blatant, obvious, deliberate, blazon, unashamed, overt

b)Antonym: inconspicuous

9.Concise – adj. expressing much in few words; clear and to the point

a)Synonyms: brief, short, to the point, succinct, summarizing, short and snappy

b)Antonyms: wordy, lengthy, long, redundant

c)Language Link:

  1. “Con” = “with” or “together”
  2. “Cis” from Latingcaederewhich means “to cut,” “to shorten”


10. Immutable – adj. not subject or susceptible to change

a)Synonyms: unchallengeable, indisputable, undeniable, incontrovertible, fixed

b)Antonyms: alterable, flexible, changeable

11. Static – adj. having no motion; at rest

a)Synonyms: still, stationary, motionless, stagnant, inactive, inert, unchanging

b)Antonyms: mobile, moving, active, continuous

12. Credulous – adj. disposed to believe too readily; gullible

a)Synonyms: gullible, naïve, trusting, unsuspecting, innocent, unquestioning

b)Antonyms: shrewd, guilty


  1. “Creder” – Latin – “to believe”
  2. “-ous” – suffix – “full of”

d)Language Link:

  1. “Creer” (“to believe” in Spanish) also comes from “creder”

13. Blasphemy – n. a contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God; claiming to be a God

a)Synonyms: profanity, sacrilege, irreverence, wickedness, swear word, cussing, abuse

b)Antonym: piety

14. Coalesce – v. to grow or form together; to fuse, to unite

a)Synonyms: join, mix, blend, stick, unite, combine

b)Antonyms: divide, break apart, separate


  1. “Co-“, “Com-“, and “Con-“ all mean “together with”

15. Lax – adj. careless, not diligent, relaxed

a)Synonyms: negligent, lenient, relaxed, sloppy, laidback, lazy

b)Antonym: strict, demanding

16. Cryptic - adj. having an ambiguous or hidden meaning; mystifying; tending to camouflage or conceal

a)Synonyms: hidden, mysterious, obscure, encoded, puzzling, secret

b)Antonym: obvious, straightforward

17. Levity – n. the state of being light; a light manner or attitude

a)Synonyms: flippancy, humor, jokiness, lightheartedness, cheerfulness, lightness

b)Antonym: gravity, serious, solemn

18. Ambivalent – adj. having mixed feelings

a)Synonyms: hazy, doubtful, dubious, questionable, unsure, undecided

b)Antonym: clear, distinct, decisive


19. Innate – adj. possessed at birth; inborn; natural instinct

a)Synonyms: native, natural, inherited, inborn, instinctive, inherent

b)Antonyms: acquired, learned


  1. “NAT,” as in natural or nature, comes from Latin
  2. “Nasci” – to be born

d)Language Link:

  1. Spanish: “Nacer” – “to be born”

20. Sycophant – n. a person who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people; suck-up

a)Synonyms: brownnoser, minion, yes-man, groupie, flatterer, teacher’s pet

b)Antonyms: aloof, cool, disinterested, proud